~Chapter 7~

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Layla's pov:

I groan a little as I felt a slight stinging pain on my neck. How long have I been asleep for? I open my eyes slowly and stare out the window of the car. The sun is still out so I must have slept through the morning. I think.

"Well look it here sleeping beauty seems to be awake now," I heard Jimin tease from the driver seat

"Very funny, did I sleep through the whole morning or something?" I ask as I face him

"Yeah, you did. Anyway, we're nearing the middle of the city. Where do you want to start the search?" Jimin asks as he drove the car slowly

"I'm not too sure but we shouldn't leave the car in case other people would steal the car. Also, if we leave, the city might get overrun with walkers," I said, thinking of every bad possibility

"Good idea. Do you have any more clues from your brother to let us know how to find Namjoon?" He asks

"Nothing much. I only know his name and before you say anything about his looks. No, I do not know what he looks like," I said as I glare at him when he was about to ask me more

"Alright, fine. We just hold up a flag with his name on it and see if we can find him from there. I'm sure he'll be able to spot it," Jimin suggest, jokingly

"Sure, let's do that," I said, seriously as I think through jimin's suggestion

"Wait...you're serious?" Jimin said, surprised

"Well, we have no other choice though so might as well use your idea?" I said, shrugging

"Should have seen that one coming. Let's do it then," jimin said, smiling

"But the question is how do we know if that person is really the one that we're looking for?" I question him as he stops the car and faced me

"Well, let's just hope you know your brother well enough then," Jimin said, shrugging


We did what Jimin suggested as he hooked a flag pole on the top of the car with Namjoon's name on it. Don't ask me how he did it. Even I don't know how he managed to do that in the first place. We kept driving around the area hoping that the namjoon person saw his name or something.

"Layla, It's night time. I doubt that we could find him at this time," Jimin said, yawning a little

"A couple more hours please," I beg as I gave him the puppy eyes

They usually work on my brother whenever I want something from him. Before Jimin could agree or disagree, a knock on my side of the door interrupts us. We both stare at each other for sometime before we face an incredibly tall guy smiling at us. OMG, are those dimples? They're so cute. Could he possibly be namjoon?

I roll down the car window so we can hear him speak more clearly. Now, I could clearly see that his hair was a little blonde. 

"Are you looking for me?" He asks

"Are you perhaps namjoon?" Jimin asks as he glared at the man

"That depends. Why are you looking for him?" He asks, curiously

"Layla," Jimin called me out from my daydream 

"Huh? what?" I ask as I felt my cheeks burning

"He asks why are we looking for him?" Jimin mumbled, annoyed

I wonder why is he angry though. Shouldn't he be excited that I am going back home to my uncle? Isn't it the whole point of this adventure? Maybe it was a little too easy.

"Yeah, I was supposed to find you because of my brother, woozi, he said that you know where to look for my uncle," I explain to 'namjoon'

"Woozi, I haven't heard of his name in so long. How is he?" he asks, smiling

I sigh sadly at the memories of my brother's sad tragedy.

"He...um...got bitten by a walker," I said

"Oh...um...I'm sorry for your loss. Woozi will forever be in our hearts. Sure, I'll help you find your uncle and I am namjoon. If only this boy could stop glaring at me, then I'll be happy to help you," namjoon said as he points at Jimin, accusingly 

"I still don't trust you but it's getting late so we should go and find a safe place to sleep," Jimin said

"I agree and I know a perfect place," Namjoon said, smiling

Before Jimin could interrupt namjoon, I cut him off.

"That would be great. Is there anyone with you?" I ask as I open the door for him

"Yeah, there is. My two friends. Jin Hyung and jungkook," he said as he enters the car and sat beside me

"Fine, lead the way. Any funny business coming from you, we will leave first thing in the morning with or without your help. Deal?" jimin said



"Just drive straight and you'll see the barn house that we're staying in," namjoon said

He's right. Straight ahead was a barn house as well as a lovely house right beside it. It seems fitting for a family of three. I always wanted to stay at a farm house when I was little.

"How long have you guys been staying there?" I ask as Jimin park the car in front of the house

"For about a year and a half. We rarely saw walkers coming around this area. It is a peaceful countryside. Jin Hyung bought this place years ago whenever we wanted to escape from the city and it was before the whole apocalypse happened," Namjoon explain

"NAMJOON HYUNG IS BACK!!!!!" we heard a boy screamed from inside the house

From where I stood, I could see the curtain move slightly as though someone was just behind it. I'm assuming that would be Jungkook that namjoon had fondly spoken about.

"That's jungkook and I assure you that he's not always this loud. You have nothing to worry about the noise level," Namjoon said, smiling

Jimin stood beside me as namjoon made his way to the front doors.

"I still don't trust him. We can make a run for it and find another way to look for your uncle," Jimin whispered into my ear

"Don't be rude. Namjoon is my last hope to find my uncle. Let's believe him for now. If we find anything suspicious about them, we'll make a run for it," I said as namjoon gestured us to enter the house

"Welcome, My name is Seokjin but you can call me jin.  It's nice to find new company once a while," Jin said, smiling

We were greeted by an equally handsome man and the cutest bunny right behind him. This may not be so bad after all.

What could go wrong?



Sorry for the late update as I was busy with my final National exam. I'll try to update twice or three times a month so bear with me. 

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. See you in the next one. 

SEE YA!!!!

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