| Moon fifty-four | January twenty fifth |

198 11 211

January 25, 2021

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Season : Leaf-fall (2/3)
Weather : windy
Event : none


Fresh-kill pile : 144
Sticks : 190
Herbs : 40
Border strength : 19/20

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Cats : 55
Males : 25
Females : 29
Pharaoh : 1
Immortelle : 1
Jasmines : 0
Priestesses : 1 (-1)
Paladins : 8
Cacti : 11
Saguaro : 13 (-1)
Myrtles : 4
Ibis : 4
Lotus : 8
Petals : 1
Seedlings : 3
Escapees : 3
Exiled: 1
Dead : 30


| | TRIBE NEWS | |

Snowmouse , Batswoop , Owlbright , Woodsnow , Monarchflight , Scarabsun , Novapaw , Havenpaw , Blazekit , Smolderkit , Scorchkit , and Cottonkit did not comment in the activity chain last moon and are hungry (no effect).

Hurricanechaser did not comment in the activity chain the third moon in a row and has died. He will need to buried.

The Priestess Den has still not been repaired.

Priestess den: costs 20 sticks

Havenpaw was healed last moon. They're now healthy. 

Settingsun, Coyotesage, and Monarchbreaker put their gems together to buy Scorchkit a gem mouse! -100 gems

Scorchpaw, Magmapaw, Smolderpaw, Blazepaw, Amaryllispaw, and Talasipaw ranked up last moon! Their mentors are Batswoop, Rockpool, Hibiscuswave, Hyenafang, Coyotesage, and Saharaheart.

Cocoakit, Silkkit, and Cottonkit rank up soon! Nutmeglight needs to choose mentors for them.

Vermillionpearl and Apophis bred! Vermillionpearl has been moved to the nursery. 

New update ! Shrines.

Shrines can now be built for the gods ! A cat can care and build a shrine for 0 energy. Once a shrine is built it must be cleaned up after every 5 moons or else it will be abandoned. An abandoned shrine can be reclaimed by another in the future.

If you want the Discord server link, pm Rose.

Art of the Moon!

Den Information

It's your job as a tom to build a great den for your women, if you don't both you and them will be tired!
Building a den costs 20 sticks, a normal den holds 2 cats, upgrades cost 15, each upgrade adds 2 cat spots.
If a tom and his wife don't have a den, they could ask to share with another tom until they build one.
If a tom suspects another is smooching off their den, they can evict them.

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