Gym Class

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"Truth or Dare?" Nerissa asked and everybody with their eyes on me. I froze and chose the first one that came into my head.

"Dare." Shit I chose the hard one. Usually I don't back out but I can't strip off my clothes in front of everybody and go skinny dipping. Or something else weird like that. That's just not right; truth or dare should be be illegal in Canada. And America. Jake looked impressed so I guess that was the trade off.

Nerissa mockingly tapped her chin to think of some crazy unimaginable dare. Then after eternity she said, "Chug a beer." Fuck. I've never drank in my life. Everyone was watching me including Jake with amused eyes. Well, if I wanted to impress everyone I'll give it a try. Just one chug. One chug...
"Oh my goooooodddddd!!!!!" I sputter out the first sip of the beer and totally regretted the choice even if Jake was watching.
"Casey!" Well all of us know she's wasted badly. Her dad was gone for the night at some sort of club and Jake ( her boyfriend ) came and they started kissing on their room carpet. While we heard their groaning and moaning Jake and I smiled and threw away the bottle. We intertwined our hands and walked over towards the guest room and I flopped onto the bed exhausted. He laughed at my outburst then I felt the mattress sink from his weight.

"Casey?" I murmured under the pillow to go to sleep but he pulled me into his lap before I could even blink. He laughed at me squirming in his grasp which made him hold me tighter. I settled then, after a few minutes of trying to get away, on his lap with my legs wrapped around his waist. He stared at me with curiosity but then he pulls out his phone. This couldn't be good.

"Do you know who sent this?" He looked at me showing the blurred screen right in my face. I get off of his lap and grab my glasses from the nightstand. Now the text looked bold and bright. I got your sister dumbass. Well, we all know who that is. I say nothing while going to the hallway grabbing my cardigan and rushing out the door. Sometimes things need to be dealt with alone, no backups. If he wants to scare everyone by sending those stupid texts I'll scare him. Somehow. The car was cold but that was nothing compared with the coldness deep deep inside. I was scared too but I was a little more curious to why he held my sister hostage for me to see. I pull up on their apartment's view and press their number into the speaker thing. At first there was ringing. At the third ring Pete picked up with a smile in his voice.

"Well, showed up, eh? All right come in." The door unlocked and I ran up the stairs two at a time. There was no noise since it was the middle of the night, except for the sound of the generator buzzing. The doors looked so similar all the same strokes of white and golden numbers plastered on the side. I slowly side step with my uneven breathing and my cold hands in my pocket. The apartment hallways were so dark I almost couldn't see except the little lightbulb hanging above me. This seriously feels like I'm in some horror movie and my killer would just pop out any second. Finally, I reach my nemesis's door with the gold numbers half scraped off. 2134. That was the number. I knock a little too  loudly and I hear a muffled voice through the other end of the door. Then shifting. Then steps. Then the twisting of a doorknob.

"Well hello." Melissa stood just at arms length away from me with her arms folded. Her expression just looked as bored but she looked still the same. The round grey eyes of a hunter, the brown locks of hair pushed back into a side braid. Her clothes looked half ripped and filled with stains. But she still managed to look pretty. I walk around her, very cautious of each step, and enter the room.
"Hey" I turn around to see her expression soften, "second door on your left." I muttered a quid thanks and walk through the rickety hallway. Then, I remember that he was the one who changed my life; badly yet good. The time where he hit me in dodgeball and wanted to be my boyfriend really brings my mind off of how creepy this place looks. It feels like if Caley hadn't dated him, I wouldn't be stuck in this dramatized scene and I would be trying to apply to Harvard. I mean I already wrote my application and hit send about Christmas time but still you see what I mean. We both had such a huge history. A girl who was antisocial but then falls for the most popular guy in school. Then he cheats on his sister and on her. Then turns into a huge douche trying to hurt everyone in every way. He was a dad and an anonymous. 2 sides of him. He had a dead brother that's the only short thing of his past that he let me see.

I open the door and I hear a whimper. I peek through the crack and see that she's tied to a chair and I see her bruises showing even if I am 10 feet away. "That's what you get for dating me you fucking bitch!" He slaps her hard enough to make me wince with pain. Caley sits up straighter when she catches my eye. She spits the blood coming from her mouth and smiled, "Fucking bitch?" she laughs hoarsely, "I'm a fucking bitch? Hit me one more time, prick."

He looked so angry that turned around and pushed back his hair before turning around again. I saw that Caley was tied up with rope but I remember we went to take karate sessions so kicks him in the groin before falling and hitting her head. He drops on his knees yelling. "First, you date and cheat on Jake's sister, then me, and then my fucking sister. You raped me yet you have a son and a God damn wife!" Oh my god.

Nerissa is Jake's sister. How could I not see this coming? The same smile, hair but different eyes. Holy shit. They're related? That's why she was so surprised when I said that if she was going to prom with her own brother.
'Stephanie! Yeah I know her, Pete's biological mother.' Ha, still remember when I was dating my stepbrother. These things Caley is saying to him really is too much to bear. Her raped my sister. I step out of the dark and face Pete. He looks up surprised then masks it up with a smile. His perfectly straight teeth make me want to mess them up.

"Ah, Casey how nice of you to join us please please come sit!" I run over to him and hop onto his back making him crash to the ground. He squirms like a little girl but then he pushes me off making me crash beside him. He mounts on top of me then started to punch me uncontrollably making me tear up from the pain. He was smiling when he sensed that I was at the edge of blacking out. And I was. But I wasn't giving up just get. I kick him push him so he's on his back and grab whatever feels sharp in my jacket pocket.
"Aww the little girl came all prepared!" He cooed on making my blood boil. As I reach into the pocket I felt a lighter. Ah, yes! I remember Caley gave it to me the day of Halloween. I bring it to his face and couldn't help but smile disgustingly in it. I smack it across his face making him bleed from his nose. I see in the corner Caley is lying unconscious.
"Bitch. You hurt my sister? I'll hurt you 10x more." He smiles then allowed me to hit him one more time across the face making it until it was disgusting to look at. I get up and fast walk towards my unconscious helpless sister. She was beaten so bad I could see that she couldn't even stand. There was blood all over her shirt, and I was frustrated to see that there wasn't any stab wounds. Where did all that blood come from? When I look at her face the top of her head was red, still wet. It dripped down the side of her head and fell on her shirt. Shit.
Then I felt someone pull on my hair. He threw me across the room and he pulls out a knife from his back pocket of his jeans. Keep him talking, Casey. My mind raced filled with terror but I let myself talk.

"Why are you doing this, Pete?" He grins opening his mouth to speak but nothing came out. It seemed like he didn't know what to say. That's impossible, I already know why he's doing all this, because he hates us but I don't think that's the main reason. He shrugs then drives the knife right into my leg. I yelled in pain holding back my tears swearing at him while my vision blurs. I'm losing so much blood I see that it formed a puddle by my side. He tries to bring it back into my leg again but I kick the knife away with my good leg. I try my hardest to forget the pain I feel when I sit up. I can't see anywhere but then I see the door wide opened. He ran away! I heard a vase crack onto the floor outside the room so I managed to get scoot over and peek over. Then I see those minty cool eyes with a mop of brown hair.

I yell for help scooting away from the door to my sister. She was stirring, moving around until her eyes fluttered opened. Those wet green eyes stared back at me and she starts smiling. Tears streamed down her face and the blood coming from her head was mixing in with it.
"My head hurts." Was all she said before she shut her eyes and tilted her head away from me. I am confused, so confused. I press my ear against her chest.
No heartbeat. Her heart isn't beating.

"HELP ME!" I scream at the top of my lungs hoping someone would see me or hear me lying on the ground with a puddle of blood. My sister is dead.

Last update will be 2 days from now hope you liked it. Don't really know if I'll make a sequel. Well probably not haha. Thanks for reading and cyber hug! Vote and comment pretty please.
Fatima <4

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