Gym Class

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Were they dating before? No. Pete tries and yet succeeded to win me over and how could he just dump me over just 24 hours? I try not to worry that much because I mean we just started our relationship. Wow, I sound like a total.... girl! Not that that is a bad thing I mean. Before that accident happened to me, everything was normal. Sleeping in my bed every night, waking at a specific time and focusing deeply into my books. Now that Pete has dug his way into my life, everything is so different. Holding hands with Melissa and Pete's eyes roaming around the food court looking completely afraid, I try to avert my gaze or move but I stay put and my eyes stare them both down with my jaw dropped. Melissa looks pretty good I have to admit, if I haven't met her before. Her crimped light brown hair with her round grey eyes really bringing out her tanned skin. Her outfit though completely changed my thoughts because she looks like a total slut judgemental as I sound. A super tight tank top like she wore when we bumped into each other in the bathroom, and super tight leggings that shape your butt really quite nicely. Even if you don't look, you can see every guy peeking at her scrawny little ass every time they pass but she doesn't care. It's not exactly little though it's like Nicki Minaj. The tank being so tight, it unravels her tanned skin and some of the stomach that's like big as a balloon. Finally Pete's eyes land on me. I quickly averted my gaze and try to think of happy thoughts to get me distracted from being embarrassed. Thankfully he didn't see me looking because if he did he would let go of her hand fast as a ninja about to take out his swords of awesomeness and defeating the sumo about to charge at him. Told you you'll get used to my brain. Alexa was still at Edo which was two places down from KFC. I walk over to the table totally embarrassed, and place my bag from my hand. To her opinion, Lex despises burgers so much that even if she spots one a meter or two away she rushes to the bathroom with a face that looks like a blowfish exploded in there. Once in 7th grade, I told Lex to shove a Big Mac in her mouth in less than a minute. Her being her, she did it and then she was stuck in bed with a stomach ache for a week since I told the lady to put extra hot sauce and onions along with pickles. Not that great for your stomach at all.
I'm such a good friend to buy a burger and show it in her face. I know what you're all thinking. I'm really a good friend, I know no need to remind me. Finally Alexa skips over to our table and pulls out her sushi. After their top secret chit chat, Pete and Melissa walk over to our table in front on Tacotime. Snickering she speaks with eyes darted at Alexa, "Oh nice purse Lexie is there any other thing in your closet that's brighter than that?" Her face lightens up into a smile; an ear to ear devilish grin I should say. Whispering to my ear hoping them both Pete and Melissa won't hear since they're deep in conversation, "If she wasn't pregnant, her nose would be broken and she'd be on the ground this very second." I give a snort in Melissa's direction but they didn't even notice. I wonder what they're talking about but not interfering, I grab my burger and fries yet put it on the other side if the table where Alexa wouldn't see. I was planning on eating in front of her face but I don't want to deal with a bitchy pregnant woman alone; plus she's our arch enemy. Pete gives me a sympathetic glance in my and Alexa's direction but I just nod and smile. They are just friends I assume... right? Trying to give my boyfriend a hint that she should leave from our table, I sigh in relief as he got the message. "Hey Mel you should probably finish your baby shopping. I have two lovely ladies here awaiting my attention." He winks at me and I give him a slight thumbs up as she looks at her stomach while stroking it gently. I don't know the details of how she got pregnant because my sister wouldn't tell me but I heard she got laid at a party at Alex Bennett's house. Nobody knows who the father is but we're desperate to find out. "Alright sweetie take care of yourself." She gushes as her mouth contacts Pete's face for me to look at. Yeah do what you want pussy, he's mine. Her voice snaps me back to reality. "Oh and Casey, I hope you find the rest of that costume since you found the mask already." Sneering at me she winks and pats my shoulder as she twists her heel and leaves. So this is what it feels like when a boyfriend stands up for you. Tears well up in my eyes both, but I blink them away not trying to get her in my perfect day. Second reason, is I don't want to start a scene and I'm fucking tired of crying all the time lately. Since my appetite has gone, I put my food in the bag and push it in my bag hoping the oil won't leak through. "C'mon Casey don't do this." I stand and fix my shirt again, clear my throat and tell Alexa to meet me in the Halloween store. She nods going along with my plan but Pete stands forth to me. "Hey it's Melissa I can-"
"Pete please." I use my words forcefully but my tone is thankfully even. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. He can't even tell me that he had alliances with Melissa Shaw. Purposely shoving him in the shoulder, I walk away with my eyes burning with tears. I'm not mad at her specifically, well I am a little bit, but he said he wanted me for such a long time yet he can't tell me anything. I shouldn't be mad at him, I didn't tell him about dad so I guess we're even. Just smiling his adorable toothy grin and rummaging through his perfect messed up hair. The way she smiled at him and he called her Mel. Holding hands. I run down the escalators and I'm sort of happy that he wasn't chasing after me like all movies have. After a couple swift and half hearted apologies, I made it to "Roger's Best Halloween Costumes". I see decorative spiders and cobwebs everywhere I turn. This place is pretty cool. "Hello ma'am what are you looking for today?" I spin around and see an older girl than me probably in her early twenties wearing a name tag that says Casey. I smile and laugh pointing at her that we have the same name. She laughs along with me for a good five seconds until I clear my throat and ask her for a scary costume for women. "Right this way please, Casey." A little cheerful tone comes through her voice as she leads me through an aisle of womens' costumes. Some of these look really cool but there is one that stands out to me. "That one." I point with enthusiasm and pleasure, relieved that I found a pretty swell costume in a short amount of time. Not too childish and not too scary. Happy with my purchase, I thank the cashier and grab my plastic bag. Alexa comes in a second later along with Pete dragging himself along. Maybe I should apologize since I was in a good mood and I sort of meant it. "Casey!" Not caring that we're in a middle of a store, he picks me up and hugs me tightly while I force him to put me down with a smile plastered on my face. Quickly saying sorry to an old couple I bumped into, I rush him in a random corner of the children's costumes which were poking my back; I rush out with words, "First of all, you idiot. How can you not tell me that she was your friend? Oh and thanks pal for standing up for me when we were getting out asses kicked by your Mel. I can't believe you Pete you are my boyfriend not no one else. But yet I apologize for that unnecessary behaviour, because I know you were giving me looks and yeah." I take a deep breathe and shake my head mentally slapping myself for going to fast, now I have to repeat in a slower manner which is going to take forever. Good one Casey good one. Pete was speechless, his beautifully sculptured face looking flabbergasted and dumbfounded at what I just said. Instead of using words, he sealed the gap with a kiss. This sort of sounds really stupid but I really, really liked it and I kiss him back. Thorough breaths, he whispered every 5 breaths, "I'm so so sorry." He kisses me so briefly that my lips feel numb and my eyes hurt from closing them for so long. Yet I don't care. I hear Alexa gasping from the corner and people clapping along with it. I slam my forehead against his and I finally make the words after an eternity of a fabulous kiss, "That was a really good way for apologizing. You should do it often." He smiles and gently kisses me back.
"Oh babe, don't worry I have a whole lot planned."

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