~Chapter 20~

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I don't know if its a plot twist or not but I do hope you enjoy it. FYI: the plot will change from here onwards. If you're wondering about the last 19 chapters. The same things still remain the same but some needs some changes. It'll be small changes but its not big enough for me to rewrite the whole thing so be patient with me. Thank you.


Layla's pov:

"Well, funny or not. We aren't actually lovers but one of us wanted to deem us as such," Taehyung said

"How does that effect anything?" I ask, curiously

"Oh, it does. Do you understand the term of everything happens when you least expect it?" Jimin ask

"Yeah," I said

Sorta, I kinda heard a different one where it says expect the unexpected. Or am I wrong to say that? Oh well.

"Well, its true. We weren't lovers and even until now," Taehyung said as he turn to face jimin

"Huh? You guys act so lovey dovey and such. How are you not?" I ask, disbelief

"Would you believe that your dad had a hand on this?" Jimin ask

Believe it or not, I wouldn't be surprise if my dad had something to do with this outcome. However, I'm quite curious as to why are they letting me know about their secret. Isn't their purpose is to keep me here as their forever lover. Maybe get me pregnant cause thats what it looks like.

"Wait...hold up, why are you telling me this?" I questioned

"You also need to understand our side of our story too. He might be your dad but how much could you trust him?" Taehyung ask

"You're right. I don't even remember him being part of my life, honestly. What did my dad do to you? Its best if I listen to two sides of the story," I said

"Well, you're aware that your the antidote and that we're the ultimate advancements. We're different from all the other advancements by a lot. They might lost their humanity but we still have a little of our humanity. With you being an antidote, you help bring more of our humanity back. By creating the ultimate advancements, it cause a little of a mental damage to our brains. Thus, causing us to seek for each other when we need love. As for the other advancements, they continue to seek for their love with girls. Ultimately, your dad did  not think about his experiments thoroughly," Taehyung explain

"Girls aren't enough for you so you guys resort to each other," I sum up the general idea

That is incredibly smart yet weird. To be fair, I kind of understand them since majority of the girls were already claimed by other advancements. Sometimes, you can't help but to resort to something else for love. Even if it is for their own survival, at least they didn't result to eating each other.

"Exactly. We have zero interest of being couples but we just enjoy the feelings as finding girls in this situation is hard," Jimin sigh

"I get that but you could just hold the urges, right?" I ask

"Not without an antidote. We can't hold them. You've seen how jungkook, jin and namjoon act around each other. Its rare as it is to have found one so we just can't help to keep you so that our advancements side is satisfied," taehyung explain

"This is just weird. Is my dad the bad guy, here?' I ask

"That we cannot decide for you. Only you could decide that," jimin said

"Is there any possibility that you guys could be lying to me?" I questioned

"We only lie if the need arises. Fortunately for you, we can't lie as we see no use of lying to you about this matter. To make you feel at peace, we dismantle the cameras in the room temporary. Suga and hobi hyung is surely losing their heads right about now as to why the cameras are down," Taehyung laughed

"Believe us or not but jimin, jungkook and I never wanted this happened to you," Taehyung said as he look into my eyes

"Wait, you guys knew about each other!!!" I said, shock

"Yes, we weren't that badly affected by the serum your dad inject into our system," taehyung said

"Remember that I said I didn't lie about having a brother. Also, how yoongi and hobi helped with the shop. Its true but it was all under our manipulation," Jimin explained

"That means you knew about my existence," I gasp

"Yes and now, we need your help. We want our hyungs to return to normal but only you can do it," Jimin said

I'm so going to regret my decision. Then again every single decision that I made, I have already regret it. One more won't make any difference.

"Sure, what you need help with?" I ask

At that, they both look at each other. They're being suspicious. Am I doing the right thing but I need to know if what they say is true or not.

(Two hours ago)

Jimin's pov:

"Okay, hyung. We'll convince layla. Let us discuss our plan and we'll head over to your room," I said

"You better. We need that blood if we want to finish this serum," suga said as he left the room

"We're not going to give them her blood, are we?" Tae ask after we made sure that suga was far enough that he can't here us

"No. we're getting layla out of here and save jungkook from the other two," I said as I face him

"How we're going to do that? Kookie, already lost it and since layla is not there to bring back his humanity. Kookie is no longer who he is. Well not that much but still," Tae said

"He's not that gone. I can see it in his eye. He was beside layla back at the farm house. Her antidote must be taking effect by now. We just need to tell her the truth about everything without suga and hobi hyung stopping us," I said, thinking

"We could dismantle the cameras. It'll give us about three to four hours before hyung is able to get them back online," tae said

"Tae, you're a genius. Get hacking. I'll try to contact kookie again. We can't fail. We're one step closer to saving each other and becoming kings," I said as I pick up a walkie talkie



As you can see, I'm bad at writing yandere but its almost getting to the climax of the story. I'm still struggling to write the possessive part so bear with me. Hopefully in the next chapter, I could add a little yandere. Hope you guys enjoy zombie lovers so far.

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