Jimin: Encephalitis

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requests by v4l3nt1n42005 and Jikookminbae

neither asked for this chapter in particular. i kinda made two kinda vague requests/already written requests into something. sorry if its not what you were hoping for.

i wasnt gonna upload this but NerdyCookie01 and LittleSpoonSebastian wanted me to so thanks lmao


Jimin's POV -

For the past two days, I've had the most lousiest flu. I feel so headachy and tired, and my body is burning with a massive fever. I thought that it would finally be breaking, but, as each day passes, I've been getting worse and worse. My stomach is starting to hurt pretty badly, but I'm yet to be sick. My joints feel sore, and my legs are really weak when I try to stand up.

I usually share a room with Hoseok, but he's currently at home with his family - since we're on break. Only him and Seokjin have gone home so far, and the rest of us are going next week. Since I've been sick, Jungkook has been sleeping with me, making sure I'm okay.

The only thing I'm really 'worried' about is my breathing. I know it's because of the fever, but my breathing is really fast, and my chest is all raspy. If I had a cough, then I would believe I have a chest infection.

In the morning, I wake up feeling even worse than ever. My whole body is aching. I try to roll myself over, but my body doesn't seem to be working. My legs are pretty much useless. I start to worry a little more. This isn't normal for a cold.

"Jngk," I manage to stumble out. My voice won't work properly, either. I hear him stir in his bed, but he's not fully woken by my weak voice. "Jngk."

There's a few more moments of silence, then, "Jimin? Did you call me?" Jungkook's voice is thick with sleep, and his morning voice is scratchy. I can't sit myself up to confirm, so I just let out a soft whimper. "What is it, baby? Are you feeling sick?"

"Cn mv," I try to say. I was trying to say 'can't move', but my jaw just won't work. My headache is turning into a nasty migraine, and I can't really see Jungkook when he makes his way over to me.

"What? Are you feeling confused, Jiminie? You're not speaking properly ..."

I don't try to talk anymore. I feel too exhausted. I manage to rest a hand on my forehead, desperate to massage the migraine out, but my fingers aren't working. I give a small whimper of pain, my skin burning my hand.

Jungkook frowns softly, and takes my arm. "You have a rash, hyung." He pulls the blanket off me, and lifts my shirt. He doesn't say if there's a rash on my tummy, but he takes my empty water glass, and presses it gently to my skin. I whimper again at the cold, but Jungkook just keeps frowning. "It won't go, hyung. Isn't that meningitis?"

Jungkook presses his hand against my forehead, feeling my fever. It feels like my head is going to explode with the pressure behind my eyes. My eyes just won't focus on anything at all.

Jungkook's POV -

"Jimin, look at me," I command.

Jimin's eyes meet mine, but then they start sliding to the side, shaking a little. He seems to be becoming less responsive as the minutes pass. I stand up, wondering if I should bring the others in, or if it's too dangerous to leave him alone. I end up kneeling back down, looking over Jimin's quiet body.

I pull out my phone at the exact same time Jimin whines loudly, his whole body stiffening on the bed. I gasp in shock, not really sure what is happening. Jimin's back is arching hard, his head being thrown back. I quickly whip the blanket off of him, taking in his stiffened, bent legs. He takes in one loud, wheezy breath, before his body starts convulsing hard, his eyes blinking rapidly.

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