| Moon fifty | December sixteenth |

412 16 365

December 14, 2020

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Season : Green-leaf (2/3)
Weather : Sunny and Warm
Event : Flower Festival


Fresh-kill pile : 104
Sticks : 69
Herbs : 21
Border strength : 20/20

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Cats : 56
Males : 26
Females : 29
Pharaoh : 1
Immortelle : 1
Jasmines : 0
Priestesses : 1 (-1)
Paladins : 8
Cacti : 12
Saguaro : 13 (-3)
Myrtles : 4
Ibis : 0
Lotus : 6
Petals : 3
Seedlings : 3
Escapees : 3
Exiled: 1
Dead : 29


| | TRIBE NEWS | |

The tribe awoke to panicked shouts from Owlbright. She claimed she woke up alone and couldn't find Houndhowl anywhere. Others claimed they couldn't find Slatecry or Junoflight.

While searching Woodsnow and Apophis found pawprints leading out of camp. A patrol followed them until they spilt into two groups.

Patrol One followed the pair of two pawprints to the edge of the territory and turned back.

Patrol Two followed the smaller prints and found the body of Houndhowl.

Slatecry and Junoflight have escaped.

Houndhowl went exploring and died because of the harsh weather.


Horizonflight did not comment in the activity chain three moons in a row , if they do not comment this moon they will die. (-2 energy).

Mambafrost purchased flowers for her daughters !

Skipcloud purchased a custom cat !

Woodsnow purchased max battle skill !

Coyotesage gifted a flower for Amarylliskit !

Scarabsun gifted Woodsnow 10 gems !

Settingsun gifted Fireflyglow 17 gems !

Settingsun purchased a gem mouse for Smolderkit !

Settingsun purchased a flower for Blazekit !

Houndhowl gifted Owlbright his gem-mouse !

Houndhowl gifted Owlbright to Icedrop !

Houndhowl's gems were spilt between Owlbright, Mothtail, Milkweedsong, Mambafrost, Hyenafang, and Crescentmoon !

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