~Chapter 29~

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Layla's pov:

I don't know how long I have been limping out of there. Heck, I don't even know where am I? How am I suppose to find the secret lab?It could be anywhere at this rate. I huff as I walk over a rock. I kept walking and walking. By now, they should have realise that I have gone missing. As I kept walking, I didn't notice where I was walking. Cause the next thing I know is that I fell.

"What the....AHHHH!!!" I shrieked

I was zipping and sliding through the hole. What the heck is going on? This feels like wonderland. Now, I know how Alice felt when she fell from the rabbit hole. How much further down is this? Ooof, that answer my question.

"Hi layla," a voice said from my right


"You must be cold. When I receive your dad's letter about your's and woozi's arrival, I was excited. So, where's woozi?" jackson ask as we walk down a corridor

The guy introduce himself as jackson. He claimed that he was my dad's friend. I believed him as that's what was stated in the journal. He notice the scar on my shoulder so I proceed to tell him how I got it. He said that it was smart of me to do so. He told me that he would help patch it up. Which bring us to where we are now.

"He got bitten and we had to end him," I said as I look down

"Oh, I'm so sorry. It must have been scary. I wish I was there with you guys. I knew about your dad's crazy plan. I didn't want to get through with it but he's my friend. We gotta stick by each other side, you know. Now, just now you said, 'we'. Who was the another person that you were with?" Jackson ask

"Oh, that's sky. We met him while we were searching for a place to stay. He was also a pilot. That was Woozi and I got from country to country," I told him

"Is that how you got here?" jackson ask as he open the door to the medical room for me

"Not exactly. He brought me to Korea and then he left to London for his siblings. How I got here was because of three advancements," I told him, nervously as I sat down on a chair

"What?" He said, shock

"Where do I begin?" I said, sighing

"How about when you first arrive?" jackson suggest

With that I began to tell him my journey from arriving Korea to arriving Japan and falling into that hole. At the end of it, he had a look of surprise and impress. All the while, he finish patching up the wound.

"You've gone through a lot by yourself. I just can't believe that you ended finding the ultimate advancements. Yes, your dad is right you are at risk with them. If they manage to figure out a serum that enable you to be more fertile, then we would be in bigger trouble. I'm glad that you escape from them. Now, that you're here. We can create a cure to end all this," Jackson said, smiling

"I like that idea very much. I do however have one question," I said as I follow him out the room

"I have jimin's journal. Do the other boys have their own journal or is it just jimin?" I ask

"Nope. All seven of them have a journal. Its just that jimin was able to get of hold of his before they escape," Jackson explain

"Then, where's the rest?" I ask

"Here with me. You knew that he had a few moment before they came back to kill him. Well, he manage to sent out a drone with the rest of the journal to me. Hence, the hole that you fell. Which remind me, I need to close that up before those boys find us," Jackson said

"Is the lab really disguised with a hut on top?" I ask

"Of course not, silly. Your dad had a funny feeling that you would end up with them again. Your dad wrote a lie in that journal. We're just underground with dirt and trees on top covering where the lab is located," jackson laughed

We walk through a series of hallways until we stumble upon what looks like a control panel.

"This place look so cool," I said in awe

"I built it. In order to keep an eye out for any walkers and advancements. Here, we can see them but they can't sense us even the ultimate advancement. Your dad thought he made them flawless but he had made a mistake. They have terrible senses if I were to use the highest frequency which I did. Heck, even namjoon won't sense it," Jackson boast

That makes sense...I guess. I watch as jackson flip a switch and that very noticeable hole was then covered up. It look as though there was never a hole in the first place. I must have been that tired to the point I couldn't even see the hole.

"Now, that's settled. Let's get you well rested. We have a big day tomorrow," Jackson said as he led me out of the room

"Jackson, I just want to say thank you for the hospitality," I thank him

"Oh, no need to thank me. Your dad would have done the same thing for my daughter too," Jackson said, smiling sadly


"If you don't mind me asking, what happen to your daughter?" I ask

I'm kinda afraid of the answer. However, jackson has been anything but nice to me. I can't imagine a horrible event happening to him.

"My daughter died just like many people that didn't manage to escape the dead. I regret not coming to get her. She was in Korea studying when the apocalypses happen. Till this day, I still remember her last words to me. 'I love you, daddy and don't give up in saving humanity'. Since then, I've been trying to find the cure and hopefully with your help. We could," Jackson said

Poor jackson. I couldn't even imagine hearing those last words from your loved ones. I still had woozi's letter to keep me going. Jackson had only his daughter's words. No matter what happen. I'm going to help him.

"Here, we are. Go get rested up. I'll call you up when dinner is ready. Have a good rest, layla," Jackson said, happily

With that I was left alone in the room, maybe a well rested night would help me get through this cure. Wish me luck, woozi. 


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