Chapter 1

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"Riiiiiiinnnnnngggggg" roared the bells of Wellington High School. I, Casey Rempleton am in the 12th grade with my twin sister Caley. "Ugh come on Casey, we're going to be late for the first day!" My annoyed sister snaps while she fiddles with her hair. ''Im coooooooming'' I sang tyring to annoy her.

'' Just shut the hell up and don't talk to me because I want to have my chances with Pete Sanders.'' Pete Sanders is apparantley the most popualr and ''hottest'' guy in school. Who cares about that jerk? Apparantly my sister ( wow ).  Caley and I are completely different. She's obviously boy crazy, loves One Direction, makeup and all that girly stuff. I am fandom crazy. You know, Divergent, Harry Potter etc. and the one thing I absolutley hate is Pete Sanders. He thinks he's a total chill, attractive being and I have only one word to describe him with, a total jerk. Maybe I should call him a bi- ''Casey! are you listening?'' 


''Ugh!!'' Caley groaned, '' I was saying, that you have no taste in fashion.'' I look at my outfit. Just a simple white V-neck and a pair of jeans with my gray slip on Toms. I really don't see how my outfit looks so ''out of fashion''. Then I glance and overview of my sister's outfit. A light pink floral quarter length top with simple light wash jeans and black combat boots. It really brought out her green eyes and wavy long brown locks of hair. ''Eh whatever, I actually come here to learn...''

''Okay, whatever. I don't want to here your stupid education speech.'' she groaned as I gave out a short laugh. I look at the old building from the bottom to the top. To be honest, it's totally immense. I took a deep breath held on tight to my backpack straps and headed toward the steps. I got all A's all through junior high and high school and now this is the final year until I go to college. Caley wasn't the brightest student because she took everything so easy! She sometimes would ditch school and go to the mall with her friends. Everyone thought she was popular and gorgeous which would kind of make me gorgeous. Ever since we were little kids we were always together and doing everything with one another. Now, she wants to be ''let loose'' and be just one totally different individual. The word different just roams through my mind until I arrive at my locker.   

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