Namjoon Has Appendicitis

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Namjoon's POV -

Early in the morning, I pull on my dance clothes. We go on tour tomorrow, so this is the last day to make sure we well and truly know what we're doing before we perform. Yesterday was the same routine, so my bones are already achy. I look at the time, and sigh. If I don't get ready now, I won't make time for breakfast, and I know I'll need it today. I can already hear all of the boys chattering loudly and laughing downstairs. I pack the rest of my things into my bag, sling it over my shoulder, then head down.

I grab a bowl of cereal from over Jungkook's head, who refuses to duck for me. I bop his head slightly, and manage not to spill the milk, which is pretty good-going for me, as everyone knows just how accident prone I am. He whinges, but by the time I've stepped away, he's resumed his conversation with Jimin.

I sit next to Hoseok. "Hyung, could you go over the dance with me today?"

He nods, nearly shoving a whole piece of toast into his mouth. He says something, but God knows what. I sit and wait patiently as he chews through it, then swallows. "I said I'd be happy to. You're really good, you know what?"

"I wish."

"You are. You have so much passion to learn, I just wish some people could see that."

Yoongi flops into the other seat next to Hoseok. "Uh, where's my compliment?"

Hoseok taps his nose with his spoon, smearing him with jam. For a second, I wonder why the hell he's spreading jam with a spoon, but I'm distracted as Hoseok licks the jam off of Yoongi. Yoongi screams loudly, jolting away from him, though he doesn't look annoyed. Hoseok grins widely, poking his tongue out. "You're as sweet as sugar, hyung."

There's a collective moan around the table at Hoseok's pun, but Seokjin smiles and gives Hoseok a thumbs up. "You learn from the best, just remember that."

I feel a small pain dig in my stomach, but it goes away again just as it appears. I have a mild allergy to lactose, so it's not the biggest deal to me. "You wish you were the best."

Seokjin digs his hands into the cereal, then throws a huge handful at me. They're sticky enough to get stuck in my head and to my clothes. I grab the box, but Yoongi loudly says, "Hey!" in a voice that says 'don't you dare.' I put the box back down, sighing, and stick my tongue out at Seokjin. He responds the same way, but before I can put my tongue away, Hoseok sticks a grain of cereal to it.

"We're late," Jungkook says, looking at his watch. The room is filled with sighs, as we pile the plates and bowls into the sink, put the milk in the fridge and the cereal in the cupboard, and collect our things, ready to go. There's no more conversation.

Don't get me wrong, not even Seokjin nor I hate dance practice. It's brutal, and our bodies never stop aching, but it's just part of the routine. We have fun, making jokes with each other, and helping each other out, and, we're united. At the dorm, we don't see each other too much, not all in the same room together, so it's nice to actually be spending some time together. This morning was a very rare breakfast, as sometimes some skip breakfast, or have it earlier than others. It was good to have some fun before a gruelling tour.

We walk as slowly as we can to the studio, joshing each other down the road. It's a cool day, despite it being summer, and none of us really want to be inside a hot studio for hours on end, and none of us are looking forward to all of the travel that faces us in the upcoming months. I love visiting other countries, but God I hate how long it takes to get to them.

Another cramp runs through my stomach, this time a little lower, in my abdomen. It's a little sharper, enough to make me raise concern, but it's gone again, and I forget about it.

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