Gym Class

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The drive over to Dairy Queen actually wasn't that horrifying or extremely awkward like normal human beings like to put it as. Basically, we talked about which boy bands were better; The Beatles or Pink Floyd, arguing if I was your typical white girl which I definitely wasn't because come on nobody likes their butts shaped from Lululemon leggings. "You look really different today. Trying to impress me?" He cocks an eyebrow doing those one of those lazy smiles which are my weakness. I glance at my outfit, "Is it a bad different?" I suddenly feel a flush of embarrassment thinking that I knew this was too much for just a casual day for ice cream. He seems to see the expression I put on because he pats my hand like a little child getting a life lecture from a parent, "I didn't mean it that way. You look very..." He doesn't know what to describe me as so he drawls thinking it over asking himself if it's a good thing to say. "Beautiful. I was teasing. You're beautiful everyday even if you're rolling in mud or without any makeup on." Flashing those smiles again, I simply thank him while we hold hands without making a sound. I hide the red tint of red growing onto my cheek because I liked how he said it almost sexy like but with a hint of casualness. We stop, which brings him to turning his car off before I realized that we were here. "Good afternoon ma'am what can I get you?" The girl across from me stares which was quite shocking because Pete was standing right in front of me already calling our orders without asking what I wanted. The girl looked like she was our age. Her brown straight hair was pulled into a loose messy ponytail and her expression just plain uncomfortable. "Hey Casey you can tell the girl what you want I have to take this." He lifts up his phone which was buzzing blatantly causing me to smile and shove him away begging him with my eyes. "Are you his girlfriend?" The young cashier asks tentatively thinking I'm going to bounce onto her clawing out her eyes. "Yeah why?" I politely interrogate which causes me to cock an eyebrow flabbergasted that she knows Pete. "Don't take this the wrong way but he's not a good man. I've dated him for a few months but I broke it off." She looks distracted either playing with her hair or staring off into something behind me. Suddenly I grow furious. Before getting me to yell which I was obviously planning on doing not caring if people are glaring, "Sorry to upset you but by the way, my name is Nerissa." I nod still a little upset but out of nowhere she gives me a piece of ripped paper with I suppose her phone number. "Please don't throw this away but just call me anytime if you need anything." A strange sensation in my mind was telling me to keep the phone number even if it was from a total stranger. Ordering my vanilla ice cream I quickly pay not showing eye contact with her and mutter a quick thanks. Sure Pete can be a bad guy I guess to her honesty but she shouldn't be blabbering her mouth about it with other people especially his current girlfriend. Taking a seat into the booth in the very corner of the restaurant, I stare off into the view which were two little kids fighting over one ice cream. Us twins did that exact thing when we were little but instead we threw the ice cream at each other. "Hey sorry that was Melissa." Pete enters the restaurant taking a seat in front of me with a huge smile plastered on his face which made me wonder why he was smiling for so long. "Okay.. Why are you happy all of a sudden?" I drawl questioning his weird smile which was not sliding off that face of his. "She had her baby!" I gasp bringing a hand to my mouth totally shocked. She had a baby? It all felt too sudden but she's been carrying that thing with her for a good eight months. I wonder what she decided to call that little fetus. As if he read my mind, "Noah." I smile at the name nodding quite happy for her. Even if she was a total bitch to me all these years of growing up, you should feel good for the person. "Sorry for interfering of your good happy moments, but how do you know her?" He seems uncomfortable with the topic but that smile is hiding the evidence. "We were awesome friends since kindergarten until now so we were really close, still are, so yeah she tells me everything same with Jake but not as much as her." Everything clicks now. They were best friends. I could sort of see that because they both were awesome at pulling stupid pranks. "Sorry I assumed that you had something going on." I laugh apologizing which made him grow serious. "I wouldn't want to date her because you are mine and I wouldn't want anybody come near you." He winks kissing my forehead which made me blush in a deeper red. I fiddle with the knit scarf I borrowed while taking a lick of my ice cream. We talked mostly about life generally but every once in a while, I'd sneak a glance at Nerissa who never pried her eyes off us. I smiled which made her smile too along with a small little wave. As I dig into my old wallet for some cash, a force hit me hard into the arm when I noticed it was an arm. "Who said I was going to actually let you pay?" Pete catechizes already having a five dollar bill in between his index and middle finger. "Whatever." I murmured standing and making brief eye contact with Nerissa before I head out towards the car. Pete follows, starting the engine and reverse out of the parking lot. "That was fun. Thanks Pete." He smiles stroking his cheek before he leans toward me. You expect this to be a gooey romantic part but sadly I ruined it. "Eyes on the road God dammit Pete you are so immature. Look at you driving with only one hand on the steering wheel!" I yell angrily shoving him to re glue his eyes back on the road saving us by being killed. "Whoa there feisty woman calm the heck down! Shit you're going to make me crash!" We both look at each other for a moment before bursting into guffaws not containing the laughter. "Your yelling was furious like I was about to r-rape you!" He slaps his knee laughing more gripping the steering wheel. "Well drive more carefully you moron you could've gotten my head to get another bruise. Pete didn't really mention the bruise but I'm glad he didn't push it. It would sort of feel embarrassing telling him I fell off the stairs like a clumsy kid. "Hey that's the turn to my house." I point towards the left signalling but he drives forward totally ignoring me purposely. "Don't you want to see the baby?" I was surprised he was actually going to ask me because he knows Melissa and I are not friends. Yet I know Caley is going to be there so I let it be since Mom is out grocery shopping because she left a billion texts.
"Right this way." The nurse greets us with a warm welcoming smile waving her hand over to Melissa's room 457. Pete opens it small enough to let himself in but I stand here, on the floor not moving, afraid of what she'll say. What are you doing here? I bet she would say that no matter if she just had her baby. She'd get enough strength to make fun of me. Well here goes nothing. I twist the doorknob opening the door which brings in sunlight and greeted by everyone in the room.

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