~Chapter 17~

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Yoongi's pov:

"Jimin did it," I said as we stare at the cute sleeping beauty on our bed

He is right. She's like a living doll. I'm sure taehyung would love to play dress up with her. I wonder what else we could do with her. A sharp pain hit my head as I continue to stare at her.


Ugh...what was that? It doesn't matter as I shake away the voice that was in my head.

"Yeah, he did. Keep an eye on her. I promise jimin that I'll give him a treat," Hobi said as he left the room, smirking

Before he left, he gave me a kiss on my lips and gave one to layla's forehead too. Once he left, I make my way to the sleeping beauty. Hmm... so this is Hoshi's little girl. She's grown up so much since we last saw her. I wonder if she could fix all seven of our memories. Its all jumbled up and is in a mess. I wonder if hoshi was still alive would he be happy that we have his precious antidote.

"You must be real special if you have caught jimin's attention this quickly," I mumbled as I carry on staring at her

A knock interrupt my thoughts. I know who is outside that door. It's our taehyungie.

"Hyung, can I see her?" I heard tae's voice from outside

"You can but be as quite as a mouse," I warn him as he open the door

"I will," he promise

He slowly approach the sleeping girl and gave a kiss on her forehead. Does he remember her or did he grown attach to her already? Knowing tae, it will be the latter and I bet he can't wait to play house with her.

"Hyung, she's really here," He whispered in awe

I wonder if he remembers...

"Do you remember your memories back at the lab?" I questioned

"A little but its still a little jumbled and missing. If she is the antidote that means that she can cure us and bring back our memories," tae said with hope lace in his voice

"Why do you want her to remain as an antidote? Hobi found a way to reverse it and we can use her to only change walkers into advancements," I said, curious

"Hyung, don't you want to remember what life was like before the pandemic? Its not that I don't want her to be an antidote for the walkers. I just kinda want her to fix us so that we can get our memory back that's all. Everything is still a little fuzzy for me," tae said, pouting a little

"I understand but we'll see what Hobi and I could do. I'm gonna get a drink. Do you want anything?" I ask as I get off the bed

"No, hyung and maybe get a glass of water for her too. She might be thirsty when she wakes up later," Tae said

"Alright, call us immediately if she wakes up," I said and left the room after seeing him nodding his head

I'm sure that its safe for me to let him take care of her until I get back.

Taehyung's pov:

As soon as hyung left the room, I lowered the blanket and pulled her shirt below her collar. There I could see the small mark that a man called Kookie and I implanted on her when she was a toddler. So far only that part of the memory is the only thing that I had before it jumbled to another man eating flesh in front of eyes. If this antidote really works, I could possible remember all my precious memories  with them and her. The sound of a groan woke me up from my thoughts. I quickly got off the bed and made my way to the door.

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