~Chapter 24~

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In this chapter, it would just be the hyung line. Also, things will only get tense as the story progresses. Sorry if none of the characters are not being a yandere much. I'm still new to this whole yandere idea. Do give me time. Anyway, let's carry on with the story.


Yoongi's pov:

How could they betray us like this? They will surely pay. One of their punshiment' would be not seeing our babygirl for two months. Maybe we shouldn't allow them to have fun with her at all...

"Hyung!!!" Hobi shout in my face

I gave him my 'what' look as he stare at me in anger. What did I do? Have I been day dreaming for too long? That's probably it.

"Hyung, I've been calling you for the past five minutes now. Stop thinking about the punshiment for the maknaes. We've wasted enough time as it is. I've packed our bags and they're in the car. We need to head over to the farm house," Hobi remind me

"Right, Let's get going then," I said as I allow hobi to drag me out of the house

They're gonna pay... and baby girl, please wait for us. We'll be there soon...


Jin's pov:

"You're telling me that our jungkookie lied to us. How could he?" I growled

"Seems like it. I knew that he was acting suspicious from the moment that he wanted to sleep in a different room. I guess we need to join alliances with you know who," Namjoon said, giving me a look

"As much as I am waiting for such an opportunity but this is not what I had in mind. However, they're going to come find us anyway. Let's prepare for our guest then," I said as I make my way to the kitchen

"I'm sure that suga hyung would be delighted to see you again," Namjoon said as I watch him seat at the dinning table

"Who wouldn't be delighted to see this face? Our girl couldn't even help but to not to stare at my handsome face," I said as I focus on cooking




"Seems like our guests are here. Namjoon, why don't you open the door. We mustn't leave them hanging," I said as I hear the chair being scarped across the floor followed by namjoon's footsteps

Namjoon's pov:

I left jin hyung to his cooking as I made my way to the door. I open the door to only be greeted by the sight of my two glaring hyungs.

"What a surprise to see you here," I said, smirking

"Cut the crap. We know you have our maknaes and our girl," suga hung growled out

"Bold of you to assume that we have them. Why don't you come in. We have much to discuss over lunch," I said as I open the door wider for them

Suga hyung only growl as he march his way in as hobi hyung follow him. I smile a little at their antics as I close the door behind them. Oh, how I miss these moments.

"We're not going to eat any lunch. We're discussing this now," Suga hyung demand

"Fine. If you want to discuss so badly, make sure afterwards to eat some lunch," Jin said as he place the last plate on the dinning table

As soon as we sat down, no one talk after a while. Suga and Jin hyung were busy glaring at each other. This is getting no where especially if the two just continue to glare at each other.

"Right. As you can tell. Both of our maknaes and the princess is missing," Hobi hyung said after a while

"So you lost our girl. We know that you have our maknae. Give him back and our girl then no one one will  get hurt," Jin hyung said as he continue to stare suga hyung

"We don't have your maknae and I can see that you don't have our maknaes either. Also, who said that she was yours." Suga hyung said

"Right. Now that we got that out of the way. We need to form an alliance to get back our maknaes and that princess," I said

"Why would you think that we want to work with you?" Hobi hyung said, glaring at me

"Simple. Both of us are smart to know that the maknaes are smarter when they work together. They have a plan to 'cure  us' which might I add is impossible. I'm assuming that they're using that as a cover up for the princess. They might be find a totally different serum than ours," I conclude

"If whatever that you say is true, then they might be headed to japan. The lab here doesn't have enough resources for them to make a serum and for them to do it secretly. Even if we wanted to go japan, we can't. They took the only jet there," Suga hyung said

"Right. Who said that a jet is the only thing that get there. We'll take a boat to get there," I said

As much as the boat would take a longer time but it gives us more time to evaluate the two. If they agree to this, we might just be able to manipulate them.

"Why should we trust you?" Hobi hyung asked

"Trust us or not. The princess is a fair game. You have your own serum and we have ours. Both groups want the serum to be injected into her. Here's the deal. If we help you get your maknaes and you help us get ours, we'll help you to hold her down so that you can inject your serum into her easily. That way both groups get to inject the serum into her fairly without a fight. Then we get a win-win situation," Jin hyung said after a while

"Then what would you get?" Suga hyung asked

"The baby," Jin hyung said

"Deal. You get the baby that will be birthed then we get the girl," Suga hyung said as he shake jin hyung's hands

"Great. We only needed the child to carry on our own experiment," Jin hyung said

"Then the girl is fair game. We'll head out tomorrow. Now, let's have lunch and don't worry. Its not poisoned," I said

To prove to them, I took a bite and smirk at them as I swallow the food. Jin hyung followed my lead and soon enough all of us were eating lunch quietly. I wish that this moment would last forever.

No one's pov:

Oh, look what you did now, layla...



Hope you guys like it so far. I know it might be a little confusing now but I assure you that it'll make sense near the end of the story. Now, who is ready for the rest of the story to be in japan. I know I am. Yes, spoiler alert. It might be all in japan.

See you guys in the next chapter. Byeeee

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