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George had met back up with Warren after her debrief with the Man. He struck her as a very professional individual, maybe not someone to easily trust, but someone who worked hard and got his jobs done. Warren was a tough nut to crack though as George tried to talk to her but she seemed to not want to hear one more word about the Man.

"What exactly happened with him and your group in the past?" she asked but Warren only held up a finger to her.

"Do you hear that?" she asked with a tilt of her head and they both listened.


"Is that 10K?" Warren asked before taking off and George sprinted following behind her as they followed the sound of 10K's shouting.


He sprinted toward TJ as he fell into the dirt, 10K slid like a baseball player running for home plate which landed him right by TJ's side as his son grabbed his bloody shirt and curled up in pain. 10K rolled him onto his back and moved his tiny hands placing his wrist over the wound and adding pressure with his good hand. TJ's breaths were more like little gasps and 10K worried that the bullet hit something important. It wasn't a low shot like when he'd been hit in Auntie's, this bullet hit higher and 10K was worried that it had hit a lung and was making it harder for TJ to breathe. Please not a lung, please not a lung, he repeated praying in his head as he tried to stay calm.

"Pa." TJ choked out but he couldn't get out any more.

"It's okay TJ, it's okay." 10K tried to reassure him before turning and shouting over his shoulder, "HELP! I NEED A MEDIC OVER HERE!"

Then he looked back down at TJ who was looking straight up at the sky with tears in his green eyes. 10K's own breathing started to come quicker as the panic set in and quickly took over. This was worse than losing his father, as terrible as that had been, but TJ was his kid, he was this little person that 10K had been protecting and caring for since the day he was born. It was his job, the most important job, that he made sure TJ was alright, and right now he was failing - miserably.

"I don't want to die Pa." his little boy groaned making tears sting his father's matching eyes.

"You're not going to die TJ, I promise. You're going to be okay." He said not sure if it was a promise he could keep, but he was unable to fathom the alternative.

"HELP!" he shouted over his shoulder again hoping someone would hear it. It felt like they were the only two in the world – and not in a good way. No one was around, they had all scattered when Estes had run through shooting randomly. One rogue bullet must have somehow hit TJ, Estes was bad but he wouldn't intentionally shoot a child would he? 10K felt cold, like the blood TJ was losing was still a part of him and as the life drained out of TJ it drained out of his father too.

"Baby boy!" he heard a shout through the grey fog in his head and turned to see Warren and George running over to them.

"Oh my God." George gasped when she saw him kneeling above TJ whose shirt was getting more soaked with blood by the minute. She ripped her radio from her belt and called in help while Warren knelt beside him on the ground and helped apply pressure.

"Hang in there TJ, okay?" Warren said softly, her tone gentle. Then she looked at 10K, "Hey, you good?"

He nodded, though it was a bit shaky.

"I need you to keep it together until EMT's get here okay?"

He nodded again, this time firmer, Warren knew he didn't have to be told that but her saying it just helped keep it in the forefront of his mind. TJ comes first, his own emotional spiral could wait. He pressed harder knowing he might hurt TJ but in the long run it could help save his life. The team George had called arrived soon after and got TJ on a stretcher and rushed him to the same place they'd taken Addy just a couple hours earlier.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora