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Oh shit. Gym. Great.
I wonder around the school field till I wait for my next class which is sadly gym. Something else that could top off my afternoon. Pete is in my first gym class and I suck at gym. I think I'm the queen of sucking of any secular activities.
"Come on Case, let's go the bell is about to ring!" Alexa jumps with excitement while she slaps me. Man, how dysfunctional the world is.
"I'd rather let you do my makeup than going to gym."
"Bullshit Casey, you hate makeup more than Pete."
Alexa grabbed me by the elbow to go to our lockers. Our school mascot is apparently a russet potato, the world is just sad really.

"Alright listen up ladies and gentlemen, the rules to dodgeball are pretty simple, if you hit someone with a ball their out." "I don't want to have people going to the nurse in this game, so play fair!" Coach Levistein roared from the top of his lungs. I swear he should be related to mom.
"Casey, isn't he hot?!" Alexa giggled adding a flirtatious smile. Does she know what she's saying?
"This is going to be a piece of cake, the weaklings will be out first." Pete whispered and making eye contact with me. All of his friends laughed. His eyes were a hazel and they looked kind of cute with his light brown hair. Oh God, kill me now. I did not just think that.
"Alright everybody to the centre of the gym and line up the balls!" As the last ball was placed on the ground I did a little prayer as the coach blew the whistle.

This will be one heck of a game.

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