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5 years later....

As I walk through Starbucks with Alexa and Nerissa, the sun shone so bright, surprisingly because it's only August. It's been 5 years since Caley passed away and since Pete had gone to jail. The day was still so vivid in my brain I could just feel like it was just a yesterday night. After I called for help that night, Jake came through the door so frightened to see me on the ground bleeding.

I still limp from the pain; only when I'm extremely tired.

He came over and carried Caley, outside and through the apartment door. After a few minutes, he came and took me too. Haha, kind of funny to think about it that two identical twins getting taken to the hospital at the same time. No, not really. Alexa looked over at me sympathetically like she already knows why my throat keeps closing and I can't breathe. Oh yeah, my sister's dead. I had to get stitched and I was on the bed for 2 days. I remember asking if Caley was okay, but the doctors kept saying,
'we're workin' on her.' I knew that she was gone from the minute they said; actually the second.

I didn't really cry, I kind of expected it because when she fell off the floor, she cracked her skull and it affected the brain. I, on the other hand, got a knife stabbed into my leg. Pete got so violent, I don't even know why. He said before that he wanted to make people around me and Jake miserable but hell, he did a marvellous job. At her funeral, I had to do what other peoples suffer from, the "comforting words". People you don't even know who just say things to make you feel better. I don't understand that people will just think I'll be okay when they say whatever they want.

I didn't go to the burial. I couldn't bring myself to do so.

Now I'm 22 years old, my birthday I don't even get to share with anymore, is in 4 months. I graduated from Harvard last year with my family throwing me a huge party. It seemed magical and experiencing it was a little more. Nerissa got married 4 and a half months ago from a good enough guy named John; Jake dumped her after the sleepover actually because she apparently gets too clingy. She's pregnant too so yay for her! Her life's on track. Mom and dad worked ways again, they're friends still but dad already got married to Stephanie. She's a sweetheart. You know, you can't judge a person, you really got to know them and try to find the soft spot they hold. Steph actually loves to read just like me, so every month we swap books and have a book talk after. We're both into YA which I'm not too shocked about since she tries to act young.

Jake, my best friend, sexiest guy on the planet whichever, is supportive and always stays by my side no matter what. I don't know what I'd do if I found another guy or if I still fell for Pete's fake innocence. He actually took me on a first date, a real one, the week after Caley was buried. I mean, I'm so happy he gave me some time to let my thoughts out for a little while. I still need some, but you know doesn't everyone? I let it go, the past, even though they were memories and horrific events I'll never ever take out of my mind. Thinking of it, is like getting stuck in a new pile of gum; too hard to scrape off. I was with my best friends heading over to Jake's house for a little get together. Alexa's brothers were all good, especially little Mason.
Noah is in kindergarten now but is a troublemaker like his father.
"Wooohooooooo!!!" Everyone clicks their beer together and take a sip because apparently I arrived. I smiled waved at everyone, even at the ones I don't know. When I see Jake with his cute dimpled smile, those blue warm eyes, and messy brown hair, my stomach churns like I've seen him the first time.
"Hey beautiful." He kissed me and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear like he always does because my hair just that damn messy. There was still a tingling sensation on my lips so I couldn't help but blush. I mutter a 'hey' back before going to the kitchen to grab some water.

Alexa looks herself again, like on the first day of school. Nerissa's swollen stomach was growing rapidly lately and John couldn't be more pleased. Her dad stopped hitting her years ago and now became a priest. He apologizes everyday-

"Excuse me everybody!" Jake taps with his glass with a spoon. That catches everyone's attention except mine. I looked down at my outfit checking myself first. Wool coat, jeans and some boots. 'You have no taste in fashion.'  Tears well up in eyes but I swipe them away angrily before anyone can see.
"I'd like to make an announcement," he said, swallowing nervously before continuing, "Casey, would you please come to the front please?" Everyone's eyes look giddy but I brush them off as I make my way. What would he want to talk about?
"Guys, if you don't already know this, this is Casey Rempleton, my hot girlfriend. I loved her ever since 2nd grade, haha yeah that's a whole while. She teases me for everything I do, not harmfully, but in a way I find adorable. On our first date, to the amusement park, she forced me to go on every single ride like I was her son. She was so cute in her demanding face on," that gave everyone in the room a chuckle and me a blush of embarrassment, he continued, "but in all, she's my best friend who stands up for what she believes in and I am so happy to call her mine. She's my everything." He fumbles a little in his pocket before pulling out a small red velvet box.

I think I know where this is coming.

He stands down on one knee and opened a box which revealed the most beautiful ring with a sliver diamond stud place on the tip. He was proposing. Everyone gasped with awe including me. I haven't realized that I started crying because he wiped them away with a wide grin.
"Casey, will you marry me?" I kissed him so hard that it hurt my heart and my lips. He fell back a little but then returned it. We were together for so many years, now I get to live with him forever. He was mine. My fiancée. My entire world.
"Yes." Was what I said before I kissed him again.

Hey guys! Holy shit I can't believe this story is finally done. I started this September 18, 2014 a little less than a year but still a lot. I want to thank my friend J'lyn Matte who gave me encouragement to continue this story. I want to thank Silai, Cadee, Natasha, Gracyn, and many more of you to read this story and voting for it. I still can't believe I'm done. When I wrote my first part I only had 18 reads. Not a lot. Now I have 3,240 new best friends, which is not a lot compared to the other books on wattpad but more than enough for me. I love you all so much for comments and votes and for clicking that 'Start Reading' button. I don't know if I should make a sequel but...You don't know how much this means to me because my parents want to read it too lol. Just saying, I'm 14 and please don't hate on me because I make the character swear a lot. That's how Casey is. I'm going to miss Casey's interesting adventure with populars and unpopulars and yeah. Please don't judge a book by its coveri know that's so cheesy but seriously you don't know what their routine is and that's what I've been trying to teach Casey. Again I love you guys so yeah. Last time thanks a lot beautifuls.
Fatima <4

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