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In the weeks that followed after the yes vote passed in Altura life seemed to become as simple and beautiful as it had been before Estes' plot had begun to unfold. There were several meetings discussing policies and various constitutions that of course they had elections for, along with Altura electing its first official leader though Bailey wasn't sure she'd really call it an election. George had been the prime candidate and no one had run against her but she refused to assume leadership over a people unless she won it fairly. One of her very first orders of business had been rebuilding the militia of Altura, she'd appointed Warren as her sheriff and Warren had turned to 10K when she'd been assembling the able bodied who'd volunteered to be guards. He wouldn't be leading the others but he and two other guards would be co-supervisors and would oversee things like training and scheduling. With Sun Mei gone George had appointed Red as head of the infirmary and the lab. Since she'd been training under Sun Mei the longest it made sense to turn the reins over to her. She had been both flattered and honored and spent much of her time in the lab just as Sun Mei had. Bailey was happy for her friend's position and visited her whenever she could to see if she needed any additional help but she seemed fully capable and was settling into her new job well. Doc, who had also offered to help Red whenever she needed it, had also found another job in Altura. In the days that followed Estes' arrest it was very clear that he left a wake of destruction and not just the physical kind. There were several citizens dealing with PTSD and other symptoms after living through such trauma and Red had given Doc an office in the infirmary wing where he would tend to the mentally injured in need of care. He became Altura's first psychiatrist and so far he'd been thoroughly enjoying it. Speaking of Estes, it was still to-be-determined what to do with him. Altura had no justice system yet and Bailey knew Warren and George were working hard to get that up and running as soon as possible. She'd even heard a rumor that George had called Ray into her office several times to get his opinion, given his experience.

Murphy, though he was now allowed in Altura along with the blends and Talkers, had gone back to Limbo and had taken Sun Mei's brain with him. Bailey wasn't the only one who worried what he'd cook up in the basement of his club but Addy, who had decided to return to Heartland and be with Finn, had promised Warren that since Heartland supplied the flour to the bakers –who were so conveniently living in Limbo now baking bizkits – that she'd check in on Murphy when she'd help Finn make deliveries. With the politics coming together so did other aspects of Newmerica like importing and exporting. Now that the other outposts weren't being bombed they were back to making and shipping their own supplies to other outposts which Bailey found comforting since that was her position in the community. It was very reassuring once shipments of fruit, veggies and honey from the High Plains and fish from the Islanders started pouring in and lining the shelves of the supply and storage building. It helped not only her but all the other citizens believe that Newmerica could really be within reach. However right now it was the textiles from the Inlanders and lumber from the Tree Dwellers that they were most thankful for. They were in Canada after all and winter was starting to show signs that it was on its way. CZ said they had plenty of time to prepare but he was still working on getting a weather satellite back under his control, Altura might be better off than a lot of the other outposts when it came to technology but it still was no NSA camp.

Citizen Z and Kaya, who were living here now with Nana and JZ while Pacifica was going through repairs, had begun working on getting more radio, computer and television systems in place. Altura was one of the few with so many technological advancements like security cameras, lights and radio. Working with Hackerville, Citizen Z hoped that once some of the more luxurious aspects were up and running smoothly he could travel to the other outposts and set them up just as nicely.

Right now Bailey was in her trailer going through the ration box she had for the week and was putting the food she'd gotten away in the cabinets of the small kitchen. Since 10K had moved in they now got a bigger supply since it had to feed two people but they still had been going to the mess hall pretty frequently to get meals with the others. If there was any food people thought they wouldn't use before it went bad they were free to trade it at the market of tents that nearly always lined Altura's courtyard. Bailey tried not to waste too much and had gotten better at cooking as she looked for new ways to use the food she was allotted. 10K hadn't complained so far, actually, he'd always scarfed every meal she'd cooked since he'd moved in and she got this fuzzy feeling in her chest at the thought that this was the kind of relationship people had Pre-Z and she was still wrapping her mind around the fact that this was her life and it wasn't all some great dream she was afraid of waking up from. She'd had the same fuzzy feeling the day 10K had moved in.

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