Gym Class

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"So children what does x equal?" Mrs. Stravotski, the super strict teacher droned on about some stupid math question. Life is a problem. Everybody kept looking at me like I'm living some sort of horrific and brutal life. Oh, that's the truth. She stared with those sharp blue eyes of hers, watching everybody who is distressed either looking out the window or playing with their fabric of clothing until the bells rings. Nerissa had been pissed at me for the past 2 weeks, for absolute no reasoning. Every time I want to speak with her she finds a way to escape the class as fast as she could which leaves me ripping out my hair hitting my head against a wall. With Lex in coma I have been totally depressed unfocused on my schoolwork. With coming home from school, usually the routine consists of sighing, laying on the couch until I fall asleep thinking about death. Depressing I know. Pete spread a whole bunch of rumours about me and Melissa, which made me hide to make sure nobody I know, sees me. That'll never happen since everybody knows that jackass. "Miss Rempleton, I think you need a breath from the outdoors. Please come back when you're ready to learn." Mrs. Whatever her name was shooed me out the door, constantly being a pain for the past 45 min. The bell wasn't ringing anytime soon, so I guess it was a good idea for clearing my head. Going for the knob, I twist it pulling in the smell of paper and old wood. The hallway was of course empty filled with a stench of rotten cheese. Gross. "Clearing your mind, I see." I turn around jerking my head to the sound that brought me back to reality. Jake stood with his preppy rich kid clothes with me feeling uncomfortable in my old dirty camp shirt I got from last year. His smile was an almost befitting smile with his brown tousled hair. I smile tightly nodding slowly stepping back. "Please don't move. Just stay right there." Jake walked tentatively towards me, his eyes looking scared that I'd run off. I stay put as he told me to, while he came closer. My heart leapt out of my chest leaving me without a pulse. I was so nervous what he was going to do to me, hurt me like Pete ordered him to back all those years ago. He didn't though. Jake held out his hand for me to take and I accepted it. I seriously hope my palm wasn't sweaty like it usually is when I get nervous. We stood there staring off until he cheeks flushed and withdrew his warm and tingly hands away. He rubbed his face ashamed and embarrassed of what he'd done, "I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. It's just that....-"
"What?" I ask biting my lip until the metallic taste of blood fills my mouth.
"I had a crush on you forever. I never knew you had feelings for Pete. I'm sorry I should just go." He turned around scratching the back of his head shuffling away with his sneakers squeaking off behind him. I stopped him of course like every lovey dovey romantic couple. Not that we were officially a couple. Or even one in the first place. "Jake." I sigh, "Stop." He turns around looking down, his blushing making me laugh away internally. The words. Those three words he wrote in that letter, overwhelmed me greatly with confusion. Jake, the kid who pulled my hair, sprayed water from his Nerf gun, and stole my shoes by rubbing them in the mud confessed his love for me. Then there was me who had absolutely no idea what to say. You know that moment when you just break up with someone, feeling all sad and gloomy and then have no idea which guy you should trust from that day on? This is exactly what I feel right now. "What's wrong? Look of you don't have feelings for me, that's okay. I mean, I already got over it a decade ago." His tight boyish smile made my heart ache badly. "Just remember these words Casey. I love you and I always did. You were the unique and feisty little kid I knew my whole life and I'd never forget you. You probably hate my guts for ruining your prefect jelly sandals, but I only followed Pete because I loved you." He walked away swiftly before I could even open my mouth to say something. Now he ran away from me. Perfect, just great. He walked away faster and faster but surprisingly me being the one who should be walking away dramatically, I'm in the guy's spot. My running wasn't the most pleasant thing to see on Earth, with my hands dangling in the air and my hair just.. you know what I think you got the idea. Jake turned left heading for the doors for the outside. Hopefully Mrs.Stravotski would understand that I just ditched school to fix my problems. I looked left and right but couldn't find him anywhere. I lost him. There was a blue Toyota parked where a boy was ready to unlock his car. Jake. "Jake! Wait!" He looks up with those thick eyelashes of his confused. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" He smiles.
"Aren't you?"
We stood there for a while staring away each other before he made his move. The contact of his lips to my cheek was electrifying and my knees buckled. I grab his faced and pulled him away. "You love me Jake. I'm sorry I didn't realize but now I do. I'm in a brief moment where I couldn't trust any guys because of Pete but you showed me you cared. I'm sorry. I'm probably the worst person ever right now." My hands get lifted to my face hiding with sadness. I don't even know what the expression of his face was right now but probably he wants to kick my ass. I felt my hands being separated from each other when Jake looks at me intently. Those beautiful eyes of his stared me down with love his cheeks flushed to the colour of his lips. "You weren't ever the worst to me, princess." He angles his head closer to mine and we kissed. Actually kissed. My hands snake around his neck bringing him closer like he was what I wanted. The small gentle pressure of his lips against mine was totally different from the way Pete tried to eat my whole face up hungrily. This was the kind of kiss that a girl would be satisfied with. I don't even know why I chose that nasty little man slut. He didn't look at me constantly like Jake did in elementary, just when we were surrounded by a crowd. I wasn't wrong that he was an attention hogger. I don't even know how long we've been here but finally we pulled apart which made me kind of mad. Jake's smile would lighten up my day and it did. "That was the most coolest things I've ever experienced." I gave out a short nervous laugh. "I don't want to startle you or anything but..." He drawled making me confused on what he was going to propose. Instantly he fell silent shaking his head forgetting the thought. That made me furious. I "accidentally" kicked him in the thigh.. hard. Oops?
"What was that for? Ouch. Man you have some power in those noodley legs of yours!"
"I do not have noodley legs!!" I gasp with shock and anger I kick him again.
"Ouch! You know what? Forget what I was going to say to you."
"That's the whole fucking reason I kicked you, you idiot!" I smack him on the head which made him so mad he gripped my waist and picked me up, my "noodley" legs banging onto his chest. I scream punching his back to get him to let me down but it was worthless for him being stubborn I hang my head down in shame.
By the time we got to the anonymous place he wanted to take me apparently, he laid me down to a bench me feeling totally angry I wanted to kick him again. Jake rakes his hands through his hair which I wiped away the urge to do it myself. Gross Casey he isn't even your boyfriend yet. "Okay. Pete broke up with you so don't take this like a heartbreaking thing. Okay?"
"Okay." I totally erased that fault in our stars moment away from my mind before I started fangirling to scare him off.
"Caseywillyougotopromwithme?" Jake rushed through his statement so fast I had to clear my head and blink.
"What?" Then Jake sat beside me looking at the grassy fields before looking at me intently like always.
"Jake this is going to take eternity if you don't just say it and try not to act like a fucking baby."
He laughs staring at my hand then at me. Those beautiful dreamy eyes I've totally ignored all these years. Damn.
"Prom with me?"

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update you're all probably pissed but I made it up for making this all cute and adorable. Yeah, I'm sort of proud for bringing Casey and Jake tighter because in the previous updates he was just there you know? Well I want you to come up with a ship name because I want to see how much support this couple as much as I do. Please vote and comment and follow! I love you and cyber hug!
Fatima <4

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