Gym Class

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Everyone around me shoved and pushed like a normal regular high school. Only the problem is, this isn't some normal high school. My biology class was the most awkward place to be. Jake sat there with his hands patiently folded neatly on his lab table waiting for his partner. Me. When the teacher wrote all the partners on the board, I literally ran to the bathroom hiding almost the entire period. Being a good girl, I step out of the stall confronting the whole class for my stupid mistake. Mr. Likewood wasn't pleased with my actions muttering something unpleasant under his breath but I let it go. Jake wasn't supposed to be in the academic class, but he's smart. Not just like okay smart, but almost smarter than me. Behind those blue eyes of his and floppy brown hair, he had a perfect GPA and honours in every subject. Like me. Before he was friends with nasty little man slut, he always was alone, so shy staring out the window. Jake seemed like a nice enough person to hang out with, but that part of him is almost destroyed. Jake smiled almost lightly at me but behind me was a pretty blond. Ouch. When I turned to look at him, that smile was replaced with a frown. Ouch 2x. Jake laughed about some joke and played with his other lab buddies so I had to do this lab all by myself. His smile was worth it though. Oh my god not again. "Casey. A word please." Mr.Likewood stern look caused everybody to stop their mixing and writing. I stand up with Jake staring at me alarmed with widened eyes. The teacher didn't look mad at all, at least the corners of his eyes were crinkled caused by his smiling. We stood out of the door, against the wall. Then his smile vanished into thin air. "I'm very sorry about this Ms.Rempleton but.." He trailed off rubbing his forehead with his palm while pinching the bridge of his nose. "Alexa." Was the first word that came out of his mouth before I disappeared down the hall running towards my car.
The familiar smell of death drifted under my nose, and the smell of dead coffee so stale. Alexa's room was up onto the fifth floor which made my hands tremble faster. It's okay, Casey nothing happened. But me and my imagination both knew that something was terribly wrong. Mr.Lightwood was my favourite science teacher and I was his favourite student so I'm pretty sure he would let me do my lab another day. When the elevator doors opened towards her floor, I bumped into a cancer patient on a wheelchair but I didn't bother to apologize. Ms.Sterling stood out of the room pacing quickly with shadows under her prominent blue eyes and her business suit was all wrinkled as if she had to stay overnight. When she saw a glimpse of me, she jogged towards me her hair flipping behind her. "Go." She shoved me into the room closing it behind her. Alexa sat their with her eyelids shut, her hand limp in mine, so cold. My tears just came to me before I could even think of them. They rushed down like a teenager crying over A Walk To Remember. Her hair gone I couldn't even recognize her from the glossy lips to the chapped and dead ones. "Hey Alexa it's me, please wake up I have something to tell you." She didn't even stir. " y-y-our eyes." Again, she didn't even stir. A man came into the room with a clipboard under his arm. "She's in coma. We never know when she's going to wake up." I was feeling like a got hit by a car and then again rolled back. The doctor left me in my misery. Haven't I been punished enough? First with Pete and Melissa, to Jake, to now Alexa. I haven't even heard from Caley all these day but she declares that she would be staying at Melissa's and Pete's once I'm done with my crying. Awesome right? My stomach twisted and churned with heat rising up. I screamed out her name over and over again weeping so hard into my hands lying on the floor with my knees brought up to chest until her mom came into the room and dragged me away from my only best friend. After, Ms.Sterling pined me against the wall with her angry eyes shooting me down. "Quiet. She can hear you. She can but she can't talk. You have to be stronger than ever. Don't you think it's not painful for me to watch?" Then we both cried for I think forever until I fell asleep on one of the waiting chairs. My eyes groggily open but then I remember what happened yesterday. School wasn't for me now. I never wanted to go now. Just thinking about it would make me so depressed. The people around me giving me pity sympathetic looks while they say everything is going to be okay. Then, people would remind me that they knew her so well, when I bet 100% never even looked in Alexa's direction. Surprise bitches, nothing is okay now.
I don't think anything will be now. Not for a long time.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update but here's a bit of drama in this. Please please please read my previous updates you guys are awesome and stay classy. I was actually really busy not gonna lie I have a big math exam on Tuesday and a seven paged story I have to hand in on Monday. Then we have a big Aztec presentation due Tuesday as well. Thanks and don't forget to comment and vote! Love you and cyber hug!
Fatima <4

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