Gym Class

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I scream while Pete laughs squirting more water on my face. He stops after 2 more squirts and I give him the death glare. Wrapping my arms around my body protectively while shivering my ass off, I feel my hair, hard as icicles. The ice cold feeling brings up the hair everywhere on my body standing. His grin, that adorable grin, lightens up the mood even though I'm soaked with ice water from a Nerf gun. Deviously when he was chatting off with some slutty girls flirting, I grab the gun still full of water and dump the entire content on top of his head. "Revenge completed!" I yell in his face when those brown eyes squint at me gritting his teeth, I back away slowly like nothing happened. I smile like an idiot when he doesn't chase after me like every romantic movie has. Halfway to where my car was, I decided now was the time to jog just a little faster because he was right behind me. Running running running, I make it towards the car but sadly he was faster tackling me to the grass. "That's what you get for a surprise." Was the last thing before he kissed me hard in the middle of a school yard.
"Really, I thought you were actually going to do something nice for once!" Exasperated I was cold and had the feeling I was getting hypothermia. Pete kept saying I was overreacting way too much and kept shutting my mouth. "The kiss was good enough was it!?" Copying me, he raises one arm using hand gestures and playing with his hair. Blushing I agree. It was a pretty sick kiss but embarrassing at the same time. "All you ever do to me is kiss me." That seemed like a joke to him because his ear to ear grin was plastered on his face, his body shaking with laughter. "Can't resist." Ugh! Why does he have to make me blush all the time? I drive near my neighbourhood where my house is and head over to the nearest coffee shop. Starbucks was right around the corner so I parked in their parking lot heading inside still upset that he had to ruin my favourite blue knit top. "Starbucks? I thought you hated it!" During these brief months, Pete knows me from the inside out, he can read through me like I'm a piece of glass. "I'm actually being nice to you since you're a total white girl and sleep here when nobody knows." Flashing him a smile I order two small hot chocolates for us, but of course when a lady pays for him, he goes nuts. "Can you please cancer the order? I'd like to pay for this young helpless little girl." Mockingly, I shove him playfully making him whimper childishly. "You hurt me."
"Serves you right. You don't have to pay for me all the time you know." Fiddling with my hair annoyed that it's always tangly whenever I let it loose, Pete shakes his head muttering something about girls being way too obsessed with hair these days. "I was raised to be a gentleman, miss bossy pants."
"I'm not bossy!" Crossing my arms over my chest stubbornly, he pays for the hot chocolates heading over to a booth in the far corner where you can see the roads and busy cars. I relax sipping my hot beverage looking out the window. I mean it's starting to melt but I hate it when it's all muddy. Flash backing to one memory, I remember I was reading Harry Potter, a fresh new cover of Order of the Phoenix, and Melissa gracefully pushed it into the mud. We had a mud fight and I shoved some down her mouth. Good memories are real you know. "You all right?" He gently pulls my face towards him with his index fingers. I fake a smile, "Yeah I'm all right." Staring out the window, I know I've been caught of how he way he's looking at me now. "Casey Elizabeth Rempleton you are one, worried about something and two are the most horrible liar I've ever met!" He slams his hand onto the table causing a few teenage girls looking our way. "Seriously nothing is wrong, I've been just wondering about this girl."
"Er.....umm..... Ner....."
"Ner? Huh cool fake name."
"Okay her name is Nerissa." Silence. He stares at me shocked that I know her because I completely cut the eye contact looking either over him or something beside him. "You shouldn't worry about her, she's history. I mean, she probably told you that she dated me but we never did. I only helped her up when she tripped in 4th grade and from then on, she's been nagging me and pretending that her and I were you know, a thing." Makes sense but when she told me, her tone was dead serious. "Oh." Was all I said because I wasn't going to totally agree with him and shoot fire behind her back, bullying. I decide to drop the topic bringing it back on to me being bossy. "I'm not bossy by the way."
"Hell yeah you are! Pete do this! Pete stop being a jerk! No I'm not moving from this chair because I'm bossy!" I smack him hard but not angrily since I was the one who brought the topic up. We laughed cherished our good time at Starbucks and I pretended to drink the hot chocolate because honestly it was revolting. I threw it away in the trash when he wasn't looking. Hehe. "You know Casey, you probably see me as an ass always hanging around popular people but that's not true." He brings his popularity up when we were walking towards the park near my house. We sit on the bench watching the sun set, bringing out our inner serious side. "I know you thought you wanted to drive your head into a wall when you heard my name, but that's not true."
"Why don't you take me to your house?"
"Because you never asked."

Hey everybody! Okay I know this is a really shitty update I'm just so busy and have really little amount of time to write but I'm trying my best because you guys are amazing for voting and commenting! 2.26k already? You guys seriously this is sounding so cheesy but don't blame me I'm fucking happy so don't ruin the moment haha. Read my previous updates and let's get this to 2.3k? Thanks and cyber hug!
Fatima <4

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