Gym Class

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"Merry Christmas!" Everybody in the house cheers with the sound of wine glasses clinking together and little cousins I didn't know I had were running around cheerfully. Caley and I sat on our "special" couch in which only us twins got to have for ourselves. Mom say on a chair beside us drinking slowly thinking about something hurting probably about my father and she quickly turned her expression into excitement because my aunt patted her shoulder. Pete and I haven't been on speaking terms ever since our big fight and it hurt slightly that he wasn't here to celebrate with me. Alexa was sitting on the ground beside me, her blond hair ombré red on the tips which suited her really well. The thing was she knew every single one of my cousins when me on the other hand haven't even kept track of their names. Caley and I kept checking the watch of our phones waiting for the big hand to move towards the 2 because mom likes it when we yell happy birthday when it hits exactly the time we were born. She thinks it's more special that way remembering the day. Everybody in the room was either chatting along in corners or scolding their children for running or hitting another one of their countless amount of siblings. Mom only has one sister. She has 12 kids. Yeah I know. Mom had invited Alexa's family, her closest friends from work and Dad. He seemed a little distant from us, chatting with Steph or looking at the beautiful decorations we failed at attempting to put up. The green banners and reds spiralled along each other across each room making a perimeter. Who can forget the tree? Our tree had literally barely touched our ceiling, glittering with beautiful ornaments hung upon the green tree needles. Mom used to do all the decorating but she's sick so we were left with orders from her. The other half of the room was an awaiting ice cream cake separate for the both of us so the 2 cakes were waiting ever so patiently for us to cut through them. Also there was an original classic happy birthday banner along the back wall of where we were going to cut the cake. Finally, the time has ended and every yelled "Happy Birthday!" Children running even more hyper than before because good old Caley had to say "who wants cake"? I run upstairs away from the madness into my bedroom grabbing my Christmas and birthday present for my sister. I really hoped she liked it. It's been 2 months since that note was sprawled across my front wall in the welcome room and I still couldn't bring that scarring image out of my head. The words that were written creeped me out so much I couldn't sleep, always tossing and turning in bed until I woke up in a pile of my own sweat from a nightmare screaming. I look into my body length mirror fixing my outfit. My skinny jeans, a red long sleeved shirt and a evergreen colour cardigan enveloped me in a hug, tied around my waist. Not wasting anymore time fixing the messy bun I made, I walked well more like ran down the stairs with excitement. Nerissa hasn't spoke with me ever since we had gotten into a fight, about Pete being a badass and such but of course I didn't believe her because he ever so kindly opened a little bit of his past and really showed that he had a heart. The way he said I'll see you at school tomorrow, made me think that he eased off a little on the argument but as weeks passed that meant something totally the opposite. Melissa showed up of course on Caley's guest list because I still was a little cautious of whatever she can do. We were arch enemies since childhood so I have to give myself some time to think if I should be friend her. Noah just looked plain adorable with his little floppy hat and onesie printed with a monkey on it. His hair started to grow more, taking after his mom he had brown hair with brown eyes. Melissa didn't have brown eyes so probably he either got it from his dad or random genes. People still don't know who the father since I'm surprised the dad didn't even show up at the hospital to see his adorable chubby little son. Everybody surrounds the table while Dad lightens up the candles marked 18. Officially an adult. Damn. "Alright ladies, let's play rock papers, scissors. Whoever wins, gets to cut their cake first." Challenge accepted Dad. The first few turns we always landed on the same item, but then I had won. Yes. "Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Casey, Happy Birthday to you!" I blew my candles out satisfied that I have just turned to officially become an adult. Caley went next, which was a blur for me because I kept my gaze fixed on Alexa. She looked so gleeful like she always did but I recognized something I haven't seen in her before. There was a glint of discouragement something between a defeated look and scared. Her hands were clutched tightly by her sides but she didn't care, just pretending to have fun. I'd have to make a mental note to talk with her later because I can't bear watching my Alexa being tortured with that monster who can take advantage very quite easily. "Birthday exchange gifts!" Caley jumps up and down like a child, mom having to remind her that she had turned 18. Laughing whole heartily, everyone looks at what both of us received from one. I rip my paper carefully, having an ominous feeling that if be pranked like last year. She put a bunch of spiders in a box me freaking out because I was terrified of them. This birthday gift was a little different. As I lift it and show it to my family, they have happy expressions shown across their faces. A Pandora bracelet. The silver that went around in a circle hugged my wrist as she clasps it on. The charm was a pretty dangly charm that read, 18 and one which read sisters forever. I hug her while everybody cheers and claps for the thoughtfulness. Picking up my wrapping of a present, I feel a little nervous afraid of she won't like it. The box was a little late from shipping, ordering it a month ago when it should've came a week ago but still came on time. She rips it up fast as a bullet racing through all the shear papers that I put in it, and first she pulls out a card. Reading half way she sighs dramatically muttering that this is way too cheesy and long. That gave everyone a good laugh. Either that was really funny or they are just eager to see what the present is. Frederick sat in a corner alone waiting patiently, he looked so lonely. I wonder if Lex told any of her siblings about her progress. He looks almost innocent, if I never met him I'd go and talk to him right now but I've known him my whole life. This is the first time that he actually stayed put not bothering to tease others even if it's an adult he's talking about. You know that movie Divergent? He is defiantly a Candor, he can blurt out everything which is on his mind careless if he hurts their feelings bad. She lifts up the present with her green eyes gleaming with happiness, touching it half hugging me. The baby pink dress with only one sleeve on the right shoulder with beautiful with sequins along the waist. It flows down all the way to her feet swaying with lightness. She really liked it, I could tell. I never really wore jewelry before except for wristbands of bands or fandoms but now I really look forward to wearing this. She twirls around laughing enjoying the dress like she's actually wearing it. "I'll wear this to prom!!!" Squealing with delight everyone ( the ladies mostly ) take an investigation on the dress examining it from every angle while we cut equal thin pieces of ice cream cake for all the kids lined up in a single file line. After the cake, we all sat in the living room waiting to open gifts but have to wait until tomorrow since it's "traditional" that way. Melissa comes over while burping Noah, patting his back. "Happy Birthday to the both of you!" She hands me a present wrapped perfectly surprised she can do that good of a job while taking care of a baby by herself since her partner basically ditched her. The wrapping was a pretty grey and white chevron print with a blue ribbon tied on the top, my favourite colours. Caley's came into a pink floral print with a white ribbon, her favourite colours. She thanked her best friend pulling her into a hug while I stand searching for my best friend. Alexa sat with Frederick with an arm sling sound his shoulders ruffling his hair. They never even got along most the time they'd make fun of each other. I walk over there with a scared feeling thinking in intruding a difficult region of sadness. They both had a sympathetic expression, lastly they actually hugged each other! "Umm hey guys." Rubbing my arm awkwardly, they break apart slowly bringing their eyes towards me with confusion and embarrassment. Fred had brown locks just like mine just passing his ears making it look like a shaggy dog. His eyes were a beautiful winter grey and his prominent cheekbones lined with just the good even layer of freckles. As you may know, he was adopted so he looked nothing like anybody in the family because they were all dumb blondes. He had quite the looks for a seven year old, him wearing a formal polo shirt and pants. God he had no idea what an actual 7 year old lives like. Mr.Sterling divorced before he even got to see his newest son. Now he lives all the way in Arizona screwing some 22 year old girl. He was a very strict dad always expecting good grades and excellent performance of etiquette whenever he was around. He owned a big company, very famous but eventually closed off; came out of business. He then started going to stripper clubs, bars with my Dad as well enjoying the rest of the night leaving frightened Mrs. Sterling and Mom at home waiting for an arrival. Alexa hated his guts now, she was daddy's little princess which explains why her mother doesn't get along with her. "Bossy is what she is. Always wanting everything perfect just like Dad. Whenever she does that it reminds me of him." she used to say crying into my shoulder at the playground whenever she used to run away. "What do want?" Freddy spoke up fixing his collar nervously playing with the buttons. "Just wanted to see what was up. Can I talk to Alexa?" After a few moments of persuading saying that you didn't even like her in the first place, he grunted moving away from the seat which made it available for me. "You told him didn't you?" Was what I asked. Now this time it was her turn to fix the top hem of her pink V neck shirt and fiddled around with material. "Yeah. He seemed so freaked out. The whole scene you just saw was him basically apologizing." I laughed with her as I watched the overcrowded room filled with an atmosphere of glee. The stockings were hung slanted with the initials of our names except for us, twins we had our actual full name sewed into it. Last year I was welcomed with a pile of makeup and she was overwhelmed with Barns and Nobles' gift cards. "You'll be okay Lex."
"No it's just even if I didn't have cancer, he'd still be being rude not bothering to apologize any sooner."
"I get it. Just don't worry about it. At least he did. I'm surprised you didn't have an expression of tearing his guys out and calling him a dork." She pushed me chuckling, snorting too which made me laugh. We had the most peculiar friendship. The months passed away and Lex told me she had at least 6 months to live which I thought was hard for her, her family, and me. Live life to the fullest. I keep reminding you that God just wants you, to take you away early because you're special. She tries to smile but I know she's not fully encouraged. The party lasted all night, well until all the children started to get tired which was at 11:45 p.m. so everybody evacuated, leaving me alone to my thoughts. "Casey what's wrong?" Cales asked confusingly cocking an eyebrow knowing I was defiantly not okay. Just thinking about Alexa's health got me worrying. Putting up my brave fake smile, I reply confidently hoping my voice was even, "I'm totally fine, just wondering where to place all my books since I got brand new ones."
"Whatever, I'm going to sleep at Mel's. Night."
"Night." I forgot she was still here packing up her stuff. With that, she strutted away her hips swaying bringing her to toss her hair dramatically for me to see. What a weirdo. The decor had been removed, the Christmas tree lights still flickering a little fighting to stay alive, and our presents hidden securely until sunrise. We always hit the jackpot with presents since we were celebrating to holidays at once. 2 for 1. Mom went up to bed and I started to pack my things up as well thinking to get some shut eye. Pete and I were genuinely getting closer and closer to each other saying whatever was on our mind. The fight hasn't gotten any farther, reality, we've been drifting apart. We said I can trust my dead dad but not him. At school, I kept wanting to talk with him but he always seemed to find a way to ignore and pass me. When I brought the topic up of the weird notes around my room and the nightmares he seemed almost scared. Melissa stands wiping some sweat, and lifting the car seat. "Being a mom looks pretty difficult." I think that wasn't a good thing to say because she only glared at me like an eagle.
"Yeah, I screwed up I get it! Being a teen mom ain't easy, Melissa. You had to be so stupid into letting a guy bring his dick in you. God, if you didn't do that, you wouldn't put so much hard work into yourself." She huffed twisting the knob hard and slamming the door forcefully letting a brush of air tickling my skin. I had no idea what I'd just done. Staring out the window, she marched over towards her car until I saw a shadowy figure crawling up against the yard. It's been 2 minutes and her anger seemed to vanish, replaced with relief. The person seemed male by his lean body with muscular arms. Then the guy brought one hand behind her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. I could've looked away but my eyes were glued to the scenario. As he leaned in, the hair seemed a familiar blond with it cut short. The baby was set down on the grass while her arms snaked around his neck. Her back was now leaned against the car with him leaning harder, pushing her. His back was faced towards me which made my luck go down the drain. Who was this secret admirer? They finished their little session with him backing up pulling his pants up. I don't want to go into detail here. The man turned around to head back to his secret hiding spot when I noticed those eyes anywhere. Those brown eyes stared back for a second before smirking. It was Pete.

Hey everybody! Now I've gotten to the good parts. Almost done the book now. Tying up the loose ends of the story and trying to make it good and polished. This part of the story made my stomach drop and I hope you really like this update. I love you guys! I'm almost to 100 votes? What ?! Thanks my all lovely people around the world and I'll update ASAP only if you want me to :) read my previous updates and don't forget to comment thanks and cyber hug!
Fatima <4

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