Gym Class

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"How did you get my number?" Kissing Lex on the forehead I secretively made my way around her bed and out the door. Fist pumping in relief that I didn't wake her ( or else she'd be cranky as shit ), I walk down the steps speaking at a normal level rather than whispering because it can become some what irksome. "Casey it doesn't matter we really need to talk. Tomorrow meet me at the bio lab first thing in the morning." With that said, she hung up. I really don't understand why people hang up on you when yu don't have a say after. It's like they don't care what you're going to assert. Now I know one fun fact that she does go to Wellington. I wonder why I haven't noticed her before because I've been there all my 3 years of high school. "Honey you home?" Mom chirps walking from the living room embracing me as always. "No I'm not home." Teasing she smacks me playfully which I fake a pouty face walking towards my room in mock sorrow. "Hey sis!" Caley beams hugging me tightly then placing something on my forehead. "Sorry I couldn't come after you its just the weather and I felt like you wanted to be left alone." She then stares at her bare feet like a child getting scolded and looking shamefully at the ground. It's better that she knew I was upset because I still was. I sigh, "It's okay but don't hold anything important away from me because sisters have to-"
"Share their secrets blah, blah, blah I get it." Well, at least she's back to her real self. "But that's not why I'm so happy!" She jumped up and down which caused me to sit down from the dizziness. "What? Are you okay?" I say rubbing my temple looking at her direction strangely. She's acting like way above her happy level. "Our birthday you idiot! It's coming soon!" Ah, yes. Only 2 months away from being officially an adult. Yay. Funny how on Christmas we'd exchange gifts and then would cut our cake. "Okay before you become any weirder, I'm out!" Silencing her from whatever she was going to do, probably slap my arm, I walk over to my room and slam it shut. I'm most defiantly not angry at Caley, I'm mad that I can't save my best friend from a horrible monster that's attacking her more and more everyday. That monster actually has a name. Cancer.
Around me I hear whispering and rumours being spread around as I walk towards the biology lab which Nerissa instructed me to go for our meet up. The jocks look my way with widen eyes then averting them when I look their way. Why are they so frightened of me all of a sudden? The mean girls sneered as usual, at least they were the only ones being normal to me, and the teachers greeted me with a welcoming smile bringing me to greet them back with a good morning. "Ah, Casey there you are." Mrs. Stravotski click clacks towards me with her formal skirt hugging the waist which was sort of disturbing. "Look, you are my top student in History, I have chatted with all your teachers, I'd like to put you in a sort of academic program like an IB." She says coming straight to the point looking at me wearingly with bags under her blue eyes. She expected an answer right now? Just the thing to top of my morning. "Can we please talk about this later? I'm sort of in a hurry." Excusing myself, I run away from that creep who actually pinned me against the lockers which I had just noticed. Talk about weird. Before I turned to the next hallway, out of the corner of my eye, she fixes up her bra and walks away strutting with her hips swaying like a real model but she looks like a fifty year old honestly. Shaking my head as if the scenario would dissolve out of my mind, I spot a petite young girl with a brown haired fishtailed braid on the side of her shoulder which I immediately thought of Nerissa. Let's just get this over with. Her outfit looked stunningly appealing. She had on a baby pink dress with a brown shall along with grey Oxfords. She looked pretty fancy for a Monday morning assuming that you should be wearing a messy bun like I was wearing rather than a perfectly even fishtailed braid. I glance down at my outfits which consists of a Gryffindor scarf and green army jacket which I "accidentally" borrowed. Once she glanced at me her eyes glistened with worry. She looked nervous because she was again, fiddling with her nails, hair and eyes were wandering in all directions except of my own. "Nerissa nice to see you too. What do you want? Are you okay?" With that she finally glances at me her beautiful mix of blue and grey eyes matching my level and blurted out, "You seriously need to break it off with Pete, Case." I saw a red tint on her cheeks as she was embarrassed of what she blurted into my face. "Excuse me?"
"Casey, I've seen you around in my classes. You're a smart beautiful girl. I don't want you to get hurt and I know that I'm a total stranger to you but-" I cut her off. "Why do you even care about me? You hardly even know me!" Whisper shouting, I grab her shoulders looking straight into her eyes. "I care about you because..." She mumbles fiddling with the cuticles on her nails which I did not want to see since I'm a total germophobe. "Because what Nerissa because what?!"She seemed a little frightened by my tone but then her expression turns into a smile with a bright ear to ear grin, "I want to be your friend." It seriously took that much drama and seriousness for her to tell me that? "Is that what you wanted to tell me? Well I'm glad so I'll see you later then." I turn my body to walk away but her gentle hand brings me to face her again, "Casey wait! I know we've just met but do you want to come over to my house today?" She seems really polite so why not? "Yeah sure but why?" I questioned looking at her curiously. "We can get the time to know eachother." With that, she was gone. This should be fun

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