Chapter 3

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The delicious smell of chocolate chip pancakes and maple syrup stir under my nose and I bolt awake. Mom is a terrible cook, so I know it's Caley because she loves to bake. When she was little, she got one of those Easy Bake ovens and make her own edible food. I ate one of her brownies and fell right into heaven. She does all the cooking in the house since I'm more like mom.
"Good morning sleepyhead." Lex says in monotone and walks over to me. Her face turns dead serious. "I'm sorry I made you faint. It was all my fault." She sits in the edge of her bed and her shoulders start to shake. Awkward crying moment.
"Hey, it was nothing and look I'm okay now Lex, I forgive you.." She started bawling and rested her head into my shoulder until she was lying beside me. As she was weeping into my shirt, which I didn't mind about, Alexa made out the words "I-I-I'm s-sorry."
"Don't be stupid, you shouldn't be crying because of this. I know you didn't mean it." I was tired of this now. I mean, I don't want to be rude or anything, but I want my chocolate chip pancakes on a sunny bright and happy Saturday. "Stop." After a few minutes her breaths became slower until she took an exhale and wiped away the tears. I check the clock and she's been crying for over an hour. Damn. "Let's get some breakfast, Lex." I grab my crutches and walk to the door and open it to the fresh breeze of chocolate and maple syrup in the air. Ah, the life. My brown hair is a mess so I twist it and pull it in to a top knot. My blue shirt has a wet stain on it, which I'll have to change later, and my white shorts are perfectly wrinkled. This is where it gets complicated. How am I suppose to make my way downstairs? Don't worry Case, you're smart and you won't fall. I kneel down until I'm sitting on my butt and slide down. Bruh. Lex holds my crutches behind me and starts laughing while shaking her head. I smile finally pleased that she's not in the uptight mood. When I make it down, I signal her to give me the sticks and make my way to the most heavenly place on Earth. The kitchen.
"Hey honey, how ya feeling?" Mom trots over and strokes my cheek and kisses my forehead. "Okay, I guess." I just want my breakfast now. As if Caley read my mind, she gave me a plate of pancakes and a warm glass of milk. "Thanks Cales."
"No problem." I swing myself to look at the table and there he is, smiling at me. I smile back and make my way to the table. "How'd you sleep?" He whispered in my ear which gave me goosebumps. He looks at my face hunched over the table with his arms crossed. "I'm fine."
"Hey babe, I need help over here!" Caley does a wave with her hand and he obeys. I can't help but laugh at her. Alexa laughs with me. Caley smiles at Pete while he's trying to find a whisk. Opening every drawer and sighing with mock sadness, Caley kisses him and goes more briefly. I avert my gaze and try to find something interesting to look at. Ah, I know, the window! Birds fighting over a worm for their little chicks and squirrels running up and down the trees. It all looks so calm and natural. Alexa stares down Pete and Caley and smiles. I probably know what she's thinking, being in Caley's shoes. She's been having a crush on Pete since grade school. We met in second grade and she told me about Pete. Her eyes look glossy and wet so I rest my hand on her shoulder.
"It's okay, just keep it together." I give a sympathetic look in her way and she gives a brief nod. I don't know if she means that. I kind of feel bad for her because she's been trying so hard to create a happy fairytale, and Caley gets the guy. Finally, the kissing got less intense and brief. I saw from the corner of my eye, Pete's arms slowly make their way down to Cales' ass and she moves in closer with her hands uncontrollably going up and down his shirt. I look away blushing and ashamed, so I look at my mom. Under her vibrant green eyes, are bags from tiredness. Mom is diabetic and she really needs her sleep. I feel sorry for her and want to walk over to the couch and comfort her. I look at Caley again and this time I feel angry. I clench my fists, leaving marks of my nails on my hands. My face feels hot and my palms are sweaty. I'm tired of being the awkward twin and her getting all the attention. Her being the hottest and having the best ass and perfect, flawless skin. I can name so many things that happened between me and her, I can make a book thick as Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. I think Alexa can see my anger management because she pats my shoulder sympathetically like I did to her, "You should talk to her about how you feel."
"I can't!"
"She's your sister Casey, she'll understand, well when she finishes making out." She looks in their direction but I don't. I know what I have to do and I'm going to plan everything out. Just watch.

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