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Author's pov

"Stop staring at my boyfriend like a creep" Jin said bringing jungkook out from his thoughts. "Uh..i-im sorry" jungkook apologized moving his gaze towards the little kids who were busy making a sand castle.

"Yeah... I know you are stunted because my boyfriend can read anyone like an open book" Jin said kissing namjoon's check with a proud smile.

"B-But how?" Jungkook asked. "Oh come on... It was obvious because instead of introducing yourself you asked 'how we guys can date' and that's how I guess about your situation and I think it's correct" namjoon explained.

"Oh" was the only word came out from jungkook's mouth. "Looks like you are in love" namjoon said diverting jungkook's gaze towards him.

"umm... I don't know" jungkook said. "Then you surely are" Jin said chuckling at jungkook's expression. "How can you say that?" Jungkook asked.

While namjoon and Jin burst into laughter making jungkook embarrassed. "Oh because you literally said you don't know....and tell me if you don't know then how can you say that you are not in love?" Namjoon asked.

"b-because I'm n-not" jungkook said looking down at his feet. "Then why are you shuttering??" Jin asked. "Oh come on it's ok to be in love.... It's ok to love" namjoon said hitting jungkook's shoulder while giggling.

"But my case is different" jungkook said looking forward. "Ok then tell us" Jin said. "he is my boss.. and likes me but I'm not sure... because I'm straight" jungkook said.

"How do you feel around him?" Namjoon asked. "please answer honestly maybe we can help" Jin completed namjoon's statement. "Umm... Nervous, s-safe, excited, and...umm..loved" jungkook replied with a red face.

He compared every word with taehyung before saying. Even when he was discribeing he could imagine taehyung's image.

"Then what's holding you back?" Namjoon asked puting an arm on jungkook's shoulder. "My past" jungkook replied. "Then.. move on from it" namjoon said.

"I can't" jungkook replied. "You don't know but you are holding yourself from experiencing many new thing in the future just because of your past" namjoon said.

"Sometimes we lose a lot of things which makes us regret in future just because of our past" Jin said looking at namjoon. "We struggle a lot just to be together.... But we never hold ourselves back just because of our past... That's why here we are... Together forever" he completed giving a warm smile to namjoon.

Namjoon left a small kiss on jin's lips in return. "I think you should give it a try.. don't hold yourself" namjoon said and jungkook nodded.

"Ok nice to meet you jungkook... Hope you give yourself a try.... And I think we should get going it's getting late" Jin said standing up from the bench followed by namjoon and jungkook.

"Appa... Appa look what we made" jungwoo said running towards namjoon. "Show me" namjoon said bending down to his level. "We made a sand castle" jina said "oh really" Jin said in a surprise tone making jina and jungwoo to giggle at his expression.

"Appa can I play with jungwoo tommorow also?" Jina asked looking at jungkook. Jungkook gave her a warm smile while nodding his head.

"Yeah.. and I'll bring my toys Soo that we both can play together" jungwoo said excitedly while clapping his hand. "Promise?" Jina said while taking out her pinky. Jungwoo intervined his pinky with jina "promise" he said.

The elders where watching the two of them in an aww Expression before parting their ways to home.

"Yaya... I got one more friend and he even have two appas... But soon I'll also get a second appa too" jina said excitedly when they reached home and her words somehow warm jungkook's heart.

"Yes baby... But now let's eat something you might be hungry" jungkook said and jina nodded.

Jungkook's pov

As soon as jina went to sleep my mind again get diverted towards namjoon's words.

Should I give it a try? But I'm straight... But I like him I guess... But what if I regret at the end?.. but I can't predict anything right now.

All I know about taehyung is that he is my boss and he have an arrogant behavior and he don't like his father much. That's it.

But jina wants a second appa. Will taehyung be able to fulfill that place?. I think I should give it a try... Atleast for jina.

After all taehyung seems genuine because many time I have pushed him away from me but he still comes back like a magnet. I think... I should give it a try.

I think I can ask him to make me fall for him!!
And like that I can even find out if he is genuine or not

Hmm good idea!!

~time skip~
~next day~

Author's pov

After completing his work jungkook went to taehyung's office.

As soon as taehyung notice jungkook in his office he stand up from his seat and made his way towards him to filter with him.

"Hello my love" taehyung said but jungkook pushed him toward taehyung's desk and pressed his body against taehyung trapping him between desk and himself.

This action of jungkook made taehyung quite shock but he still maintain his posture.

Jungkook was now standing in front of taehyung their faces where close "I want to give it a try Mr. Kim" jungkook whispered while holding taehyung's cooler looking staright into taehyung's eyes

"I hope I won't regret it at the end" jungkook said and taehyung looked at him with a shocked expression for few minutes untill it convert into a smirk

"I won't my love.... Would you like to go on a date with me?" Taehyung asked. "1 month" jungkook said while taehyung looked at him in confusion.

"You have 1 month... Make me fall for you" jungkook completed. While taehyung just smirk "I'm not going to make you fall for me Mr. Jeon but I'll make you realize that you love me too" taehyung said.

"W-whatever.. and Don't Tell anyone about this" jungkook said while taehyung nodded.

But little did they know that Jimin was standing there and he heard all their conversation.

"Kim Taehyung... I'll make sure that you won't steal my jungkook from me... You'll regret it taehyung" Jimin said to himself. his eyes filled with anger, jealousy and  sadness

Wowow... Jimin..🥺
I'm sorry Jimin..🥺.. but I have something for you too..😜

Trailer of next chapter

Jungkook pulled taehyung closer from his tie. Making taehyung shocked from his sudden action. But his next move made him even more shocked.

Taehyung's eyes popped out as soon as he felt something soft on his lips. For moment taehyung was shocked but he eventually closed his eyes melting himself in the softness.

And with that Taehyung started kissing jungkook back. The kiss was full of love. No rush, no lust nothing... Only love it lasted for almost 5 mins.


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