Namjoon's Motion Sickness

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request by DogHoopTrainer56 :)


Namjoon's POV -

I snap my bag closed, then look around my room, noting how empty it looks now. The Bangtan team are going on a massive road trip across Korea, heading all the way down to the Jeonnam district up to Goseong. Although I'm used to travelling, I've managed to pick up pretty much everything in my room that I love. I just feel that I'll get bored easily, since I'm the only one who can't drive, and therefore won't get a turn.

Hoseok is the only one of us who isn't really looking forward to the trip, since he gets pretty bad motion sickness. It usually doesn affect him too much in the car, it's usually when we get on a boat - which we will be when we travel to Jeju Island - but when it comes to long car trips, he can suffer. He usually goes all limp and tired instead of throwing up. I hate seeing him so miserable, but he always agrees to these trips without arguing.

I've packed a special sickness bag for him. It's got mints in, to help calm any nausea, and some pain medications and sickness tablets. I've also got some Lucozade, though he doesn't often drink it. I shove it into my bag, which will come into the car with me, so I can give it to him when he needs it.

I go downstairs, where the boys mill back and forth with their cases, picking up other things that they've forgotten. I put my suitcase next to the others, ready to put in the cars, and just next to all of the camping stuff. PDnim got us a huge party tent, which we'll have to set up each night for 14 days in a row (definitely not looking forward to that!), and it can fit something like 12 people.

"Hyung, have you seen my camera bag?" Jungkook calls to no one in particular. He starts lifting up everyone's bags.

Hoseok grabs his hand before he can knock over one of the bags. "It's in the living room, under one of the cushions. I saw it yesterday. Stop moving things."

Jungkook nods and heads into the living room, at the same time Taehyung comes out of the kitchen with spicy ramen. "Taehyung, we already have a bag full of noodles, we don't need any more," I say, trying to take his hands.

He shrugs away from me. "This is my personal stash, for when I want a snack. I like them."
"You don't like spicy food."

"These ones aren't that spicy. Leave me alone, hyung."
Yoongi pats my arm. "Leave him be. You know what Taehyung can be like. Want to help me pack the cars?"

I nod, and pick up the suitcase closest to me. It's Seokjin's, which feels much lighter than mine. Seokjin always travels light. I head towards the car with it, whilst Yoongi follows with his own bag. There's two cars, and we've already been assigned seats, so I load Seokjin's bag into one car, whilst Yoongi puts his into the other car. One car will have 4 people in, and the other will have 3, so that car will have the tent in it, since there will be more space. Yoongi and I go back and forth, until everything is loaded in. Hoseok goes back just to make sure the tent is definitely loaded in.

Finally, we're ready to go, so we make our way down the drive. The camera directors stop us just before the cars, turning the cameras so you can't tell we're outside our home. We make an introduction to the series, which was scripted for us to learn last week. We manage to film it in one shot.

We head to the cars. I sit in the front of the bigger one, and Hoseok climbs into the driver's seat. Jimin and Seokjin sit in the back, already chatting wildly about the games they're going to play on the road. I look over at Hoseok, hoping he won't find this distracting, but it's clear he's not listening. He moves his seat around, trying to find the right spot, then starts to adjust the mirrors and the steering wheel. I almost wish I could do it too, then think about how likely I would be to crash, and shake the thought out of my head.

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