Gym Class

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"Hey mom I'm hooooommmmmeeee!"
It finally felt good to walk in the the house after such a long and dramatic day. Girls kept acting giddy and weird whenever Pete was in sight. I mean I can understand why but why? The thing that made my happy though was no homework. I had made my allegiances with the teachers like I always do and fun fact they don't like Caley very much.
"Hey honey, I'm in the attic!" Yelled mom. Man she must've yelled pretty loud since the attic was all the way where the roof was. As I make my way up, I stand and look at the overview of upstairs. Mom's room right on the right and across the hallway is my bedroom and on the left wall is Caley's room and the bathroom across from her room. As I make my way to Caley's room to where the attic is, I sigh. It's so much different with a white dresser piled with different brands of makeup. Her bed obviously unmade and her desk filled with a bunch of girls I didn't know and guys with beer bottles. I look out the window and see it's pouring down rain. Weather here in Vancouver isn't that great.
"Casey I need-- oh shit, help" sighed mom. I couldn't help but laugh at her face making an annoyed expression as I walk up the creaky steps.
"What's wrong mom?" She seriously needed help. Boxes of pictures in one corner and baby toys all over the floor. I guess that's why she swore.
"I just dropped your and Caley's toys." She smiled. Everybody says that we both look like mom. I think I can see it. Her green eyes and long healthy brown locks of hair covered by bandana and tied up in a bun.
"Here you go and rest, I'll do it" I said picking up the toys and showing her that I need no assistance.
"Really?" She said as she put on a relieved smile and her hands went to her hips.
"Oh yeah, I have no homework so you can go relax, I'll take it from here."
"That's why you're my favourite." She kissed my forehead and trotted down the steps and went out the room. As I inhale the smell of wood, I started my work. I pick up Elmo books, toy trains, and plastic foods. I smile and remember those memories of when we played kitchen and fought over what food should be served for dinner.
I always won the fights.
I remember one time our fight was so bad that we started yelling at each other for almost 45 min. Mom and dad got so annoyed that they sent us outside and locked the doors until we made up. The weather was perfect though. It was a brilliant rainstorm and mom and dad didn't bother to at least dress us up. We got sick the day after.

Ahh good times.

After finally picking up the toys I go through the pictures and find us when we were 14 ( I remember that age because we had braces then, ugh! ) standing on each side with Dad in the middle. Mom and dad divorced 2 or 3 years ago and me and Caley always tried to put them back together but it never worked. I felt tears rising out of the corners of my eyes but blinked them away. We still meet Dad but he never pays attention since he's always making out with Stephanie, his girlfriend. I ditched out and didn't feel like cleaning so I climbed down the stairs, closed up the attic and went to my room. I close the door and hop onto my bed. It's the smallest room in the house but I had the biggest in our last house. To the left corner is the walk in closet when you step in. Beside it is my white desk and it has some pictures of me and Alexa, photo booths with Caley and Mom and Dad's wedding picture. The middle of my room is my twin sized bed with a Harry Potter comforter and pillows to go with it. Above it is my window with a beautiful view of the neighbour's house.
Note the sarcasm.
It's a pretty cozy room filled with posters from my favourite fandoms. I grab my Black Ice book and read till I drift off into a deep sleep.

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