Book 5: Chapter 27

Start from the beginning

"Mooney, I—"

"It's going to be alright," Remus assured her, handing her her wand before running into the fight. She was too in shocked to fight along, holding her wand, it felt hot, as if something wanted to come out. Not only that, she shoulder was unbearably burning, she needed to release, she needed to.

Something landed behind her, she turns around to see another familiar face, it was one of Missus Zabini's old husbands. He had a malicious look on his face, licking his bottom lip, she didn't waste any time.

"BOMBARDA!" She exclaimed, blasting the disgusting man into smithereens.

"Nice one, James!" Her attention went to the veil where Harry and Sirius were fighting Lucius, waving a wand wordlessly, the blond's wand was thrown. Another wave, Lucius was thrown back.

"Avada Kedarva!"

Her eyes widened when she heard the spell, she turns to Sirius, "NO!" She screamed at the top if her lungs. The green light was too fast for her to act, it hit him on the chest, setting him back into the veil until no more was the body. "SIRIUS!"

Harry's voice echoed in the whole room. It was at that moment the whole fighting stopped. It was Remus who held Harry back, Finley's ears rang, her mind too fucked to even process what was happening. It was all too fast, she barely had time to breath, her heart was no longer on the floor, it was shattered, pulverised at the events.

"Finley!" It was the last thing Finley heard when she started backing away from the view of the magnificent veil. The veil who took away someone important to her, she ran after Harry who ran after Bellatrix's retreating figure. She didn't care what was going to happen to her, she had her mind set on one thing, only one.

"I killed Sirius Black!" Bellatrix laughs echoed in the empty halls of the Department." You coming to get me?"

"Crucio!" Harry chanted in rage, hitting Bellatrix, hearing her yelp in pain. But it wasn't satisfying to hear at all, wand pointed at the deranged woman, Finley quietly stands behind Harry. Face blank, no emotions of rage came out, it was numbing.

"You've got to mean it, Harry," another sinister voice said. Harry started to feel the pain on his scar, it felt like his head was starting to split. "She killed him, she deserves it."

"You know the spell, Harry."

"Don't listen to him, Harry," Finley's voice snaps Harry for even a slight moment, making her presence known to him. Another smoke came out, now taking form of Voldemort, in the flesh. Bellatrix started to laugh once again.

"Do it."

It was Finley who turned and attempted to get Voldemort's wand away, but in all the same both her and Harry's wand were swiped away.

"So, weak," Voldemort spoke, it was until his eyes fell on Finley that he paused. God forbid that the dark lord was shocked to see the girl whom he knew that he killed not too long ago, was standing in front of his as if nothing happened.

"Surprised to see me Tommy?" Finley mocked, smirking at Voldemort as she used his name. "Thought I was sox feet underground by now and rotting?"

"How are you alive?" Voldemort asked, his eyes narrowed towards her inspecting her.

She no longer replied, her attention was caught by Dumbledore who arrived by floo, stepping out from the green flames. On instinct, she grabs hold of Harry's hand, tugging him farther away from Voldemort whose attention turned to Dumbledore.

"Foolish of you to come out here Tom, the aurora are on their way."

"By which time I would be gone," Voldemort says, getting ready with his wand. "And with you dead!"

"Harry grab your wand!" Finley exclaimed to her brother, grabbing her wand that was a few feet away from her. She sees Bellatrix slide into a floo and disappear in flames, the fight between Dumbledore and Voldemort started with a bang. She flew back from the force of two spells from two powerful wizards, she slid on her back until she hit a wall. Green and red clashing together for dominance, she gripped her wand tightly, the heat from it still evident as well as her aching arm. She hasn't had her release.

"Finley! Over here!" She snaps her gaze towards Harry's calls, he was curled in the corner. Tiles on the said walls were falling off, she ran towards him with her wand raised. "Protego!" She exclaimed, protecting Harry, but with her out if the dome.

"Finley!" Harry exclaimed, unsure why she chose to be outside the protective dome she made. He couldn't see the look on her face, he wished he could see, he wished that could, but he couldn't.

Staring his sister's back, he couldn't hear, he couldn't completely see, he no longer was astonished to see the fire serpent that Voldemort conjured, no longer amazed at Dumbledore drowning the dark lord. He felt utterly... useless.

No, he refused to feel useless.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Finley snapped at him, re activating the protection charm, she was shielding Harry away from the fight. "Get back!"

"Let me stand by you," Harry spoke to her, though quietly, she heard, but she didn't want to listen. "No, get back!"


With another powerful force, both of them fell back, glass shattering all around them, before Harry knew it, he could only hear groans from beside him. He turned to his side to see Finley holding onto her shoulder in pain. In panic, he gently turns her only to pale at the injury she received, glass stuck on to her arm. "Fin—"

"It's okay Harry," she winced, taking off a shard from her arm, holding tightly to prevent the bleeding. Shards started to retreat from where they were, the siblings snapped their attention to the on going fight.  Voldemort who was doing this, sent the shards towards them, Harry being the uninjured one, covered Finley with his body.

Dumbledore did his own magic and started to turn the shards into dust, and yet the impact was enough to exhaust them both.

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