~Chapter 15~

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Happy New Year!!!

Its a new year and a new history. Last year history is over and is probably going to be in some history books or health books. Doesn't matter, its a new year and lets make some new memories. Lets make one now with the first chapter for the year.


Layla's pov:

The next morning, I got myself ready really early in the morning as I was excited to get to the laboratory quickly. Due to me getting ready too quickly, I bump into a table. I groan a little but also heard shuffling from the bed. Oops, I must have woken jimin up and here, I thought that he was a heavy sleeper. Apparently he was not so much for sneaking out quietly.

"Ugh, why are you up so early?" I heard jimin groan.

"Sorry for waking you up. I'm just in a rush to get to the lab. I'm quite curious as to what I can find in there or find more clues about my uncle," I said to him as I take my bag from the floor

I also want to know if there is any escape route that I could use to slip past the four of them. I need to be on my own again. As much as I did say that jimin is my friend but how much can I trust him before I find out that he is an advancement. I still have his journal and its in my bag that I'm carrying. I have a feeling that this  journal could be a lie about who he is.

"Since you're ready, how about I too get ready and we'll head to the lab before the other three wakes up," Jimin suggest

That's a great idea then I can work on my own without them realising it. I can also figure out jimin's intention too while we're there.

"Yeah sure. I'll wait for you by the car," I said as I pick up a notepad

I began to write a letter as I see jimin enter the bathroom. I quickly wrote the letter and left it on the bedside table but where the three could clearly see it.

Jimin's pov:

This is also gives me a great opportunity to give yoongi hyung an upper hand on the situation. Especially after I heard the three's conversation yesterday which allowed me to tell hyung. Clearly, they weren't aware that I have not yet truly left the room.


"Well, that's why we are coming back tomorrow. See if she brings it along with her then start thinking how to convince her," I heard Jin said

So layla is the antidote that we were looking for. Hyung would love to hear this. I slowly make my way to the room across from ours. I immediately try to get into contact with hyung.

"What is it, Jimin? You found something or did your relationship with layla improved?" I heard hobi ask

"Yeah, Layla is the antidote and we're friends," and I proceed to tell them what I heard from the three

"We finally found her and Jin hyung want to get us. He won't stand a chance facing us. Jimin, how close are you to her and aside for being just a friend" Yoongi ask

"We're friends and I believe she trust me," I repeated myself

"That's good. I need you to come up with an escape plan and convince her to follow you to our mansion," Hobi said

"How am I suppose to convince her?" I ask

"Simple. Just tell her that you saw an advancement mark on all three of them. If she wants prove, I'm sure that book will provide her amazing proofs for her. Another way is to use that drugged drink that I left in your bag for such occasions," Yoongi said

"Alright but tomorrow, we'll be going to the lab again," I said

"Perfect opportunity. Use that opportunity and leave that house before the three of them wake up," Hobi suggest

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow with her," I said

"Good job, jiminie. When you're here, I'll give you a little treat," Hobi promised

I ended the call with them and quietly make my way to our room without creating any form of suspicions. Once I enter our room, I spot layla sleeping soundly on the bed. From the corner of my eye, I see the bag where the supposedly  journal is kept. I was tempted to take it but it would risk the bond that we have. With that, I make my way to the bed and sleep.

~End Of Flashback~

I quickly got myself ready and pack some of the stuff that we bring along to the house. The rest of our supplies are in the car. I make sure to leave some stuff behind and I notice that she wrote a note to inform us that she wanted to go to the lab early. I change the note a little to make it seem less suspicious. With that I make my way to the car too. I spot her in the car and is currently reading the journal. As soon as I open the driver's side door, she immediately put away her journal into her bag. I wonder what she was reading?

"Ready?" I ask her as I start the engine

"Yep," She said

Now, we're heading to the lab and luckily, the three were not awake yet. I guess luck is on my side now. Time for the charm.

"Hey layla, you know that I came into the room late yesterday," I said

"Yeah, why you said that?" She ask

"Well, I was going down to take a glass of water as I was feeling quite thirsty but over heard their conversation and I found out that they are advancements,"  I drop the bomb on her

Layla's pov:

They were advancements this whole time. Why didn't I notice it before? I would have if I wasn't so distracted. Could they be some of the boys that were my dad's experiments. I bet that they are

"What are we going to do?" I ask, a little sad

"We could always stay somewhere further from here. I know a place that is really safe for us to stay in," he suggest

"Yeah, let's do that after we look through the lab," I said

This could work. I could go with jimin and gain more of his trust. With that trust, it gives me an opportunity to ditch him and figure out a way to make it to London without him knowing that is. I wonder where is this safe place is but is it really safe?



Test Subject #3: (This one is kinda obvious)

-The oldest of the group

-Very caring and possessive 

-A master planner (So beware)

-Introduced to a girl, was tempted to eat her flesh (He did eventually)

-Second one, wasn't that interested

-Saw my daughter and wants her (dangerous)

-Second in command to test subject #1


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