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"Broadcasting to all outposts. Broadcasting to all outposts. This is Citizen Z with an emergency announcement. A high profile criminal from Altura has escaped custody. All outposts are to be on the lookout for one Roman Estes. He's a white male of average height, dark hair, beady eyes. Last seen fleeing Altura and headed south. If seen all outposts are advised to engage and detain. Prisoner is highly skilled with technology and robotics, keep him contained at all costs. Prisoner has a history of attempted homicide, arson, Talker discrimination and genocide, and employing, aiding and abetting murderers.

Repeat this is Citizen Z with an emergency broadcast to all outposts. A high profile criminal –"

Addy moved quickly around the farmhouse gathering what she'd need for a long trip as quickly as she could. Finn was by the bedroom door leaning against the frame watching her with his arms crossed but his usual carefree expression was on his face.

"So you're just going to go out, track down Estes and –"

"And beat the crap out of him before dragging his ass back to Altura." She said as she shut her drawstring backpack throwing it over one shoulder and resting her Z Whacker on the other.

"I don't like the idea of you going after that guy alone." Finn said giving her those sad eyes that he knew worked every time.

"You can't stop me." She said calmly, looking at him with a blank but stern look. "He's the reason Dante is dead, he's the reason his wife Margery and dozens of other Talkers and humans are dead. He's –"

"I know I can't stop you, but –"

"You can't come with me either." She said her tone getting softer as she approached him. "The Talkers here need you. We need to harvest our wheat so Ma and her sons can make the bizkits that keep this place running. And with Estes on the loose he may try and target the outposts that make the bizkits possible like he did last time. The sooner he's locked up again the better it is for everyone."

She walked past him and down the stairs as he followed and asked, "Why didn't George hang that guy from a rafter again?"

"Part of this Newmerican dream she's got." Addy said stopping at the front door, "We can't just give the death penalty to everyone. There needs to be a just civil system to keep the peace. Like it was Pre-Z."

"I'm not sure it will ever be the way it was Pre-Z." Finn said.

Addy ran her thumb over the bite on her hand that Lucy had given her to save her life after she'd pushed the Man over that cliff so long ago.

"I know." She muttered. Then she stepped closer to Finn and kissed him, "Make sure this place doesn't crash and burn while I'm gone."

She opened the door as Finn chuckled, "Love you too."

She smiled back at him before stepping off the porch and heading south, her grip on her Z Whacker tightening as she thought about giving a few swings at Estes' face.


They'd spent a good hour or two sorting out guard duty. They locked down every entrance to Altura so Estes couldn't sneak back in, the last thing any of them wanted was him getting desperate and threating an innocent citizen. When things had calmed down enough George had called 10K and Dave into a meeting while the other guards held their posts. He walked into the conference room in the community building to find George standing at the head of the table with a map of Newmerica in front of her. Red was there too tending to Brendan, the guard who had been the one on cell duty when Estes broke out. He had a wound on his head and a swollen eye, Estes must have put up quite a fight.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now