Gym Class

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Head filled with a bunch of reasons of why she's in the hospital. Drugs? Injury? I get out of the house and run over to my house by the time I hung up on mom. I hop into my driver's seat. Grabbing my keys from my backpack, I go into reverse. "Wait! Casey wait for me!" Lex comes running full speed from across the street and hops into the seat next to me. She looked kind of ridiculous with her pyjamas on. I'm so nice to her I know. After a few minutes of silence, she intertwined her one hand with my cold dead one. "Are you okay?" She gives me a sympathetic look while I glue my eyes on the road. "Yeah, sure." I say in monotone because I really don't want to talk about this.
"Please doctor let me just see her for one second!" I plead almost going down on my knees. "Are you family?" He asks pushing his glasses to the top of his nose. "Yes I am for God's sake I'm her twin!" I yell with fury. He has been talking with me for like eternity! The blood in my veins turn warm from the rush of heat going to the tips of my fingers and hands. My brain is pounding from everything I think. "All right ma'am this way please." He leads me through an empty hallway leaving Alexa behind and it sort of reminds me of death. She looks terrified telling by her eyes but she stays strong for me and her own good because she's super, super, super sensitive. The empty hallway smells like soap and plastic. The only sound I hear is the shuffling of my slippers contacting with the perfectly polished floor. Then we stop. I never realized that he already dropped me off at her room. Nodding at the doctor to show him that I'm okay being alone, he gives me the same look and trots away. I look at the door for a good minute and slow my breathing. I am about to see my sister in a hospital bed for God knows what reason but I have to prepare myself because I usually freak out, not that I'm not freaked out already. I open the door giving a small creek and see her sleeping with her hair piled in front of her face. Swearing under my breath remembering not to freak out, I make my way to her until I'm by her side. "Cales? Hey it's me, Casey." Tears fill my eyes very quickly but I blink them away at the right time. She looks so innocent and adorable while she sleeps like a tiny infant. Her small cold hands are fitted right under her jaw, all nice and comfortable. I wonder what she ate. My voice sounds pretty thick as if I'm going to burst out crying any second. I don't want her to see me bawling as soon as her delicate little eyelids flutter open. She'll probably be scared as hell. I'm the one that's scared because shell tell me what she did and how she ended up here in this death feeling place. She never drank ever before and I'm scared. I see that her purple eyeshadow is smudging her face and her hair smells like throw up. Drugs for sure. Behind me I see mom sleeping in her wooden guest chair. Poor woman her back is going to ache later on. On the other chair is her nightclothes that she probably wore to a party. It consists of a purple spaghetti strapped dress and a black leather jacket. I lifted up the dress and there are stain marks and still have little chunks. I have to be honest, but that dress smelled like you took a legit dump mixed with throw up. Gross. The dress's length stops at half way up your thigh so it's pretty damn short. Then I hear a mumble coming from behind me, "Mmmmm..." Caley opens her eyes while rubbing them like nothing happened. I run over to her bed, "Caley? What happened?" I ask for her to give me an explanation. "I don't want to talk about this sis." She drops her head on the massive amount of pillows and fiddles with her hair. "You have to tell me sooner or later your choice." I drawled trying to persuade her to give me the fricken explanation while she groans. "Fine." She mumbled something else under her breath. I make out a few words and it was probably me being too bossy. Hey a girl needs to be demanding sometimes! "Umm let's start with Pete dumping me for you. Then I went to a club and drank tequila until I passed out!" She seems really drunk by slurring her words still but I think it's because she's still recovering. "Caley you never even drank before!" Her hair looks greasy like really greasy. Never in her life has she ever drank. Melissa just forced her to take cigarettes in the ninth grade and now Caley's every day routine consists of smoking. That little Pete. She looks around just noticing the little hospital signs and the heart rate machine beside her. Now I want to punch that little bitch in the face. I ain't gonna spare him ever. Dumping my sister for me, huh? I'll show him right. "Were you guys dating behind my back?" She asks curiously. I'm toast now. As if she read my mind she whispered making sure it's our little secret, "It's okay, I know it's not your fault." She takes my hand and pats it ever so gently. Now come the waterworks. Dripping one by one she grins at me like a complete idiot probably thinking that it's kind of funny to watch me cry. I swat her hand away and turn my back towards her. I'm so tired I can sleep standing up. "I wasn't dating Pete." My voice thick and annoyed. "He kissed me without asking and now I totally hate him because he's probably dating other girls behind your back!" Anger fills in me again like you're filling gas in a car. She stares at the ceiling with a pointed look probably thinking of him. No offence to her but they'd only been dating ever since school started and it's been what? 2 months? I think she's thinking that. Tears well up in her eyes and she pulls me in for a hug. Bawling and yelling words that I can't even understand, Cales is I think sleeping in my lap while I cooed her with comforting words, rubbing her back and feeling the bare skin. I really don't want to comb through her hair, but my hands do it anyway like they weren't really mine. I feel like a mother cradling a child when it's hurt. After the emotional weeping of an unhappy heartbreak, I lighten the mood to asking her, "So are you going to write a million breakup songs like Taylor?" I cock an eyebrow and that earned me a giggle and a shake of a head while she wipes her tears quite harshly. I laughed along too but I'm so tired that I have a yawn with it. "Here, lay down with me." She sits up and moved to her regular spot on the bed and I lay beside her with my hands behind my head. The bed is actually is quite comfortable. In no mood for a sleepover anymore, I text Lex that she should probably go home since school was tomorrow. "How many did you sleep with?" I ask that question out of nowhere but I ask her as a joke. Then she sighs and counts them on her fingers. I didn't mean it seriously! Then she came to her conclusion of, "three or four?" She makes a face showing that her theory is correct. Wow. Three? Four? I can't even deal with just one! Not that I want to do sex with anybody. Probably one of those three or four guys are Pete, because he probably did it when he was going to sneak in her room. From the collar of her hospital gown I see something black on her skin.
"Remove your collar now."
"Umm why?"
She agrees and without any fear, she removed her collar of the shirt and bam! It's a tattoo. "Holy mother!" I screech and lean in on her with me looking closely at her bird tattoo. How many things has she done without my supervision? She probably got it at the club. I heard the one near us has a tattoo artist. Her name was I think Tori? I seriously think that Cales should sort of step away from Melissa because Melissa is already pregnant. Like me and Alexa, her and Cales are besties since like grade 2? Yeah, she doesn't like me at all. One time at the park I was swinging on my favourite equipment the swings, ( we were 6 year olds ) and she came and pushed me until I fell off and broke my arm. That little meany. I still have a shirt cut on my jawline since the ground had wood chips. I so wished that it would be sand. Our house was across the street from our old house so dad never really took us. He'd be a creepy stalker and watch us from the window while drinking vodka. "Do you like it?" She strokes her beautiful bird needled into her delicate skin. I guess so. I mean I won't get one but it does look pleasant with the bird resting on her collarbone. "Yeah but why did you get one?" Giving my nice sly brow she replies, "We got matching ones and plus we played truth or dare." Who's we? Oh. The one and only Melissa. Without any thinking I kiss her on the forehead and I lean back with a deep sigh. She leans in and touches my bruised and ugly looking forehead and kisses it as well. Shutting my heavy and tired eyes, I may have a heard an apology but I was way too tired to even hear it. Maybe it was Caley but I have no idea.

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