~Chapter 19~

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You guys won't be seeing junkook, jin and namjoon for quite sometime. I'm just building the story up now but not to worry, you'll see them sooner or later. Also, things re about to get interesting. Have a nice day, everyone.


Hoseok's pov:

I'm in the lab that is located in the basement with yoongi. We've been working on a serum that could reverse Hoshi's antidote. It's almost complete we just need her blood and cooperation. We had the serum made but after yoongi told me what taehyung wanted. We had to make a few adjustments. Its not that big of an adjustments but there's still a need for some alteration. Its not that hard as we've been watching hoshi made that antidote for years.

"We need jimin to convince her to give up some of her blood," I said as I face him

"I doubt she'll let him near her again. The betrayal is hurting her. We could have taehyungie convince her instead," Yoongi suggest

"Why not both? It'll be a double threat and taehyungie has been wanting to play house already," I said as I remove yoongi's and my gloves

"I'll get jimin and taehyung now," With that he left the lab

Once I know that he left the lab, I make my way to the security cameras. From the screen, I can see yoongi talking to jimin and taehyung. From another screen, I can see layla reading her dad's journal. That is another we need to be in our hands. Why didn't we took it while she was drugged? Ugh, nevermind that. I can just take it again later.

Soon...everything will return to normal...

Layla's pov:

Ugh...I should've pay attention to science class in the past. I'm totally regretting it now. Dad would be upset with me if he were still alive. All I know is that my antidote, just cures them. I wonder if jimin knows more about this antidote business.  My thoughts were interrupted by a knock coming from outside the door. Oh, I wonder who could it be? Maybe its sky...no, of course not. Its them...

"What?" I ask as I hid both the bag and the book

I know that they're spying on me at this very moment. I'll probably move it again once I know that everyone is asleep. I might need to sleep here a little more longer.

"May we come in?" I heard taehyung's voice from outside

Should I let them in? I think that I should if I want to earn their trust and then betray them where they least expect it. Just like what jimin did to me.

"Is jimin with you?" I ask, hoping that he isn't

As much as I am hoping that he isn't there, he is equally important for my escape plan. I'm seriously not going to stay here any much longer. That's for sure.

"Yes, I just want your forgiveness. Please give me a second chance," said boy, plead

This is a great opportunity. Hopefully, its not one that I'll truly regret.

"Ugh, fine but stay a meter away from me," I told them

I heard them opening the door and soon followed by their footsteps. I did not face them immediately as I want to know their intentions first.

"What do you want?" I ask as I face the two shy boys

"We just want to ask you about your day. That's all," taehyung said, smiling

Like anyone would believe that. I rolled my eyes and slowly face them.

"It's going great, Did you know that I made four amazing friends. Would you like to meet them?" I ask, sarcastically

Both boys smiled sheepishly at me as they both sat on the bed.

"I know that this isn't one of the best way for a first impression. Why don't we introduce each other properly," Taehyung suggest

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, curious about their actions

If this is one of their acts, I'll be so mad. I'll never forgive jimin if it is.

"Huh?" They said, confused

"Like being nice to me and wanting a fresh start. Don't you want me to be your slave or what not?" I ask

"You're silly. We might be advancements but we're still humans in the inside. Just like those walkers. You might see them eating human flesh like nobodies business and they don't have a brain at all. However, did you ever stop to think that they're just searching food for the sake of survival. They were once human too you know, they're just a little different than us. Sometimes, the most inhumane creatures isn't us but the humans," Taehyung answered

"I never thought about it that way. What made you realise this?" I ask as I got up from the floor and approach them

"Seat in between us and I'll tell you about how we meet and why I start to think in such a manner," taehyung said

"Alright but if you both do anything weird, I have the right to push you out of the room. Deal," I said

"Deal," They said, smiling



Test Subject #7:

-A potential leader

-Quite an observant

-When introduce to a girl, he observes and then play questionnaire with her

-Proceed to deem her unworthy and request for her to leave

-Every girl that came by was unworthy until he met my daughter

-Very intelligent so don't be fooled by him


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