S2E05: Part 2

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S2E05: Part 2

Addy POV

"Most towns are on Route 22." the leader, Jacob was telling her, Warren and Vasquez.

"Which means most have been picked over by now." Vasquez deducted.

"Mr. Epp at the next farm, he found supplies in Edgewood. Not so many English know this town, and there is a small pharmacy there." Jacob explained.

"Why haven't you gone?" Warren asked.

"Too far. Too dangerous, without a buggy. And we lost our horses to the schwoat doot."

"Well Vasquez and I can take the truck." Addy suggested.

"Good and I'll be here for the second coming." Warren said before walking away.

"Can I go with you?" Jacob asked Addy as Vasquez headed for the truck. She hesitated before answering, "This town is not easy to find. And maybe there are also things useful for my community."

"Okay. Yeah. Sure. Uh. . . you navigate, I've got shotgun." Addy agreed after a moment.

"Yeah, yeah, good. Shotgun is good for schwoat doot." Jacob said excited.

"Schwoat doot?" Addy questioned.

"Uh. . ." Jacob began trying to explain, then did an impersonation of a zombie growl.

"Oh, zombies." Addy smiled nodding her head in understanding.



"That is also good for zombies." Jacob said pointing to her Z Whacker.

"Oh, yes, very good. Wanna try?" Addy asked holding out her bat.

"Oh. . ." Jacob seemed unsure but after an encouraging nod from Addy he took it, "Yeah."

"Knock yourself out." Addy said as he swung it around as they headed for the truck.

Bailey POV

10K woke up just as Bailey had gotten a fresh cloth for his head.

"Thanks." He muttered still groggy as she dabbed the cloth to his head wiping away the sweat and trying to help his fever break. "I liked your story, you're a good writer." He said now a bit more awake.

Bailey chuckled a little bit, "Thanks Ten, but the compliment would mean a bit more if your mind wasn't fever ridden and Cipro drugged." She joked and he laughed, she felt her spirit rise a bit at seeing him smile but that good feeling didn't last long. Almost immediately 10K's laughter turned to coughing as he turned onto his side and coughed up a mouthful of dark blood. Bailey rushed to get a clean cloth from the bowl of water and immediately got to wiping the blood from his mouth.

"Go." He coughed getting up the last of it, "Please go. I don't want you to catch this."

Bailey helped him lie back down and get as comfortable as he could. "I'm not going anywhere until you're better."

"I'm not going to get better Bailey." He said as she fixed his blanket again and he took her hand.

"Yes you are. We need you, the group needs you." She said holding his hand tighter, "I need you. You promised, remember, you promised I wouldn't lose anyone else, that you'd be here." She said her tone begging as she reminded him of what he said when they'd left Mack and Addy in Utah and the promise he made after they left Cassandra when her infection had become too much for her to carry on. 10K just looked at her staring her dead in the eye for a long time before he spoke.

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