| Moon ten | May twenty-second |

385 13 247

May 22, 2020

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Season : New-leaf (1/3)
Weather : long hot days
Event : Sunstone visit


Fresh-kill pile : 33
Sticks : 1
Herbs : 56
Border strength : 18.25/20

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Cats : 46
Males : 25
Females : 21
Pharaoh : 1
Immortelle : 1
Jasmines : 1 
Priestesses : 0
Paladins : 7
Cacti : 9
Saguaro : 8 (-4)
Myrtles : 2
Ibis : 2
Lotus : 2
Petals : 4
Seedlings : 13
Escapees : 1
Dead : 0


| | TRIBE NEWS | |

In the night two toms left their dens..

The tom's eyes stalked Violetsnow. She was new and claimed the attention of every cat in the tribe, mated or not. He watched her slip into the den she was staying in, and he purred in delight. Here was his chance.
 The tom with gray fur slipped next to Ashstorm's den, his desire for kits clawing at his throat. Ra would be happy with him. He had to make the gods see he was worth something.
 However, a half-patterned cat stepped in front of him. "What do you need?" Settingsun spit out, her multicolored eyes narrowed.
 Quickly, the tom thought of a fib. "I was looking for Ashstorm," he replied.
 "Oh!" Settingsun said, believing him. "He's just outside of camp."
 The tom weakly smiled as he walked out of camp, his growing need for approval from the gods only rising.


Later, a different tom with brown fur greedily watched the new molly in camp. She will be a wonderful mother to my kits... he thought. Ra cut him a deal, and he was determined to make good on it.
 His eyes traced Violetsnow as she chatted with other brainless she-cats of the tribe before she retreated to her temporary den. Before he could make his move, another tom stepped close to the den but was stopped by Settingsun.
 The tom with brown fur groaned. He would never get close to Violetsnow now! However, he was close enough to the den that Settingsun noticed him.
 "Oh, hello," she said, her brow furrowing. "What is it with everyone showing up at our den today?"
 "I need to talk to you," the tom responded bitterly. "I was wondering if you know any good techniques for avoiding getting thorns in my paws."
 The tom listed to Settingsun give him useless information as his eye glanced into the den every so often. Violetsnow would be his.... he had a promise to keep

Violetsnow was almost attacked by two toms last night! Since she doesn't have a mate there is no real reason to look into this, but a chain will be posted if you'd like to try..

The Myrtles must visit the Sunstone this moon!

Skip has renamed themselves to Skipkit!

Tinyflower and Coldbreeze have named their kits Saharakit and Coyotekit!

Prickthorn and Hawthornmoon have named their kit Oasiskit!

Owlbright and Houndhowl have named their kits Mambakit, Hyenakit, Diamonbackkit, and Crescentkit!

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