~Chapter 2~

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Layla's pov:

After a few hours of sky leaving me in Korea to fend for myself. Kinda a little upset with that but he kept his promise and he did say that he wanted to find his siblings as soon as possible. I really do hope that they are all safe and sound including nothing will harm them along the way. I quickly find a safe place for me to hide from any walkers or advancement which I did as I enter what seems to be an empty mall. I quickly hid behind an empty counter and cover my area from any on-looking walkers. Now, I'm really wishing that I at least knew someone in Korea. I quickly took out woozi's map as I stare at it for a while before flipping it to the back. He wrote a few things for me to help me find my uncle.

Hey sis,

I'm so sorry that I left you all alone in this world. I wrote you this letter assuming that one day that I'll leave you behind. I must have died recently if you are reading this now. I wish I was there with you now. You must be pretty scared of being alone there in Korea. Before you go jumping to find our uncle, I need you to go look for my friend. His name is namjoon. He'll be able to help you find our uncle. Just give him your map and he'll be happy to help you. I'm truly sorry and please don't die on me or our family. Remember you're the key to save our lives.



After reading the letter, I could only sigh as now I had to also look for this namjoon person. How am I supposed to find him now? He could be anywhere in Korea and its not like woozi had given me a picture of him or anything. It's not like Korea is a small country either. If only woozi could have given me some kind of clue to look for him, It'll be much easier to find him then. I sigh in disappointment as I stare up at the sky trying to guess the time of day. It's going to be night soon. I better go find a safe place to sleep before it gets dark. I do not need trouble to come after me when I just arrive. I quickly took a peek from where I'm hiding to look around my surrounding. Seem to be safe enough. I left my hiding spot and made my way to the furniture shop. Why the furniture shop? Is because I can and that it is the only shop that is heavily boarded up. Now, I know you would be screaming at me saying how it is unsafe and that I shouldn't even think about entering it. Then again what is life without a little risk nowadays?


I carefully open the door and enter as quietly as I possibly could. I scout the whole store, looking out for any wandering walker or even an advancement. As I was about to open a seemingly ajar wardrobe, a head pop out of it.

"AH-" The dude cut off my screaming by slamming his hands to my mouth

I glare at him slightly as he smiles sheepishly at me. Who does he think he is? Slamming his hands up to my mouth all willy nilly. Someone should teach him some manners.

"I'm sorry but we shouldn't be screaming out here in the open considering the situation outside,"He apologises as he let go of his hand

"What do you mean?" I question

"Take a look outside through that peephole that I made as a lookout," he said as he pointed behind me

I quickly took a look through the peephole and spot a small herd of walkers roaming around the mall. How did I not see that when I arrive? Was I that dense to see that herd or could it be that they heard my short yell? I back out from looking at the herd as I stare at what I'm assuming a 20 or maybe a 24-year-old boy.

"Since we are stuck here together. Let me introduce myself. I'm jimin and I'm 23 years old. You are?" He introduces as he sat on the floor near the boarded door

I was so close on that age.

"I'm Layla and I'm 20 years old. What are you doing here alone?" I ask him as I join him on the floor too

"I was about to ask you the same thing but I'll answer yours first. I was with my family when the virus broke out. I managed to survive along with my brother but sadly, I found out that my parents were eaten by the walkers as I watch them being devoured on their bed. We ran from our childhood home and we made it to the mall. My brother started to board up this furniture shop as you can see. We also installed a fridge here and electricity for heat as well as other stuff. We've been staying here for about a year. A week ago, he sacrificed himself for my safety when we went out to get more food and medical supplies as we were running out of it. Since then, I've been on my own until you came in," He explained his background

I stare at him in awe as he did not shed a single tear throughout the story but here I am crying a little. That must have been devastating to witness your parents being devoured by those creatures. Luckily, I did not get to witness my parents passing in such a brutal manner more like a natural manner.

"What about you?" He asks after a while

Oh boy, where do I begin...


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