| Moon six | May eleventh |

307 12 197

May 11, 2020

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Season : Leaf-fall (3/3)
Weather : dark and gray clouds and high winds
Event : Ra's warning / Laurelswoop's birth


Fresh-kill pile : 63
Sticks : 216
Herbs : 49
Border strength : 20.50/20

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Cats : 35
Males : 19
Females : 14
Pharaoh : 1
Immortelle : 1
Jasmines : 1 (-1)
Priestesses : 0
Paladins : 5
Cacti : 11
Saguaro : 8
Myrtles : 2
Ibis : 2
Lotus : 2
Petals : 1
Seedlings : 2
Escapees : 0


| | TRIBE NEWS | |

The Myrtles visited the Sunstone last moon and appeased the gods!

The sun god's golden eyes raged in fury. "You helped them, Khonsu!" he screamed. "You disobeyed me for your silly Priestess!" He towered over the small, thin, black night goddess, and his aura radiated anger and frustration.
"You would do the same," Khonsu replied calmly, keeping her amber eyes glued to Ra. "If Hickorylight were in danger–"
Ra swiped his claws at her face and struck her cheek. The force of the attack slammed her to the ground, but no mark was left on her. Being a goddess prevented any permanent scars to stay.
"Do not speak to me about the Pharaoh, she-cat," Ra spat. "Your Priestess is nothing compared to my creation."
Khonsu started at him in shock. Her mouth hung open in silent surprise. In the millennia she knew Ra, he never attacked her. "Ra... listen to me, please! Morningpaw could be in danger. I had to help them!"
"No!" Ra's voice commanded the attention of every god and goddess in the stars. "You listen to me, Khonsu. If you continue to help them, your precious Priestess will suffer! From now on, no one can guard her without her losing her purity. Before long, she will be worthless."
"Ra!" Khonsu screamed in agony. "Please, no! Don't do this!"
The sun god turned away from the trembling goddess. "I already have," he replied and walked into the darkness alone.

Because of Khonsu's hint last moon, Ra will lower Morningpaw's purity if guarded.

Laurelswoop has given birth to two kits. Please welcome finchy- and Degal_Heartfang to the Tribe of the Burning Sun!

Yesterday, the Priestesses's den was built.

Hawthornmoon guarded the Nursery and is tired (no effect).

Jackalrunner and Settingsun guarded camp and are tired (no effect).

Burningash guarded his nest and is tired (no effect).

Bluebreeze guarded his nest and is tired (no effect).

Fallingember guarded Morningpaw without her purity falling and is tired (no effect). This is the last time he will be able to do so.

Blackclaw guarded his nest and is tired (no effect).

Hickorylight's breeding ban has been left since every important den is built. He can choose whether to extend the ban or not.

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