S2E06: Part 1

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S2E06: Part 1

Springfield, Illinois

As if they didn't run into enough trouble before, now they had a baby sized zombie magnet. It couldn't have been past noon and they were already swarmed on all sides. They were in between several brick buildings in the city's downtown where apparently an Abraham Lincoln look- a-like festival had been going on in celebration of the former president– if the banner on the crashed bus next to them was any indication. Addy and Bailey were fighting back to back swinging at the oncoming Z's. 10K had climbed up onto the roof of a car and was using his slingshot to shoot gears into the zombie's heads while Doc fought with an old baseball bat. Warren and Vasquez weren't far and also stood back to back as they shot at anything that got close.

"Come on!" Doc shouted swirling the bat in the air before catching it again and Bailey and Addy ran to help him out. Addy used a nearby truck to pivot off of and drove her Z Whacker in the nearest Z's head as Bailey hopped into the bed and used the sides as a barrier so the Z's couldn't get to her but she could easily drive her hatchet into their skulls. In the carnage Murphy had been backed up to a van while Cassandra pushed the Z's away from him and baby Lucy.

"Doc!" Murphy shouted as they got swarmed and he tossed the baby to him. Doc dropped his bat and caught the baby before running into the bus, he shot out moments later followed by a pack of Abe Lincoln Z's.

"What in God's name?" Warren exclaimed.

"Oh, good you see them too." Doc said relieved, "Addy hot potato." He tossed the baby to her making her throw her Z Whacker to the ground. Then she tossed the baby to Warren as 10K leapt off the car and shot a Z that had been going after the Chief as she took off with Lucy. Addy picked up her bat again as she and 10K helped Doc fight off the Abe Lincolns. Bailey helped Vasquez cover Warren as she pulled out her knife with her free hand. Even holding a baby Warren got a few shots in until finally, they ran out of zombies to kill.

"This was so wrong." Doc said picking up and putting on an Abe Lincoln hat. Bailey put her hatchet back in her belt as she pushed her bangs out of her face, she'd undone her braid a while ago and now had half of her hair pulled back in a ponytail while the rest of her hair and bangs hung in her face. She was catching her breath as Murphy took Lucy back from Warren and started talking in baby gibberish earning him strange looks from everyone in the group.

"What?" he asked as Warren shook her head and they all began making their way back into the forest where they'd found a reasonable spot earlier to temporarily camp out. 10K made his way over to Bailey and tugged her by the arm.

"We need to talk." Was all he said as he led her away from the others and over to one of the brick buildings that surrounded them. They stopped by one of the building entrances where a small green awning was hanging over a small set of concrete stairs. 10K seemed nervous but determined as he stopped and turned to her.

"Bailey what happened after the nuke –"

"10K --" she began, shaking her head as she tried to step around him but he immediately leaned forward and rested both hands by her head against the brick wall behind her effectively boxing her in.

"We need to talk about it." He insisted, "I need to know why you did it." He said slowly like he was still having trouble voicing his thoughts.

"The reason for kissing somebody is usually obvious Ten." She said trying to keep the implied 'duh' from her tone.

He swallowed nervously before licking his lip, "I know what the normal reasons are. I just want to make sure it wasn't an . . . apocalypse reason." He saw the look of confusion she gave him and he turned his head away for a second before looking back at her, though he kept his arms where they were to cage her. "You know that feeling you get? When you're up against more Z's than you can take, or another group that's trying to kill you, or a . . . nuke? When you almost die but then you. . . don't. You get that adrenaline rush and you're just happy to still be alive?" she nodded slowly, understanding perfectly what he was saying, "I just want to be sure that wasn't the reason why you did. . . what you did. Every time I tried to talk to you about it you seemed like you'd rather forget it, and when I was stuck in that barn dying of anthrax I hated the idea of dying and not knowing, but I couldn't ask you because I was afraid you'd leave. I thought, maybe, it had just been an in the moment adrenaline thing and now you were regretting it. I didn't want to push you to talk to me about it but. . . I gotta know."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang