~Chapter 8~

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Jimin's pov:

Something doesn't feel right about them. Could they be an advancement like me or are they just human? I'm figuring this out sooner or later. If they are advancement, then I'm in big trouble. I would have to call for back up. They would want to keep Layla to themselves for sure. I need to bring her to my group fast. I need to make a call with yoongi again once everyone has fallen asleep. He would know how to handle this better than I do. 

"Jimin, you okay there?" I heard Layla's sweet voice calling me

"Oh, I'm fine. I'm just tired from that long drive is all," I laughed nervously

"Oh okay. I'm so sorry but we should go and rest. We've had a tiring day today," Layla said as she walks past me to get to jin

"Of course, let me show you to your rooms," Jin said as lead us upstairs

Namjoon's pov:

"Is she the one?" Jungkook asks, hopefully as we watch them walk up the stairs

"Yes, she is. She's the one that I have been telling you about. She has grown up beautifully from the last time that I saw her," I sighed

"Wow, woozi was not kidding when he said that his sister is pretty. Are we gonna keep her?" Kookie ask, curiously

"Of course, we're keeping her. First, we need her to love us before we tie her here forever," I spoke

"I know the drill but how are we gonna keep Jimin too?" Kookie asks as his eyes start to form hearts

This bunny has definitely fallen in love with jimin. What are we going to do with you, kookie?

"I have a feeling that he too is an advancement. I can see the mark on his neck,"  I said, smirking

"What mark? I saw nothing," Kookie ask, confused

"Of course, you saw nothing. He hid it perfectly well but if you look at it more closely, you'd see the mark clear as day." I said

(I forgot to mention that every advancement has a mark on their body to indicate what group they are in. They can choose to hide or reveal it to their lover.)

"He's right, Kookie. Jimin is an advancement. I overheard him talking to yoongi...which means yoongi hard turned jimin into an advancement" Jin Hyung spoke as he came down

"I haven't heard that name for ages now. I wonder how he is doing but I guess that now he knows that we have one of his younger lovers, I'm sure its a matter of time before he and Hosek would come running to save him," I said 

"Maybe they'll bring taehyungie," Kookie said, dreamily

"I'm sure they'll bring him along. They can't leave him alone in that mansion of theirs," I said, smirking

After so long of searching for the rest of our lovers, we finally found them.  It's all thanks to the lovely Layla that we'll for sure keep after showing her uncle's dead body that we killed. With her heartbroken, we will be there to comfort her and be the family that we're meant to be.

"I have a feeling that you have a plan, Joonie?" Jin Hyung said as he back hugs kookie 

"Let's just wait for them to come running," I said, smirking


Layla's pov:

"Hey Layla, is it that important to find your uncle?" jimin ask nervously

"What kind of question is that jimin? He is my family and of course, I want to find him," I said, offended

"I'm so sorry, Layla if I have offended you but think of it this way. What if your uncle is dead and your brother had lied" jimin said

"My uncle can't be dead and woozi rarely ever lie to me so don't you there make excuses. Woozi was so sure that my uncle has created a facility that even an advancement can't enter but if you're going to offend me about my family, I think I'm going to take jin's offer in sleeping in the other guest room that they have," I huffed as I slam the door behind me

I make my way to the other guest room and feeling so offended that I just jump straight onto the bed without bothering to look at the room that I was in. 

(Maybe she should have...)

I cry into the pillow, wanting the room to just swallow me up. Why couldn't jimin understand that finding my uncle is important to me as he is my only family now in this god damn world aside from sky...

Jungkook's pov:

The three of us heard the stomping of feet followed by a door slamming. I'm guessing that was Layla. I wonder what jiminie did...

"It seems like they're fighting up there," Jin Hyung said, smiling

"Hmm...we can take this as an advantage," Joon Hyung said

"How?" I ask, slightly confused

"I think someone needs a little bunny cheering her up. Kookie, go visit our babygirl," Joon hyung said

I smirk a little at what Joon Hyung suggests as I make my way upstairs. I pass by jimin's new bedroom as I make it to our girl's room that we design specifically for her.

"Ding Dong...may I come in?" I ask as I knock on her door

"GO AWAY!!!" I heard her shout

"It's me, jungkook," I said

I heard her soft footsteps and the sound of the doorknob opening, revealing the most beautiful girl that I ever lay my eyes on...

"What do you need, jungkook?" she asks, grumpily

"I heard the door slam and wanted to check on you," I explain

"I'm fine and thanks for worrying," she said as she closes the door

But I didn't let her as I stop her from closing the door fully. 

"Everyone needs comforting even if they don't want it," I whisper as I push her aside

Once I step into the room, I grab her by the waist and drag her to bed while making sure that she doesn't take a good look at the room. We don't need her looking at her surprise too early or running away for the matter.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?" she asks as she lay down with me beside her

"Nothing, you must be pretty tired. You should rest," I command her

"But I'm not...yawn...tired," She mumbled, tiredly

"Yes, you are. Sleep, bunny..." I hummed a softly into her ear

As soon as her eyes shut and her breathing is calm, I place a kiss on her forehead until the moment was ruin when the door burst open. Luckily, the sleeping beauty did not wake up from the door slamming.

"What did you do to her!!!" I heard jimin exclaim



Here's the last update for a while. I'm gonna put this book on hold for about two months at the most as my final exam for the year is coming in a week. I don't like to put my books into hold but this exam is super important to me. Hope everyone understand.

See you beautiful people in the next chapter in two months...

One more thing before I forget,



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