~Chapter 14~

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Happy Birthday Taehyung!!!

Happy Birthday Taehyung!!!

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Layla's pov:

As I was searching every corner, I was interrupted by jungkook's voice. Is he done searching already?

"Hey layla, have you find anything or your uncle?" Jungkook ask as he approach me

I shouldn't tell him about the journal

"I only found some board games and flashlight. Have you though?" I ask him as he too look at the bookshelf that I was looking at

Even though I knew that my dad is dead but I need to start to be even more wary about my surroundings. Jimin may be my friend but I'll place him as one of my suspects cause it could be anyone at this point of time. I better warn sky too.

"Yeah, just some food that I gave to jin hyung who is at the truck. We should probably head back. It's night now. We'll come back here tomorrow to search some more," jungkook said as he drag me out of the room

I wonder why is he in a rush to leave this place but since he wanted to leave so badly, I won't question it much for now.

"Is jimin out yet?" I ask

"Not sure. We can go find him," he suggest

"There's not a need to. I'm right behind you both," I heard jimin's voice from behind me

"Great, now that  everyone's here. Let's go," I said as I too drag jimin along with us

"Woah, why are you rushing for?" Jimin ask as he drag jungkook too since he stood there in shock

"I'm just tired and I kinda want the day to be over quickly so that I can come back here again to explore the area again," I explain, trying to not sound suspicious

"Alright then," jimin said, unsure

Jimin's pov:

I understand that she's excited but she seems way too eager. I wonder what she had found alone. She seems to be protecting that bag. I need to see what's inside that bag in order to uncover the mystery. Once we left the building, we spot jin hyung putting some stuff onto  their truck. Now, what did they found? Seems like everyone found something but me. I only found some food and water bottles. 

"Right, let's head back. We'll come back tomorrow morning, layla," Namjoon said to her as she nodded her head

She seems to be more silent now and namjoon seem to have notice that too. He retreated back to the truck after making eye contact with me. I have to tell yoongi about this. He must know something.

"C'mon jimin. I wanna head back now," Layla said as she sat at the back

"Right, sure," I said as I sat the drivers side and start the engine


"I'll see you in our room, jimin," with that layla left the  car and head inside first.

'Something is up with that girl and I'm intent to find out what she's hiding,' I thought as I stare at her retreating figure

"Is there something wrong?" I heard jin ask from behind me

"Umm...no. I'm going to head to bed now. Night," I said as I too retreat to the room

Jin's pov:

"Jungkook, did she found that journal that we tried to open?" I ask him as I made sure that jimin was not around to hear what I had said

"Yeah, I saw putting it in her bag," Jungkook said

"Good, all we need to do is grab that from her. It might have the answer as to how to reverse her antidote," Namjoon said, slowly grinning

"Once we reverse it, she'll be powerless and she'll finally be ours," I smirk at the thought

All the things that we could do to her. I wonder if she enjoys eating flesh. I know for sure that yoongi never lost his appetitie for human flesh. The memories of us being experimented on and being fed with flesh. It had yoongi and I immune to the taste but not the rest.

"One question. How are suppose to get it from her?" jungkook ask

"I guess someone need to convince her somehow," I said as I look at him

"Oh, I know what you mean. I'll do it tomorrow and I doubt she'll just let be out in the open," jungkook said

"Well, that's why we are coming back tomorrow. See if she brings it along with her then start thinking how to convince her," I said to him

Jungkook nodded his head as he smile his famous bunny smile that we love so much. Soon enough she'll fall into our trap without even realising it. Hopefully, we could also catch four more little fishes too along the way. Let's hope everything goes into plan accordingly.

Author's pov:

Little did the three of them know that someone was listening to their conversation...



Test subject #2:

-Is good at everything

-Strongest among the seven (They fear him too, especially when he gets mad)

-Had develop a power of song enables anyone to follow what they want them to do (Very powerful)

-Introduce to a girl, shy in the beginning

-However, became super possessive towards her but soon killed her for no reason

-Second trial on a female, was almost able to make her pregnant (Soon after we had to kill her)

- Is cute for a second and the next be a killer (Be careful)

-Had claim my daughter (With test subject #4) (Zero effects on her)


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