~Chapter 6~

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Layla's pov: 

"Morning jimin, ready?" I ask him as I lift up two bags that were near me

"Yep, there's a car at the back ready for us to use and get to the middle of the city. You should grab the two bags and make your way there. I'll make the two trips from the car to the shop while you stay in the car for your safety," jimin suggest as he look at the bags around us

"Okay but about yesterday, I wanna ask you about the walkers. Why were they trembling at the sight of you?" I ask

"Well, maybe it was your eyes that was playing a trick on you. They weren't trembling and isn't it normal for them to behave that way," jimin said, smiling at me

"I guess so," I said, unsure

Maybe it was just my eyes playing a trick on me is all. I make my way to the door and took a peek outside and not a single walker is insight. I hope it stays that way for the time being.

"I'm making my way now. Watch my back," I said as I open the door

"Of course, I will. Go ahead. I've got your back," Jimin said as he kept a close eye on the path to the back entrance of the mall

I took a deep breath and dashed back to the back alleyway. Surprisingly, not a single walker appears in front of me. I walk up to the car and open the trunk to place the bags in. After placing my bags, jimin appeared behind me with his own set of bags.

"Did you just leave after me?" I ask, shock

"Well, I doubt anyone would enter the shop since we boarded up the place quite nicely. Besides you've got the medical and food supplies in that as well as in mine. I'll make the last trip and we'll make our way through the city to find namjoon. You should see more clues in that letter of yours," Jimin said as he went back into the mall

Something is not right about jimin but who am I to judge but luckily, I grab the journal before jimin could realise that it was missing. I quickly enter the car and sat in the backseat of the car as I open my letter from my brother. I reread the letter a bunch of times but I found not a single clue on how to find namjoon or what does he look like. Why can't you give me a clue, woozi? I groan a little as I realise that I found not a single clue within his letter.

"Found nothing then?" Jimin voice out from the front

Did he sneak up on me?  How is he so silent? What is this sorcery? 

"Ah!!! why are you so silent? Don't do that," I freak out a little as I place a hand over my heart

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not going to do that again. Forgive me please," he apologise as he bowed a little from the front

"It's okay. We should make our way to the city now," I said as I put away the letter

He nodded his head and start the car up. This is going to be one long car ride for sure. I stare out the window watching the scenery pass by. I slowly close my eye as the sound of the engine soothe me to sleep. A little sleep wouldn't hurt anyone, right?

Jimin's Pov:

From the mirror, I could see layla sleeping soundlessly as I drive through the city. I smirk slightly at her adorable  sleeping posture. I took out my own little walkie-talkie after rechecking that she really is asleep. Here's my opportunity.

"Hey suga hyung, I've got the perfect girl for the four of us to share," I said as I place it on the passenger seat beside me

"Really, what's so special about her? We still got the girl that v  has here. Although, Hobi  is getting annoyed with her already," he said

I could hear screaming and begging at the background. I guess v and hobi are having fun.

"Well for one she's a little different from that brat. She's way prettier. You know how and hobi hyung gets with pretty things. She is also sweet and absolutely naive as well as super submissive which I know you love," I said, smirking 

I didn't hear an answer back as static sounds as well as a shut up greeted me through the walkie-talkie. He seems to be thinking through this. She's perfect for us all and I think he admits that.

"Bring her quick. We'll kill the brat here and prepare the girl a room," he said as I heard a bang through the call

I guess that was the last straw for hobi considering that he killed instantaneously. 

"That was quick. We'll be there in three days or maybe earlier. I've got some misleading to do. See you soon," I said

"See ya and you better make sure that those pesky walkers don't get her before we get our hands on her," he said as he ends the call

Of course, hyung. I won't let anything harm our new doll. Oh layla, maybe you should have stayed with that sky and now, you'll be forever stuck with a room full of advancements. I store back the walkie-talkie and kept my eyes on the sweet doll. Your tears won't last long as long as you're with us. I sped through the city, smirking a little...

You're never leaving us...



Here's an update and sorry its been a while cause I've been busy with school and my finally year end examination. I'll try to update again at the end of this month. Hope you guys enjoy this book so far.

Happy  Birthday Namjoon!!!

Happy  Birthday Namjoon!!!

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