Yoongi's Eye Injury

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!! Content Warning: Mentions of Self Harm !!


Yoongi's POV -

Today we have been freed from dance, after Jungkook found a broken pipe under the floor. I thought they would just cart us off somewhere else, but we've just been given a couple days off whilst it's being fixed. With an album coming up, it couldn't come fast enough. I've never felt so achy in all of my life.

There's no real plan here at the dorm. I think everyone just has it in their minds to rest as much as possible, and do things we enjoy. I know Hoseok has been calling his family a lot, since he's been missing them, but I don't feel like calling mine. They usually call me first.

I'm thinking about maybe spending a little more time outside. I rarely offer to leave my room when we have days off, since I like to catch up on my sleep, but the other day, I was looking at myself in the mirror, and saw just how pale I'm getting. I don't even look good. I look sickly. I hate tanning, but I need to put some colour back in me.

Our new dorm has our own swimming pool, which is pretty cool, since I'm not a big fan of swimming publicly. I have no problem with other people, it's just that I'm not a very strong swimmer, and a man in his 20s being unable to swim when there's kids splashing around is really embarrassing. So, maybe I'll spend some time re-teaching myself how to swim properly.


I lie all warm in my bed, already going off the idea of getting up just to go in the cold pool. What does it matter if I'm pale? I don't want to be in the hot sun all day. I want to lie here, and just chill ...

No. I need to get up and actually do something with my free days. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I've fallen into the pool before, and, when I couldn't get myself back up to the top straight away, I panicked, and started to drown. If Namjoon hadn't been there to drag me out, I don't like to think what would have happened. I need to take control.

I get myself up, and get changed into my only pair of swimming shorts. Despite the many years of me owning them, and the amount of times my body has changed, they still fit neatly, and I doubt they'll fall off me. I just need to work up the courage of getting myself in.

I grab a few of my towels, then wrap my dressing gown around me. Since there's no cameras, I don't need to wear a shirt, or a wetsuit. I can just be myself for once.

Except, when I get to the french doors, I freeze up again. I have no fear of swimming, and I know that if I get into the water in my own time, then I won't panic and start drowning. I just feel ... ashamed. That I can't do it already. All the other boys can swim really well. I feel like I'm going to be made fun of for not slouching in my room.

Jimin comes up behind me, and wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Are you going swimming, hyung? Can I join you?"

I instantly nod my head in agreement. Jimin is cheeky, and a joker, but he knows better than to do anything to me in the pool. He knows I can't swim well, and wouldn't take the risk. Him being by my side will be a huge comfort.

He comes back a few minutes later, dressed the same way as me, with his towel hanging around his shoulders. He opens the door for me, and I follow him out. We dump our towels on the deckchairs, then head over to the pool. It's only a small one, but it's enough to do a few laps properly.

Jimin unravels the cover, revealing the light blue water underneath. I shiver at the sight of the drain, but I'll be okay. I don't have to swim near it. I slowly dangle my legs into the shallow end, flinching a little at the cold, whilst Jimin does a dive bomb. I wish I could be brave like that, but I panic when my head goes under.

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