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request by kthcutie :)


Namjoon's POV -

There's plenty of pros and cons to being a celebrity in this day in age. Obviously, the biggest pro is the money. I could have never dreamed of having so much money as a kid. I have too much of it. The more I can give to charity, the better.

Plus, there's the loving and doting fans, who would do anything for us. They're so sweet and loving, and always stick up for us whether we're watching or not. They're the ones who make it all worth it. They're the reason we keep going. I hope they know that. The more I can give back to them, the better.

However, it's not always smiles and happiness. There's so many things that go wrong. All of our information is posted everywhere over the internet. You never get a quiet moment. I can wear a new shirt outside and I'll be trending for days. There's people who hide cameras in our hotel rooms, or try to take pictures of us through the company windows - or even worse, our dorm windows. Any little thing we do is publicised, and is torn apart piece by piece, the media looking for anything that could tear our fame down. It's frightening.

There's times where I don't feel safe in the dorms. No matter how many cameras there are inside and outside of the building, the security patrolling around, and the high walls and barbed fence, people still find a way to get in. They still try to break into the Bangtan dorm.

Sometimes it's fans. They want to see us, which is a little crazy. They'll break in just because they want to see us. If they'll go that far, what will they do once they're inside the dorm? There's people who break in because we have a lot of money, and therefore we own a lot of expensive things that could be sold. It's like a landmine for robbers. They could live their whole lives based on what's in our dorm.

Like I've said, there's been attempts. Many attempts. I don't think we get told about the majority of them. We have so much security surrounding the building, it's not like we really have to know. We keep safe, and that's all that matters. No one has succeeded.



"Hyung, you're trending on Twitter again," Jungkook calls to me, holding up his phone. I try to read his face as I wander over, trying to figure out if it's good or bad that I'm trending on Twitter.

"Why?" I finally ask as I bend over the sofa, peering at his phone. The tag is just my name, and when Jungkook presses it, numerous pictures of my face from the awards show the night before pops up.

I start reading through each one. They first start off by just complimenting me, saying I look really good in that suit and my new haircut is great, but then more posts start to come in, of my hands. I'm aware that hand kinks are certainly a thing, which is what enters my mind first, but then I read the words 'watch', and 'seventy thousand dollars'.

"They're trending ... my watch?" I ask dubiously, opening one of the pictures and zooming into my silver Rolex. "Why? It's a watch?"

"Probably because it's one of the most expensive watches in the world," Jungkook sighs, shutting the app and sliding his phone into his pocket. "You know what some people are like. They think we're just in it for the money."

Jimin comes into the room at that point, holding a basket of laundry. He puts it down as he hears what we're discussing. "Did Sejin tell you what happened last night?"

I shake my head, as does Jungkook. We look at him curiously, as he looks from me to then Jungkook, his face serious.

"Someone tried to break in again, but this time, they actually got super close. They managed to scale the vine on the wall up to Taehyung's room, since his window was open. Security had to taser him the fuck down, and now he's in hospital."

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