~Chapter 18~

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Layla's pov:

I need to leave. I quickly left the bed and explore the bedroom. I wonder who's room that I'm in. Whoever it is seem, they have a nice room. Although, The room seem plain to most people but it reflects who the person is. I remember sky said that if you ever were in someone else room, you should always observe what they have in the room and how tidy it is. Cause the room would reflect who the person is. It seem like the person is a minimalist as there's not a lot of stuff in room but books and pictures of them. The colour of the room is black and white which is a nice colour for the room. As I kept walking, I trip on an object.

"Ugh...is that my bag?" I questioned as I look into the bag's contents

Yeah, its mine. I quickly look through as I wanted to see what I could use to set myself free from this room. I look around from where I seated and spot a window. I got off the floor and look out the door to see that I'm on the third story. If I jump off, I'll surely sprain my ankle. A sprain ankle is useless in this apocalypse. I need a better way out. Jimin!!! Of course, he seem guilty when he left. If I could build on that guilt, maybe he could set me free. One thing that I need to do is understand how my antidote works on them.

'Ugh...I need to do some reading,' I groan as I pick up the journal again

Jimin's pov:

Hoseok and yoongi entered the kitchen to prepare a meal for layla. As taehyung and I sat at the dinning table, watching them work in the kitchen.

"Rest assured, jimin. She'll come around eventually," Hobi said, trying to cheer me up

I could only sigh as I look at the directions of the stairs. I hope hyung is right though.

"Yeah, minnie. She'll come around and when she does, the both of us can play house with her," Tae suggest

"Yeah okay," I sigh

"If you want, you can feed her. I'm just about done with her lunch," yoongi said as he place her food on the tray

"I can?" I questioned

"Yeah, sure. Just be careful," He said

I got off my seat and made my way to yoongi. I pick up the tray from the counter as I made my way upstairs. Hopefully, she'll forgive me and we can go back to becoming best of friends or maybe even lovers. Oh, the things that we could do together. Once I approach the door, I gave it a knock. I heard a huff and a small whisper of come in.

"I brought food," I said as I enter the room

I made my way to the table as I walk past her. Once placed, I turn to face her. I smile sweetly at her as I approach her.

"What do you want?" She mumble as she faced away from me

"I want to feed you," I sigh as I forcefully pulled her from the floor

Knowing that she will deny eating the food that we made for her. This is for her own good until she completely trust us.

"I can do it by myself," She huffed as she try to remove herself from me

"I know you can but you're my little baby," I sigh happily, finally able to place her on top of my lap

"I'm not a baby," She mumbled as she try to push my arms away

"What was that?" I ask, Once she open her mouth, I shove a spoonful of food into her mouth

I don't even want to think about her escaping when I finally got her back. Some of my memories return while I was with taehyung. The times where she sneak down to the lab, just to see us and play with us. We were happy that is until her dad found out and wipe her memory of us clean. That angered us and that's where my memory got jumbled. Now, everytime I want to remember that time, all I see is us eating human flesh. 

"Jimin, you're done," I hear layla complain

"Oh, sorry," I apologise as I realise that I have been feeding her air for the past five minutes.

"You should leave," Layla said as I allowed her to get off my lap

"You know, you'll love it here," I sigh as I place everything on the tray

"Did you lie to me in the beginning?" She ask

"I didn't lie about actually having a brother but at the shop, yoongi was the one who help set it up with the help of hoseok," I told her as I left her

Its best that I be honest with her. After everything that I did to her, she at least needs to know about the truth of our meeting. I never intended for the situation to be like this but I got to do what I need to. I just hope that over time, she finds it in her heart to forgive.



Test subject #6:

-Cold and expressionless look

-Show bear minimum of affection

-Does eat human flesh

-Buttheads with test subject #1 and # 3

-First introduction to girl, nothing happen (He observes)

-Second time, almost eat her and fed her human flesh

-Unstable if provoked

-As smart as test subject #1 (Don't be fooled)


A double update because I have the time. Yesterday, I receive my results and  did not do so well but I still manage to graduate. I'm moving on to my next step of education which is Higher Nitec or more known as collage. That is also under reason for a double update.

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