Chapter 4

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"Pete, I can't breath!" I try to push him off but I can't resist touching his 6 pack! Omg I didn't just think that. I don't even know if I like him or not. I kissed him in Gym Class and I have to admit, that it felt really nice. Now I feel guilty that I never ever told anything to his girlfriend, aka my sister. That reminds me, that I haven't seen her a while. "You're dead Casey, DEAD!" He starts to tickle me with an adorable evil grin. Really is that the best you got? I wasn't even ticklish since childhood so I show my poker face but he continued without showing any mercy. It's not like it hurt anyways. When I was getting out of my car, after Lex went home, Pete just tackled me out from the bushes so now there are a bunch of leaves dangling from his soft honey coloured hair. Why is he getting so mad off a stupid thing? Tickling doesn't show anger but still he's flaring his nostrils while clutching his teeth together. Watching me totally suffer from tickling? Yeah right. Okay, I kneed him for no apparent reason but this guy has the most incredible anger management! I'm quite amused, actually. "Why are you trying to track me down? Haven't you finished following me around?" I push him with all my might and glare while standing up crossing my arms over my chest. He made me feel totally uncomfortable. I'm not his best friend or girlfriend for me to give him permission to tackle me to the grass. He chuckles and bring his hand thorough his hair. "Casey, you didn't knee me in the thigh first of all." He spoke in a matter showing that he was correct. I look around and all of his friends are not here but they're sitting in his car. Right behind me. How embarrassing... "You hit me in the dick." He gave me a pointed look. Embarrassing as you think I might feel, I don't. If this wasn't a total serious conversation I'd pretty much die with laughter! How did I manage to kick someone in the D? I don't even remember why I kicked him. Ah, this is a good day. Well, not really. I can't be here while everybody, well not everybody, was looking at me. Okay okay, I feel a little embarrassed now at the moment. At least talk to me privately Pete! "Second of all, I was just chasing after you because you are pretty cool I have to admit." He gives me those sweet attractive grins and opens his arms for a bear hug expecting me to fall right into them and forgive him for the pranks since elementary. Pretty cool? I am so much more cooler than that, and I don't care if nobody came to my birthday last year because my mom gave little princess invitations. That was actually the most terrible sweet 16 I've ever experienced in my life! I have definitely seen this coming. It's not going to happen Pete so whatever floats your boat. He was staring at me when I was sleeping, and let me kiss him. Whatever. I just definitely saw this coming. "Don't show your innocence!" I half heartily twisted my heel and stomped away with my arms crossed over my chest. Maybe I do like him. What if his innocence
is real and not a total fake? He seems to mingle with about anybody who comes into sight, but what about Cales? "Wait!" He laughs and chases after me. I sprint as fast as I could like the Flash. My legs burning and my breath coming out quickly, while walking out on the street, he spins me around and presses his lips to mine. I never cheated or betrayed my sister and now this is what he does behind her? My hands tremble but stay to both of my sides. I hear guys gasp and whoop with excitement. I don't care about anything. My eyes are wide open but his are closed trying to enjoy the moment. I have so many things that are on my mind that I can't think straight enough to actually push him away and slap him and myself. I'm so lost in my own world. I finally push away after a good minute or two and step back, now that my brain is starting to focus on the real moment right now. He stares at me wide eyed and tried to explain but no words spilled out of his mouth. Except, "Casey, I can explain all of this, just hear me out!" He walks toward but I move back. Guilt filled my stomach ever since he had kissed me on the forehead. My mind moved so fast like in an instant, I like him and then I don't. Caley loved him ever since elementary school and I can't be taking her man. I feel like I'm Caley and she's Alexa. That's so cruel of me to betray her. I step back cautiously, and I don't care about going home right now. Running like I've never before, I rush with my backpack bumping up and down. My mind is so stupid. Why can't I make my decision? So many things pushing in my brain, overflowing. No cars parked on her driveway, I smash in her door with all my might. Tears drip down one by one rapidly. "Hey what are doing here? Are you okay?" She's startled. Alexa stands in the doorway with wide eyes looking like they were going to pop out any second. "He's a bitch." Tears come down heavily, rubbing them on my cotton sweater. "Get in you retard! It's so cold outside." The autumn leaves dance around the cement like they're in a recital. She gives me a pleasant smile. She makes the hardest times the happiest. He cheated on Caley, maybe multiple times I have no idea, but she's standing there grinning like an idiot as always. Walking into her house, I make my way upstairs over to her room. His little 6 year old brother spots me so he comes running with joy and hugs me with his little flaring arms around my waist. "Hey Superman, I haven't seen you forever!" Me kneeling, he jumps with all he could, and kisses me on the head to where I had a bruise. He's my favourite little man. "Casey! Are you sleeping over today?" His blue eyes glitter with hope. "I think I am Mason." He celebrates while jumping up and down while running to his rooms to go and probably talk with his imaginary friends. I glance out her massive window. Little miss spoiled brat. Flat screen T.V. hooked up on her wall while Netflix is open. She's was watching Pretty Little Liars. Bunk bed pushed to the very corner of her room and a desk right under that. To make the room more festive since Halloween is like 2 weeks away, little paper bats hang from her high ceiling. From her window, the black SUV is going into reverse and drives away. That makes my heart ache even more. I've never dated him but I somewhat liked his presence. Those beautiful brown eyes almost looking like little chocolate chips and his silky golden hair. I have to stop weeping like a little girl and focus that I've done the right thing. He's cheating on her for God's sake! Tears fall but not for Pete. For my twin. How horrible I feel right now, I can't explain. I feel like intestines just exploded and are rising up desperately trying to get out of my mouth. "Hey it's okay, you're a good sister." I'm not a good sister. I'll never be one because I was the one who was crashing lips with that cheater. The only people who enlightened my day today actually was Mason and Alexa. The sun was setting and it was the perfect time to carry on watching Pretty Little Liars. As if she read my mind, obviously, "Hey, wanna watch PLL?" I face palm and give a squeak of laughter. She hears and laughs along too probably just because I'm doing it. She reads my dumb and messed up mind because she's cool like that.
"Hey sweetie I never knew you'd be sleeping over! Well I'll just text your mom and let her know." Mrs. Sterling winks and pushes some bangs away from her perfect pimple free face. I know Alexa got the skin from her because she literally has no acne. Me on the other have a bunch over my cheeks and forehead. Mrs. Sterling and I have a pretty strong bonding but I hardly see her since she works. Lex's parents are divorced too so we went through the pain together. I call her mom once in a while since I see her and I'm obviously her favourite kid minus hers. "Thanks mom!" I yell at the empty hallway hopefully thinking she could hear. I lay back onto the bunk with my arms behind my head. The sound of Lucy Hale's voice actually kind of soothes me when I pressed play. Anger shows obviously in her voice and it calms me in a weird way. Call me crazy, but I find her voice as a lullaby. Ten minutes into the episode, I hear my phone buzz from my butt pocket. It's just mom so I answer it. "Hello?" I ask in confusion as I furrow my eyebrows together. Why would she be calling at 10:30? She should be sleeping soundly in her bed after taking her diabetes meds. "Casey is it's an emergency! Your sister is in the hospital!" Her voice from the line sounds horrifying as if she saw a horror movie. I hear nurses in the background and a doctor speaking fluently. Oh Jesus, what did she do?

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