¬Chapter 28¬

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Layla's pov:

As the two left the forest in search of water, I'm left alone with jimin. Great...This should be fun. I'm just gonna ignore him by preparing a place for them to sleep. They're gonna sleep at the back of the truck while I sleep inside. I don't trust them one bit. Something that I have notice too is that jimin is acting strange. I don't know what is wrong with him and I don't intent to find out. I still have his journal with me. I wonder if the other boys have a journal of their own too. My thoughts were then interrupted by his footsteps.

"Layla, I want to talk to you,"Jimin said

"And I don't," I huff as I move away from him

Which of course, he didn't allow me to. He grab onto my wrist and pulled me towards him.

"When I say that I want to speak to you, I mean it," He growled into my ear

What's wrong with him? I try to push him away from me but I couldn't. I don't remember him being this strong. He growled again and began to tighten his grip on me. Ouch, that hurt. There is something wrong with him. He's behaving like that advancement that we say earlier that day.

"Let's have fun, babygirl,"He growl into my ear again

What? NO!!! He then proceed to push me onto the back of truck. I'm just glad that I place some blankets on there or else, my back would hurt way worse. He followed right after me and began crawling up my body.

"Now, be quiet. We wouldn't want to attract unwanted attention," He whisper into my ear

(I do not agree to such behavior. This is just a story and Jimin or any of the bts boys would never do such a thing. Now, back to the story.)


I can't believe it. I lost it to a monster. Woozi would be disappointed with me. God...even sky is. Right after, Jimin fainted beside me while I'm here bleeding. I've got to find that lab without them. With that, I slowly got off the truck and make it to my luggage. I'm so proud of myself for packing a smaller bag. I quickly grab an extra flashlight and all the necessary things needed to survive. I also pick up a small knife and strap it to my hip. Before leaving, I pick up both jimin and my dad's journal. I took the route that is the completely opposite direction from where jungkook and taehyung headed. If you're wondering, I am limping away as much as I could. Without me, they'll never find the lab. However, I got to get rid of the tracking device implanted to me. Yes, I knew about the tracker. I wonder study medical school for two months was worth it.

¬1 Hour after the incident¬

Jungkook's pov:

It was a long walk from where we park the truck to where the river was located. When we arrive, our girl was not to be found. Did park fell asleep on the job? This is unbelievable. He had one job and he blew it. 

"Did she manage to run away?"tae ask

"Probably, your boy was sleeping on the job," I spat as I march towards the sleeping boy

"JIMIN, WAKE UP!!!" I shouted to wake him up

Jimin woke up startled and....NAKED. What the heck happen here? Did he? No, he didn't. That would explain why she disappear but still doesn't explain why he actually did it.

"You better start explaining or else, I'll kill you," I growled

"Chill out, she's here....." He start off until he realise that she went missing

He immediately put on his shirt and pants. Does he not know?

"Jimin, quit your acting. You did this didn't you. Why don't you admit that you stole her's," I growled at him

"Now, I remember yoongi had tested out a serum on me. A serum that allow me to ensure that she will bear a child. The downfall is that I feel extreme pain and had to take it away to cool myself," he explain

"She must have escape while you were knockout. Why did your hyung do such a thing? Now, we have nothing to get to the lab," I growled out

"Now, I wouldn't say nothing," A familiar voice spoke

I turn to face taehyung and to only see a terrified expression on his face. That means that they found us. I slowly turn around and only to be face with the people that we ran from.

"The three of you are in big trouble, now that you lost her. We have a lot of ground to cover," namjoon said, smirking

"Let's get a move on then," jin said

With that yoongi and hobi hyung grab jimin's as well as taehyung's wrist, while jin and namjoon grab mine. 

"Now bunny, your punishment would be to stay away from our little mouse. If I caught you near her, I'll make sure that your offsprings will never exist," namjoon hyung threaten into my ear

I nodded my head, understanding. My offsprings are on the line now...

"I need words bunny," Jin whisper next

"Yes sir," I said

They both smile in appreciation and we proceed to head out into the woods. Layla, you better be prepare. We're coming for you and escape won't be as easy.


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