Gym Class

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She can't have cancer. She just can't. Placing my phone back into my pocket I speed walk home which took not so long. My best friend had cancer for 2 weeks and I had no idea. "Alexa!! Open the damn door!" I slam my fists into her door not bothering to walk back home. The night was coming fast like ink had just spilled and now is spreading. When she opens the door I tackle her into a hug punching her in the back hating her for not telling me any sooner. "Woah Casey calm." She strokes my hair when I start crying again. After a few minutes I release her yelling, aggravated. "How the fuck can you not tell me that you have cancer?" She shrugs nonchalantly like its no biggie. That monster inside will grow bigger and kill her but she seems so normal about it. "Let's talk upstairs." Was all she said. The thumping from my feet were the only sounds in the house surprisingly because usually there would be shouts of fighting or video games. Shutting the door, "Okay I can explain all of this." Alexa begins to tell me the story of how she was diagnosed with it and when the doctors haven't really responded with how long her lifeline is. I haven't interrupted her once so she continues angry as well, "This fricken monster is killing me inside and I understand that mom was being overprotective because she didn't want me to do anything that will cause me to be more ill. Casey I'm dying!" That shook my heart, well actually shattered my heart into a gazillion pieces and cannot be recovered. Alex's reaction was then her flopping onto her bed crying her heart out. She never used to tense up the room; usually she'd retort something or joke in order to make the atmosphere lighter, happier. In this situation right now, I choose not to joke. Hugging her I stroke her hair saying everything will be all right that she doesn't have to worry, mimicking her. We both know that that isn't true. It hurts her so much that she can't speak anymore that her voice is sore. "Hey to make it any better, Melissa had a baby today."
"It did?"
"What do you mean by it?"
"Yeah baby, she did."
"What's the sex?" I laughed at that but she smacked me asking the question again.
"His name is Noah."
"Okay." That conversation seemed to die down because something more important was occurring right now. "Alexa look at me." She turns staring into my eyes waiting for whatever I have to say. I have to be strong and fight no matter how hard it is to watch your best friend fall slowly to her death. "You can never change what God has decided. You now have to face the consequences. I'll be here everyday watching over you and rooting for you. Who knows that God might think to remove your cancer. Just have hope." She nodded sincerely hugging me again but with no more of the feel of wetness on my shirt. "Have hope." She says over and over again, until she blissfully fell asleep right in my arms. I carefully lay her beside me so that her neck was caressed by her stuffed animals. Yeah she still has them. This all feels like I'm starring in a movie, so cliche. My my how my mind functions and I actually have to deal with it. Overviewing her stringed lights over her white headboard, I look above to see her heart collage of pictures as she likes to call it. They were pictures of her mom and dad, us goofing around at the beach or her room and just her capturing the moments nature had to offer. Us being inseparable, we'd go on family vacations when our parents were still together. The beach, amusement parks, horseback riding, everything we did together. Alexa was an amazing photographer I mean that was her passion besides fangirling over Pete and makeup. She had an inner serious side always taking care of the family even with tiny little Mason. I have no idea how long I've been here cherishing the good old days, looking at our attempt selfies from the Polaroid camera our faces slightly cut out and our faces squished together looking like idiots but happy at the least. There was another picture that brought me to the edge of tears, Lex with her signature braided pigtails hugging a sporty soccer freak me. That was the day we met. Buzzing I try to hide my cellular device which was being a pain in the ass, under the blanket making sure it won't wake Alex but I answered without checking who it was. "Hello?" I answer but nobody answered back. The second time I spoke, "Who is this?" I was so confused on who the hell got my number and dialled it. "Casey?" She sounded familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Then it clicked. "Nerissa?"

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