~Chapter 22~

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Taehyung's pov:

We were already walking in the tunnel. Layla was quite silent when we wanted to go to the tunnel.  We were walking for hours and Layla is slowing down a little bit. If she is that unwell, I could just carry her. I'm sure that she won't mind.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask as I watch jimin lead the way

"Yeah, I'm just a little tired. That's all. How much further is the entrance?" She ask as she try to avoid looking at me

"We're here. Before we go up there, come here. We need to do something to you," Jimin said as he pull her arm towards him

He afterwards let go of her and face the closet. Ahh, this is my favourite part. Where we cover our girl with guts of walkers. I wonder what she'll look like.

"What are you doing?!?" Layla ask, alarmed

Jimin then pulled out one of the living walkers that we kept to kill for fun. He then immediately shut it again before the rest come out of the closet. He pulled out his knife quickly and end the life of the walker before it bites layla.

"Would you relax. We need its guts to cover you in them," Jimin explain as he smile at her, trying to reassure her

"I know that this is part of the plan but still. Is there any other alternative?" layla ask, worried

As she try to avoid being covered with guts. I think she'll look cute covered in guts. Maybe we should cover her in our blood. That way they know that she belongs to us. However, that can be done later. We have a mission to succeed.

"Would you rather just walk up there and get eaten. Be our guest. They might fear us but we're out numbered up there. There's thousands if not millions of walkers roaming in that building waiting for their lunch," I said, convincing her

We heard a groan coming from her as we watch her close her eyes. Aww, she looks so adorable being all uncomfortable. If we weren't in such a predicament, I will try to make her feel more comfortable.

"Just do it," She whimper as she continues to close her eyes

"Wanna help, Tae?" jimin ask as held a few intestines in front of me

I smirk a little as I approach him. I could see the tremble in her closed eyes. She doesn't trust yet. We need to work on that. This journey would be a great opportunity to do that. Soon, she'll allow us to mark her even further.

"I thought you would never ask," I teased

"This is not the time for the both of you to play around," Layla whine as she gag a little when jimin wipe some blood on her face

"My face too?" She whine while her eyes remain close

"Yep. I mean if you want to be their lunch, its fine. We'll get first serving before they do," I said as I lather some on her front

Jimin did the same to her back and we slowly went down her body. We continue to rub onto her skin and clothes. We made sure that her body is fully covered before we let her be. Jimin then dump the body into the trash that was beside us. Her body felt amazing...maybe I should play with her some more. But...not yet. Once we get to a save place, then yes.

Layla then open her eyes. She stared at her gut covered body which resulted her to gag a little. Jimin and I chuckle at her disgust expression.

"You ready?" I ask as jimin slowly open the entrance to the building

"With me covered in guts, might as well go for it. This disgust me more than anything in the world," She groan as she approach us

"Alright, cost is clear but we should track carefully," Jimin sigh in relief as he face us again

Jimin made sure that he goes first then he pulled layla after him. As he notice that she is trying to go last. Not a chance, dollface.

Layla's pov:

We made it out of the tunnel with taehyung being the one to leave the tunnel last. He shut the door and he smile at us. 

"That is the back entrance that we're suppose to meet jungkook. We have to be careful. As you can see that door is being block by a thousand walkers. Layla, stay between the both of us and nothing will go wrong," Jimin whisper pointing to a door that led to the back entrance

"Its not fair that the both of you don't need to be covered in guts," I pout as we slowly made our way to the door

The boys chuckle  softly and our conversation ended there. We kept walking as none of the walkers spear us a glance. Then again, why would they considering that they fear advancements much less the ultimate ones. A few were being too close to me which result in taehyung glaring at them. Thus, making them back off from us. For being the undead, they sure do have feelings. I do find it strange. I don't think that they are the typical walkers that you see in TV. I really need to read my dad's journal again.

"We're almost there. Hang on," Jimin whisper

"Why are we whispering? We're already attracting attention," I said as I gesture to a few walkers looking at our direction

"That might be true but any noise can trigger these walkers. We rather not risk it and do consider the fact that you're human," taehyung explain

"Right," I whispered as we are already close to the door

"This is where things will get tricky. Layla, you leave first and then both of us will follow behind you. We have to make sure that we don't open the door so wide and allowing this many walkers escape into the city," Jimin explain

Makes sense to do that. With these many walkers, the whole world will be totally wipe out even though it already is. I still can't believe that these many walkers are still here. Jimin opened the door for me as taehyung watch the walkers movement. The moment that I step out of the building. I was greeted by the sight of jungkook leaning on a campervan. Where did he get one?

"Go to jungkook. We'll be right behind you," jimin encourage

Right, he make it sound so easy. Why I said that? Cause surrounding jungkook is a herd of walkers. There is no way that I'm getting there unharm much less with a small dagger. That I hid in my shoes.



Hey guys, sorry for the late update. I've been busy. I'm also been trying to edit my plot here and there. I heard that Wattpad is deleting books and such. I just want to make sure that my book won't end up being deleted by wattpad.  Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the book so far.

I'll see you guys in my next chapter.

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