~Chapter 3~

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Layla's pov:

I began telling him everything up until I met him. He nodded along through my story as he had comforted me when I spoke about my brother's death. I guess I really needed to let go of all my issues then. I've been bottling it up for quite some time now. I yawned a little as I quickly slam my hand to my mouth, embarrassed with what I did in front of him.

"Cute," I heard him mumble

I blushed slightly at his comment as he gave me a bright smile and pointed to a bed that was not too far from where we were seated.

"You can sleep on my bed while I keep watch. You must be tired after that flight. I'll wake you when I finish getting dinner ready as well," He said as he got up

I got up too as he led me to his bed and lifted up the covers for me, encouraging me to go in.

"Thanks, jimin. I really appreciate this. I'll leave tomorrow morning if it makes you feel any better," I mumble a little as soon as my head touches the soft pillows

"It's not a problem. Night layla~" He said as he tucks me into the bed

I snuggle closer to the covers and slowly close my eyes. I didn't even hear his last words that he said before I let sleep consume me.

Jimin's pov:

"And I'll make sure that you don't leave us again," I whisper as I watch her close her eyes

I continue watching her sleep without caring about the world around her. I wish there are more people like her around. I don't want to let her go. We don't want to be alone again.I just have to make sure that she will never have the opportunity to leave us like the last time. I sigh as I gently got up and made my way to the kitchen that was far away from the door. I got out the ingredients for the ramen. Let's get this dinner done and I get to wake up the beauty.


After cooking, I made my way to the sleeping beauty as I stare down at her. I smile a little as she reminds me so much of a sleeping kitten. As much as I want her to be asleep forever but she must eat in order to have the energy. I gently shook her awake as I watch her eyes flutter open slowly. I smile gently at her as I step back a little to allow her to get off the bed.

"Dinner is ready. Let's go, "I said as I led her to the table

"Wow, your brother and you did all this by yourself. I'm impressed, honestly. If my brother and I did this, I don't think it will be this magnificent or even this incredible. Did you make this dinner out of ramen? It smells delicious and I bet it tastes amazing too" She asks, in awe

I blush a little due to the never-ending compliments from her as I nodded at her. I've been complemented before but never by a girl. It feels nice and I want it to be like this forever. I'll make sure that it is forever even if I have to force it out of her.

"Why don't you take a bite and find out?" I said with confident

I have no idea where this is coming from but I like it. 

"Don't mind if I do," she smiles as she picks up her chopstick

The moment she took her first bite, I swear I could see her eyes twinkle like the stars above. She must really like my cooking to be able to give me such an amazing reaction. It's been a while since I had someone to cook for and not since the incident , of course. I hope she stays a longer with me so I can cook for her more. No, what am I saying. I am going to cook for her forever whether she wants to or not.

"What are you waiting for, jimin? Go on take a bite of your masterpiece," she said, encouragingly

I smile at her as I too took a bite out of my food. The rest of the night was spent with both of us enjoying the meal and each other's company. This the moment that I have been waiting for all my life.


After dinner, Layla said that she wanted to repay me by washing up the dishes although I did disagree. She said she wanted to repay me cause she is the guest. We argue for a while. Eventually, I gave up with her stubbornness and allow her to wash the dishes. Why do I feel like she gets her stubbornness from her older brother?

"You happy now?" I tease her

"Very," she laughed

Oh, how I love her laugh. Its like music to my ears. I just want to hear it forever.

"Do you have to leave tomorrow?" I ask as she sat beside me on the sofa

"Well, if you want me to stay then sure but I need to get a move on so I can find this namjoon person. He's the only one who really knows how to help get to my uncle," She said

Ahh...namjoon...I'm sure I can make her forget her motivation to find him later. Oh, I have an idea.

"Oh, what if I help you find him. I know Korea more than you do so I can help. I can get around here without getting yourself in too much trouble or getting lost," I suggest

"That's a great idea, jimin. Why didn't I think about that before. With a local helping me out, I'm sure that we can find namjoon and my uncle quicker," She said brightly

Yeah and you'll stay by my side. A perfect plan, indeed.

"Thanks. We should stay here for another day. We need to pack food and medical supplies as well as board this place up nicely for the next person that will stumble upon this shop. We can leave a nice note at the front letting them now that this is a safe place to rest," I said

"I like that plan. Another day of rest would be good for me. We should rest for the long day ahead of us tomorrow. I think I spot another bed that is not far from yours,' With that, she got up and search for the bed

"Night, layla" as I spot her getting comfortable on the other bed

I smile at her snuggled form as I got up and made my way to my own bed as I heard the softest voice that I have ever heard in my entire life. She is just so adorable.

"Night jimin,"


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