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I was so excited to post this chapter. I'm so proud of how it came out, mostly because I take Bailey's story on a turn I haven't seen anyone else do, so I hope you enjoy it!


Bailey POV – flashback

They heard an engine approach the gate to Mercy Labs and everyone went to see the Man step out from a vehicle with a body across his shoulders. The person he carried had a sack over their head so Bailey couldn't tell who it was, though she did feel a sense of relief that it wasn't one of her people. The Man was bald and had broad strong shoulders but that wasn't the surprising part to Bailey, what shocked her was how well he dressed, in a light grey suit, dress shirt and vest and not a drop of blood on any of it.  When they'd told them this man was collecting people Bailey expected more of a dirty apocalyptic blood covered bounty hunter type like Vasquez – speaking of, where had he run off to anyway? Bailey shook her head, if he had snuck off to check that damn Spanish radio again and missed out on all the action she'd have to make sure Warren slapped him for it.

"There you are." The Man said looking through the bars of the gate at the boy behind Red.  "We were worried sick. When we popped the trunk and you weren't there we thought maybe the zombie had eaten you. Glad to see you're A-okay." He said in a calm polite voice before he threw the body to the ground, "Unfortunately, one of your guards misunderstood our intentions when we came back to check on the boy's welfare. So we had to show him mercy. How 'bout we avoid any other misunderstandings by you turning over the doctor to me. Now."

"You said we had twenty four hours." One survivor called to him.

"I know. I lied. Tell the doctor to present himself right now, or bad shit's gonna happen. It's time for you to step up!"

Then Warren took a step forward, "I am Doctor Teller."

Then Addy followed Warren's example, "I am Doctor Teller."

Then more people from Mercy Labs spoke up too. A man with a scraggly beard stepped up. "I am Doctor Teller."

Then a woman, "I am Doctor Teller."

Then Doc, "I am Doctor Teller."

"I am Doctor Teller." Red called.

"I am Doctor Teller." "I am Doctor Teller." Two more men from the lab shouted.

"I am Doctor Teller." Bailey said with one hand on her hatchet.

"I am Doctor Teller." 10K said after her, his rifle around his shoulder and his hands in his pockets.

"I am Doctor Teller." "I am Doctor Teller." "I am Doctor Teller." "I am Doctor Teller."

Then the Man looked around at them, "I see the doctor has made some new friends. Spartacus is one of my favorite movies. You all remember how it turns out? Spartacus and all of his. . . clones are crucified, upside down. Gotta admit, the Romans did have style."

"Why don't you let these people be?" Warren asked with an edge in her tone that said it would end badly for him if he didn't. But the Man only stepped up to the gate getting as close to Warren as was possible.

"And you are?"

"Dr. Teller." she replied with a straight face.

"All right. If that's how you want to play this I'll give you a little more time to think through the consequences of. . . cooperating. I'll return at the originally scheduled time. Have the real Doctor Teller waiting or I will find him. Through process of elimination." Then he turned back to Warren, "Don't be a hero." He advised.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora