Gym Class

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Ever since school started, I thought that I'd spend every second, hour, day diving right into my textbooks reading aimlessly over and over again. Now I can't seem to leave Pete anytime but, yet at first, I wanted to tear his guts apart. Even thinking about it presently makes my heart ache. He's tried every single class to get my attention at least to make me laugh by cracking a few jokes for me to hear even though they hurt sometimes. As we pull out of the crowded parking lot I stare out the window at the snow dropping from above and cars slipping on the road every once in a while. Pete, Lex and I decided to head home our own delegate ways but since my best friend and her mother caught tangled in a fight again, she came with me. "OMG Casey that was the most romantic thing I've ever seen in my whole life!" She squeals in her seat shifting around and slapping my shoulder. She had to stop doing that because sooner or later I'm gonna get a fricken bruise. I couldn't help but smile that I was finally taken and he actually did that with me. Gooey and unrealistic as I sound at this very moment, it felt so romantic. Eyes glued on the road, I laugh and take her hand in mine as we drive in silence. Our bags moving in the back, she pulls out her phone and shoves it in my face having no idea that I'm about to experience a horrible yet painful death. "What the fuck get that away from me!" I screech slapping her hand away and instead of understanding like a normal friend, she snorts and does it again. "Ah! Casey this is my new screen saver." I pull a break at a red light and finally snatch the phone away from her hands. She mutters under her breath saying that I'm getting feisty these days like Caley but she deserves it for shoving a phone in my face. Right? There I stare dumbfounded of a picture of my back arched and my lips crashed against his. Even though his face is covered my mine, I can make out a little smile plastered on his face along with people surrounding it making a semicircle. Embarrassment fills my cheeks but she snatched it before I can press delete. "Hey! I have my full rights in deleting that picture you... butt." I'm totally aggravated by this all so I at least get a right. She of course being Alexa, saves it as her screensaver. Guilty, I grin when the green light flashes my eyes and drive in peace blocking her out as best as I could. She could be a pain in the ass but she knows I don't mind, unless I give her the silent treatment. It works all the time whenever I tell her to do something for me. Once, last year I asked her who her "crush" was even though I knew it was Pete but she refused to answer so I gave her the silent treatment for 2 days until she finally gave in. Worked for the past 10 years of our friendship. Checking my phone is a butt load of missed calls from Mom so I better be swift in my driving.
Pulling into the driveway I pull out the keys and head out of the car with my Halloween bag dangling from my wrist. "Text me later. K?" Alexa pulls me in for her hug and I stare straight ahead waiting for the hug to be over since I'm not big on hugging even if it's with my best friend.
"Okay.. I still have Caley to deal with so I'll let you know."
"Oh that might stink. Good luck." She gives me a sympathetic look as we part ways. I wish she came with me but I should handle it on my own because of twin telepathy and a bunch of that shit. "Mom?" I walk in tentatively half expecting to see Caley sitting in the couch watching my every room. She's not anywhere here so probably on FaceTime upstairs or something. Mom won't let her go anywhere after 1:30 in the morning or else she's grounded but that doesn't stop her. I hop up the stairs hearing rock hard music coming from her room. Not interested I roll my eyes and flop into my bed and pull out my textbooks. Flipping through my pages for Chem and Bio, I read also physics. A good 3 hours passed until I'm ready to confront her and tell her the truth and everything. Mentally making key notes of how to start my part of the conversation, I give 3 gentle but not light knocks hearing seconds after, a muffled 'come in' from the other side of the door. Walking in, the window is open with a cigarette hanging loosely on the edge of her mouth. Surprisingly, she's studying physics too. Caley looks as the same as yesterday but she looks more thin than last time yet everything looks normal. "What do you want?" Her monotone voice fills the already cold room. I have tears ready to burst but I ignore them like always. Sitting on the edge of her bed, I grip her pink comforter until my knuckles go completely white. This is harder than I really thought it would be. Should I start with an apology or an explanation? Should I hug her now or after? "Before you kick me out, I'm sorry; I don't know how many times I have to tell you." Nothing but a snicker covers her face but it's not a nice snicker. "Why didn't you just tell me that you liked him this whole time? At the hospital you seemed completely aware that he dumped me yet you date him now?" She looks heartbroken and torn apart. I couldn't help myself that she looked really hurt and I'm correct. She looks pained but I pull through eventually until it scares her when I'm staring for too long. "I already said I'm sorry Caley.. I did something completely horrible and yeah.." I seemed to be crying now because Caley's face isn't a horrible disgusted look but a sympathetic and hurt look. "You know I want to forgive you now and I know you're a good sister but it's going to take some time because you really hurt me..." She drawled not finishing her sentence because I tackle her down in a sister sister hug. I'm so relieved that I let the truth out and she starts laughing and crying at the same time. Oh my god I've never been so relieved. "Casey you can get off now. You're lacking the amount of oxygen I have right now and I got out of hospital days ago.." She coughs dramatically which makes her to laugh at her own joke but I laugh with her anyway even though it wasn't that hilarious. I sit up then and roughly wiping the tears away from my pale ugly grotesque looking face. Staring at me intensely yet with happiness, "Don't do that again bitch or else I'll fucking beat you." She adds with a grin which makes me grin and at last I kiss her on the forehead for answering that question, stand wiping the non existence dust off my new Harry Potter sweater. "Okay so you're coming to the Halloween party right?" I question hoping that she'll give in and say yes. She's my sister and I love and cherish the moments we always had in the past to the present. I love her and always until my very last breath. Wow that just got really deep. "Umm... I don't know Casey, you know Pete will be there and I don't want to be there with no date." I think for a moment with my hands landing on my hips. She wants a date but I have no idea what I should do. "Hey I'll text Pete not to come so we can have some sister sister bonding time if you know what I mean." I wriggle my eyebrows giving her a childish grin, but she looks angry all of a sudden, "Come on Casey don't do that."
"Why not? I haven't spent a whole lot of time with you even before school started." I challenge her with my grin still plastered on my face looking like an idiot. After a few minutes of thinking, she gave in with a sigh and awkward arm rub. Those definitely run in the family; the awkward arm rub I mean. "So it's settled then!" I walk out with relief and just plain happiness that I get to hang around with my sister once in a while. As I walk in my room, I see a note taped on my wall. I knew it was from Pete, realizing the smudged ugly letters sprawled onto the yellow sticky note but as I read it my heart cracks into a million pieces, cliche as it sounds.
I'm breaking up with you.

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