¬Chapter 30¬

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Jackson's pov:

After leaving layla to rest, I made my way to the kitchen. I promise you, hoshi, I will take care of layla like my own daughter. The poor girl have suffered enough. I sigh as I pick up  a pan from the cupboard. If only hoshi listened to me, none of this would have happen.


"Hoshi, this is a bad idea. These boys have done nothing wrong. They're just kids," I complain

"I don't care. Their fathers are dead and there's no point for me to take revenge on their dead bodies. However, their kids are a perfect lab rats," Hoshi smirk

(No hate to seventeen or anything. It's just part of the story. Anyway, carry on reading.)

How did layla and woozi got a derange person of a father? I would never treat other people's children like this even if  their dads have done something indespicable. This would affect their mentality so badly. Does he ever think of the consequences? Probably not.

"They're children. They didn't know that their fathers were the ones that destroy your previous lab. What would your daughter and son think if they found out?" I ask

"Leave layla and woozi out of this. They have nothing to do with this and they will never know of this. Their sons are perfect examples what superhumans would be like in the future," He smirk

Of course, he would be worried of his own children but what about them. Nothing, of course. Their fathers were right to destroy his original lab. He's crazy.

"What about those walkers that you're holding captive?" I ask as I approach where they were held

"Let them stay there. As long as they don't get out. No one will be infected. Now, are you going to help create these ultimate advancements or not?" He ask as he walked up to some test tubes

I don't have much of a choice anyway. I pick up a syringe and fill it up with the serum that hoshi created. I am so sorry boys. Hopefully, one day in the future, I would be able to tell the world the truth of what truly happen. I just hope in the future that I wasn't too late.

~Flashback end~

I didn't realise that a tear had drop until I heard a sizzling from the pan. Sheesh, I'm crying again. Well, I better start this dinner for layla and myself then.

Namjoon's pov:

Its been over a day since we last saw layla. We've almost covered the whole forest. Not a single hut was found. I better hope that the three maknaes weren't lying. If they are...

"Are you sure that the lab is in this forest?" I ask jungkook

"Yes, she was the one who told us that the lab would be here. However, she wasn't so sure where it was located. We only assumed that it would be hidden underneath a hut or something," Kookie said

"This is hopeless then. We already lost her due to the tracker not on her. How she figure out that she had a tracker in the first place anyway," I said as we stop walking

We face the other four that were behind us. Yoongi hyung just gave us shrug. Clearly having zero clue on how she knew about it. I still think it's odd.

"You better hope she hasn't found that lab," I growled

"Even if she found it,  she would be all on her own. She doesn't know one thing about science. We have nothing to worry about," Hoseok hyung said, shrugging

"She won't be alone idiots. Jackson is still alive," I growled at their stupidity

"He didn't die. He managed to safe himself from those walkers," Jin explain, calmly

"Then we have to find that lab," Jimin said, determine

"That's the most smartest thing that you guys ever said. However, do tell me where you supposedly will find said lab," I said, giving him a pointed look

"Jimin manage to get her pregnant. It won't be long for the baby to form," Yoongi said

Ahh, I almost forgot hoshi made us even more fertile to make any girl pregnant. With yoongi hyung's added serum, jimin became ten times more fertile. Meaning layla has the possibility to give birth in a month or two.

"We don't have the time to wait for that child to be born or even start to develop. We need action now but we'll have to come up with something first," I said

"Fine. Let's head back to camp," Hoseok said as they turn around

All of us agreed as the three of us followed behind the four of them this time. Layla, you better be careful. We're coming for you, darling. It's not over until I say it's over.



Sorry for the short chapter. However, the story is coming to an end very soon. Not now but soon. A few more chapters to go. Which is why the chapter is so short. I wanted to lengthen the story line. Anyway, enjoy your day today.

Also, Happy BTS Day.

8 years of hardwork and dedication that the boys have done over the years. Even though I started to become an army about three years ago. However, I can see the dedication and determination that they put in every single time. Which has inspired everyone around the world, its truly incredible and inspirational. Let's continue to support them 😄💜

 Let's continue to support them 😄💜

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